This bundle enables services defined inside the symfony container to be exposed over HTTP protocol (Controller endpoints).
This bundle enables you:
- Define RPC-enabled classes in a service available for RPC calls
- Define specific methods as services
- Use Composer to install this bundle:
composer require mo/rpc-bundle
- Add the bundle in your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return [
// ...
new MO\RPCBundle\RPCBundle(),
// ...
- Routing: you can set up custom routing or use the default one by adding the following lines in
resource: "@RPCBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
If you don't want to use default routing, you can use your own routes like this:
path: /rpc/execute/{service}/{method}
methods: [GET]
defaults: { _controller: RPCBundle:RPC:run, service: null, method: null }
- Create a new service in the Symfony2 container and add the rpc.service
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEMO RPC Service
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class: MO\RPCBundle\Domain\Service\Demo\DemoService
- '0.0.1'
- '@?doctrine.dbal.default_connection'
- { name: rpc.service }
This bundle is brought to you by Max101 and awesome contributors.