# REST testing library for Robot Framework
Robot Framework's library to test REST interfaces.

Library is mostly following structure of [Requests-library](https://github.com/bulkan/robotframework-requests).

* More information about this library can be found in the
  [Keyword Documentation](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/marketsquare/robotframework-httprequestlibrary/0.0.19/robotframework-httprequestlibrary-0.0.19.html).
* For keyword completion in RIDE you can download this
  [Library Specs](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/marketsquare/robotframework-httprequestlibrary/0.0.19/robotframework-httprequestlibrary-0.0.19.xml)
  and place it in your PYTHONPATH.

If you are using the [robotframework-maven-plugin](http://robotframework.org/MavenPlugin/) you can
use this library by adding the following dependency to 
your pom.xml:

With Gradle, library can be use by importing it as a dependency in build.gradle:

If you are not using any dependency management too, you can use the
which contains all required libraries. Running tests with that is done with command:
    java -jar robotframework-httprequestlibrary-0.0.19-jar-with-dependencies.jar <test directory> 

Library import in Robot tests can be done with:

|                    |                                 |
| ----------------   | ------------------------------- | 
| *** Settings ***   |                                 |                 
| Library            | HttpRequestLibrary              |   
Usage examples can be found at [Tests-folder](/src/test/robotframework/acceptance).