This is a simple elixir script to version bump a mix project. This exists because I often forget to update sub versions and find it tedious to edit the file by hand each time. Maybe you do too?
git clone
cd mixbump
sudo cp mixbump /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mixbump
The script assumes that the elixir binary exists at /usr/local/bin/elixir
which is the default after installing with homebrew on OSX. If it doesn't
exist there for you, either change the script or add a symlink:
sudo ln -s `which elixir` /usr/local/bin/elixir
Bump sub version without staging or committing:
mixbump /path/to/mix.exs # trailing "mix.exs" can be omitted
Bump sub version and stage:
mixbump add /path/to/mix.exs
mixbump a /path/to/mix.exs
Bump sub version, stage, and commit
mixbump commit /path/to/mix.exs
mixbump c /path/to/mix.exs