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Daniel Imms edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 4 revisions


Before building make sure you set environment variable NODE_PTY_DEBUG to 1 to trigger a debug build.

  1. Download WinDbg:

  2. Build and run WinDbgX.exe node .\examples\fork\index.js

  3. One time setup to set paths:

    Open File > Settings, go to Debugging settings and set:

    • Source path to ...\src\win
    • Symbol path to ...\build\Debug
  4. Break when pty.node is loaded:

    sxe ld pty
  5. Go (and break at pty.node):

  6. List modules (verify pty.node is loaded):

  7. Reload symbols:

    .reload /f
  8. Examine a function:

    x pty!PtyStartProcess

    You can then open the file by clicking pty!PtyStartProcess and ...\src\win\ links. Set a breakpoint by left clicking the gutter.

  9. Go:


Debugging Winpty

On Windows, you can show the winpty agent console window by adding the environment variable WINPTY_SHOW_CONSOLE=1 to the pty's environment. See for more information.

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