Run all commands from the repository root.
The dev deployment uses the master
tagged docker images.
Add the following to your /etc/hosts
file docker
::1 docker
git submodule update --init --recursive
make pull
make up
Some modifications will require rebuilding the containers. We're working on minimizing this.
make build
To list the containers:
make ps
To view all logs:
make logs #this tails the logs, as though using -f
To view the logs of a container:
docker-compose logs <container>
docker-compose logs -f <container> #follow the log file
To view your interactive debug statements: (use ctrl+p ctrl+q to exit)
docker attach mapstory_django_1
To gain a shell in a container:
docker-compose exec <container> /bin/sh
To do wipeout your deployment (this will wipe existing data):
make purge
To do refresh your deployment (this will wipe existing data, then rebuild and launch):
make recreate
If you are running into a Permission Denied error:
make init
make up