A modded version of Daent's ICBM. A hobby project of mine.
Original Game: https://daent.itch.io/icbm
This project was originally decompiled using gdsdecomp on the itch release of ICBM. The Itch release does not include stuff like the character selector system or the various different tweaks that were made to make development slightly more easier.
To get started:
1- Clone the project using git.
2- Install Godot 4.3
3- Import the project in Godot.
If you're not interested in modding or game development, you can head over to the release section and download whichever version you want to play.
A new release is always triggered whenever something gets merged into the main branch, so expect some bugs every now and then.
MMICBM does not currently provide a proper mod-loader or a patching system. All updates and modifications to this project are distrupited by recompiling binaries from scratch.
Only download releases from this repository, and do not run executables from outside sources unless you can verify that they're safe by checking out which branch/fork they are compiled from on github using Github Actions.
ICBM may be considered as a "gooner" game to some, as it contains adult themes revolving bondage. However, zero nudity or sex are contained in the original game + this mod.
If you're not interested in adult-themed content, this game isn't for you.