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237 lines (138 loc) · 4.7 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (138 loc) · 4.7 KB

Main script


fs = require 'fs'
http = require 'http'
path = require 'path'
url = require 'url'

coffee = require 'coffee-script'
jade = require 'jade'
static_files = require 'node-static'
stylus = require 'stylus'

package_json = require './package.json'

exports.version = package_json.version

Reading files

read_json_file = (json_file_path, callback)->
	read_text_file json_file_path, (err, json_file_content)->
		if err
			callback {}

			callback json.parse json_file_content

read_text_file = (file_path, callback)->
	fs.readFile file_path, encoding: 'utf8', callback

read_text_file_or_500 = (req, res, file_path, callback)->
	read_text_file file_path, (err, file_content)->
		if err
			console.error 'Could not read %s', file_path

			res.statusCode = 500

			respond_error req, res

			callback file_content


compile = (req, res, file_path, compiler)->
	read_text_file_or_500 req, res, file_path, (file_content)->
		compiler req, res, file_content, file_path, (err, compiled_content)->
			if err
				console.error 'Could not compile %s', file_path

				res.statusCode = 500

				respond_error req, res

				res.statusCode = 200

				res.end compiled_content

compile_coffee = (req, res, file_content, file_path, callback)->
	res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/javascript'

	callback false, coffee.compile file_content

compile_jade = (req, res, file_content, file_path, callback)->
	res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'

	base_path = file_path.slice 0, -5

	read_json_file "#{base_path}.json", (json_obj)->
		jade_compiler = jade.compile file_content,
			filename: file_path

		callback false, jade_compiler json_obj

compile_stylus = (req, res, file_content, file_path, callback)->
	stylus.render file_content,
		filename: file_path
	, (err, text)->
		if not err
			res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/css'

		callback err, text

find_compiler = (file_path, callback)->
	file_path_ext = path.extname file_path

	check_compiler = (check_index)->
		if check_index >= exports.compile_types.length
			return callback false, false

		[url_ext, path_ext, compiler] = exports.compile_types[check_index]

		if file_path_ext != url_ext
			check_compiler check_index + 1

			base_path = file_path.slice 0, -url_ext.length

			source_path = base_path + path_ext

			fs.exists source_path, (exists)->
				if exists
					callback source_path, compiler

					check_compiler check_index + 1

	check_compiler 0

exports.compile_types = [
	['.css', '.styl', compile_stylus]
	['.js', '.coffee', compile_coffee]
	['.js', '', compile_coffee]
	['.js', '.litcoffee', compile_coffee]
	['.html', '.jade', compile_jade]


error_page = '<!doctype html><html><body><h1>{h1}</h1></body></html>'

respond_error = (req, res)->
	res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'

	page = error_page.replace '{h1}', res.statusCode

	res.end page

respond_file = (req, res, file_path)->
	read_text_file_or_500 req, res, file_path, (err, file_content)->
		res.statusCode = 200

		res.end file_content

Request handler

exports.handler = (config)->
	static_server = new static_files.Server()

	(req, res, next)-> '%s %s', req.method, req.url

Standardise requested URL

		url_parts = url.parse req.url

		url_path = url_parts.pathname

		if url_path.endsWith '/'
			url_path += 'index.html'

		url_path = url_path.slice 1

Get the extension from the URL path.

		url_ext = path.extname url_path

Default to .html if no extension is given.

		if '' == url_ext
			url_path += '.html'

Translate the URL path to a file on the server file system.

		file_path = path.join config.path, url_path

		console.log 'File path: %s', file_path

Static file

Check if the file exists and use static server if it does.

		fs.exists file_path, (exists)->
			if exists
				console.log 'Send static file: %s', file_path

				static_server.serve req, res

Find and use compiler

If the file does not exist, find a compiler for it.

				find_compiler file_path, (source_path, compiler)->
					if source_path and compiler
						compile req, res, source_path, compiler

Next handler

If no file exists, then continue with the next handler.

					else if next


If no next handler was given, then send a 404 error.

						console.warn 'Missing %s', req.url

						res.statusCode = 404

						respond_error req, res

Start server

exports.startServer = (config)->
	listener = exports.handler config

	app = http.createServer listener

	app.listen config.port, config.hostname 'Jader running on %s:%s', config.hostname, config.port