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File metadata and controls

120 lines (94 loc) · 7.23 KB

Okay so this is the layout of the project from the highest level, i'll put the key after

WRayLib3d (Unity-Like Application) + Core (Module) - Build Manager Handles the Building of Projects (WRLP) Into full native executables (planned support: Win32/64 (NSIS Executable), UWP, MacOS, iOS*, Linux
Application, Android*, Wasm), It may need a companion Launcer Manager.

    - Resource Bundler
        Handles The compiling of all project 3d Assets (and associated assets) into .AssetBundles which are 
        accessed at runtime. AssetBundles can be thought of like onion data structure, 
        ie: AssetBundle([(Key, GLB(Header, [GLTF]))])

    - Structured Data 
        Descriptions of All ingame classes as JSON data structures, these are then used for serialzing the game
        as save files or transmittable data. It could also be expanded to support XMLSerialization and Deserialization

    - Shader Precompiler Pipeline
        Handles packaging of applicable Shaders to ShaderCaches which are accessed at runtime
        this system is part of an ongoing process to completely deprecate the use of Quake3
        Shaders and move to a modern shader system
        ? There is a Format the engine uses called "LC" a kind of custom scripting language that largely is used in relation to Engine Graphics, I desire to replace Quake Shaders and (perhaps) LC as well or re appropriate it so that shaders are instead GLSL, or some other format which can be used rather than emulating to make Quake happy. It also is a kind of future proofing
    - Window System
        Handles SDL2 Windowing and User Interface Creation at Application level
        At some point, it will have a full Front-End Interface to create Widgets in Window  
        this library uses Protea Audio and therefore can use OGGs and WAVs, there is an interest
        in maybe making an Audio System to go along with it      

        When this exists fully, SDL2 will handle Input, Audio, Windowing, and Widgets therefore 
        separating concerns in terms of which modules handle what, its currently a bit of a mess
+ Game Engine (Module)
    - Data 
        Contains all Type Level descriptions of ingame data like Maps (BSP), GameCharacters, Models (MD3)
        There is an ongoing effort to add new Bits such as GLBs and GLTFs

    - Graphics
        Contains Functions for operating on the Data Types and Rendering them, currently the Rendering Pipeling
        presumes that everything will be interms of OpenGL Buffers, efforts are thus focused on having the GLBs
        read into lists of GLTFs then the GLTFs are loaded and read into OpenGL Buffers, at a later point in 
        Development the Rendering Pipeline will be backend agnostic and the Buffers will instead be a kind of 
        Intermediate Representation (IR), expanding on LambdaCube-IR and probably LambdaCube-Compiler
        Related Projects: LambdaCube-Vulkan, LambdaCube-Metal, LambdaCube-XR, LambdaCube-GL (The Backends)

        There's also a desire to upgrade LambdaCube-IR to use GraphQL as a querying language rather than JSON as it's currently using as GraphQL is incredibly flexible

    - Loader
        Contains functions for reading the Binary File Types into their Logical Data Types, a GLB and GLTF Loader
        is in Progress

    - MapViewer
        Module for Loading Levels and viewing them, Full of QoL TODOs that will be addressed later on in

    - Realm
        Module for Games and their Definition, here game logic, entities, levels, physics, and all are defined
        This class is what users build via the UI and is actually "Compiled" by WRL3D when the user exports 
        their game, rather, the assets here and logic here is what will be compiled as an executable with dlls, 
        assetBundles,  and binaries. There is an interest here to add the DB Module connections, and a module for reading
        a companion .db file

    - All Other files in here relate to core Game Engine functions, Render System, Scene (Manager), and Utils will stay whereas there is a desire to work Collision and Content into their own Modules (Physics, and Content respectively)

+ Network
    - Database
        Low level Postgres-SQL Functions, so far it only contains Query, which is all that is necessary
        for Realm purposes; you are required to have PostgresSQL installed on your system to use pgl
        if you want to use this module and it is bound to pgl otherwise thise module creates segfaults

    - Requests
        Low Level HTTP Functions, it can query web addressed in terms of HTTPS, JSON, or Binary and can handle all
        those responses, in the future any UDP Streaming functions will be described here for Multiplayer functionality as will any SSH or Tunneling functions that are of future interest

    - Realms
        Levels as described in their Web format, Levels can be queried and their assets downloaded.
        This Module will probably be more important when Multiplayer is a thing in the future

    - Cloud (TBA)
        A Module which handles interfacing with a SaaS like Firebase or Supabase if the User Desires,
        look here for all analytic needs

+ Script Engine
    - All Definitions for HRuby, later will be a generalized interface that the user can use to script ingame actions
      , mods, and logic. Planned support: Python, Ruby, Lua

+ Benchmarks
    - Application Benchmark Utilities, it has a Benchmark for running the mapviewer, running the default game, and
    entries for custom benchmarking full games or individual functions

    ? There is a desire to make visualization functions so that benchmarking can be presented Graphically or non Graphically 

+ Guides (TBA)
    - A Module for Generating LaTeX PDFs via HaTeX (haskell latex)
    - This will be a general utility that could evolve into other
      notation forms for UI etc

+ Utils
    - Misc Application Utils, all Logging functions for example are here, as is prettyPrinting and Md3Show.
      the PrettyPrinter is entirely broken and needs to be fixed for generalized use

Config.Yaml Will be expanded to include Tests, examples, and alternative builds based on simple flags passed

HOWTOs: How To Run WRayLib3d 1) System Prerequisites: ghc, stack, cabal (ghcup toolchain), opengl 2) Core Dependencies: lambdacube-compiler, lambdacube-ir, lambdacube-gl (There is no need to satisfy optionals, and they all come in the project anyway, enable and disable them with the config.yaml) 3) Game Dependencies: then place pak0.pk3 in the root dir 4) in commandline: stack run demoGame (demoGame does not yet exist I will whip this up pronto)

M) lambdacube-metal requires mtlpp
W) Note if you wish to test the WebAssembly module you will need wasmtime installed on your machine