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mrfugu edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 17 revisions

MaslowCNC: Electronics | Firmware | Mechanics | Software


How to download and run the packaged version of Ground Control

Step 1: Download Ground Control

Download the latest version of Ground Control for Mac from the releases page. Use the .dmg file. Download Package

Step 2: Install Ground Control

Install Ground Control by moving it into your applications folder. Move into applications folder

Step 3: Launch Ground Control

Launch Ground Control by right clicking the icon in your applications folder and selecting "Open". You can also launch Ground Control by double clicking the icon, but you may see a security warning which won't let you run the program. launch mac

Install and run Ground Control from the source

Step 1: Install Homebrew

Install Homebrew by the command /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" in the command prompt.

Step 2: Install Kivy Dependancies

Install Kivy dependencies by running the command brew install sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer gstreamer from the command prompt

Step 3: Install Cython

Install Cython with the command pip install -I Cython==0.23

Step 4: Install Kivy

Install Kivy with the command USE_OSX_FRAMEWORKS=0 pip install kivy

Step 5: Install PySerial

Install PySerial with the command pip install pyserial

Step 6: Download Ground Control

Download the latest version of the Ground Control source code from using the "Clone or download" button on in the upper right of the screen. Download Source

Step 7: Launch Ground Control

Launch Ground Control using the command python from within the Ground Control folder which contains the file

Note: Possible Window Resize Error

If the window doesn't repaint after being resized then it's possible you have pygame installed and being used as the Kivy Window Provider instead of SDL2 - you will see "...[Window] Provider: pygame" in the startup messages. Fix is to run:
pip uninstall kivy
pip uninstall pygame
USE_OSX_FRAMEWORKS=0 pip install --no-cache-dir kivy