-api-id | -api-type | -api-device-family-note |
M:Windows.Devices.PointOfService.IReceiptOrSlipJob.PrintSavedBitmap(System.UInt32) |
winrt method |
xbox |
Adds an instruction to the print job to print a bitmap on the receipt or slip printer station by using the information that you saved about the bitmap and how to print it when you called the SetBitmap or SetCustomAlignedBitmap method.
The number that you assigned to the bitmap that you want to print when you called SetBitmap or SetCustomAlignedBitmap.
The bitmap rotation setting that you specify by calling IReceiptOrSlipJob.SetPrintRotation may not apply to bitmaps that you saved to the printer.
SetBitmap, SetCustomAlignedBitmap, IReceiptOrSlipJob.SetPrintRotation