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File metadata and controls

141 lines (118 loc) · 7.4 KB

Dunya front end


First use

npm install

to install all the dependencies.

If you want to generate the production build, run:

npm run build

To start the react-scripts frontend server, run:

npm start

In order to proxy requests to the backend, set the "proxy" field in package.json

Integration with back-end

The web-app is written to be flexible to the content provided by the server. To let this application know which catalogue to load, start by rendering index.html with a template variable named dunya_catalogue, whose value must be in [carnatic, hindustani] (although it's possible to extend these values, see section Customization/Adding new content).

Settings and behavior

All settings in the following paragraphs are stored in the file src/settings.js. If you change one, please rebuild the bundle with the command npm run build.

Serving data for filters

At initial mount, the app requests data from the server to fill up the sidebar with filters. The address for this request is the value of the setting FILTERS_DATA_URL[$dunya_catalogue], where $dunya_catalogue is the content of the template variable dunya_catalogue passed to index.html (as explained in previous section). The response of the server at this address must be an object, whose values are arrays of entries for the corresponding key. An example:

  "artists": [
      "id": "a1",
      "name": "artist 1",
      "instruments": ["i1", "i2"]
    }, {
      "id": "a2",
      "name": "artist 2",
      "instruments": []
    }, // ...other artists
  "concerts": [
      "id": "c1",
      "name": "concert 1",
      "aliases": ["that concert"]
    }, {
      "id": "c2",
      "name": "concert 2"
    }, // ...other concerts
  "instruments": [
      "uuid": "i1",
      "name": "Violin"
    }, {
      "uuid": "i2",
      "name": "Cello"
    }, // ...other instruments
  ], // ...other keys

The key artists in the response is mandatory. There are no other rules for the names and/or amount of the response keys. Each key of the response will be a section of filters in the sidebar.

Each entry of each field (the fields in this example are artists, concerts, instruments) must have a name property. Each entry must as well contain an id field, but this is not required to be named id; edit the setting ID_KEYS to list all the possible keys for the id field and the app will automatically detect which entry key corresponds to the entry id. If an entry of a specific field has a key that is a reference to the ids of another field (in the example, the first entry of artists has a reference to instruments, i.e. it contains the list of instruments played by that artist), that reference will be used for advanced content filtering. In this case, if the user selected the instrument 'Violin', only "artist 1" would appear in the artists section as he's the only one playing the violin. On the other hand, the content of the concerts field wouldn't be affected as its entries don't have a reference to the instruments fields.

If an entry has an aliases field, the values on that field will be used during the search.

Serving data for autocomplete

You might want to send data for autocomplete when the user is typing in the search bar. In this case, start by setting the proper address in AUTOCOMPLETE_URL[$dunya_catalogue]. This address should then read the parameter input from the incoming request and reply to it with a list of results, in the following shape:

    "mbid": "8618ff0c-555e-4f3c-90d5-0438aeae4659",
    "name": "Balagopala",
    "category": "Concerts",
    "matchFor": "balagopala"
  }, {
    "mbid": "33ef2098-d4ba-40ec-b972-dbda5114e3e2",
    "name": "Koovi Azhaithal",
    "category": "Artists",
    "matchFor": "koovi"
  }, // ... other results

Each result must have an id and the name, category properties. The field matchFor is optional but highly recommended, and stands for the substring of the search input that matches the given result. In the example above, for instance, the input in the search bar could have been "balagopala koovi": if the user clicks on the first recommended item, the concert "Balagopala" will be added to the selection list, while the search input will be transformed to "koovi".

If you don't want to enable autocomplete, just don't set the option AUTOCOMPLETE_URL[$dunya_catalogue] (or put it to undefined).

Serving search results

The client will send a request informing the server of the selected filters together with the text input in the search bar. An example:


The server answers this request with a response that is a list of object, each one storing the details of a recording the matches the search. Each result should then have the following keys: concert, image, linkToRecording, mainArtists, name. The following one is an example of a correct response:

    "collaborators": [ // list of collaborators (this key can be omitted if no collaborators are available)
        "name": "artist 1", // name of the first collaborator
        "instrument": "voice" // and the instrument he/she plays in this recording
      }, // ... other collaborators
    "concert": "concert 1", // the concert name
    "image": "/static/image.png",
    "linkToRecording": "/recording/1.html", // link to the recording page
    "mainArtists": ["artist 1", "artist 2"], // the names of the main artists of the recording
    "name": "recording 1", // the name of the recording
    "taala": "aadi", // optional
    // ... other optional keys (such as "raaga", "form",... No fixed key names here, use what you want!)
  }, // ... other search results, with the same shape

The client makes no assumption on the keys other than concert, image, linkToRecording, mainArtists, name and collaborators. If the response contain any other key, the value for that key will be displayed in the final UI. This means that the UI will correctly work with non-carnatic results without any change in the code.

The search endpoint should return:

  "result": [ // The results in the format described above
  "moreResults": // Number of the next

User session information

The UI changes whether the user is logged in or not. When rendering the template index.html, the server should use the template tag user_name whose value is the username of the current user. If the user is not logged in, it should be an empty string. Moreover, the settings LOGIN_URL, LOGOUT_URL and USER_PROFILE_BASE_URL have to be customized. The user profile url is intended to be in the shape USER_PROFILE_BASE_URL/{userName}.

Customization/Adding new content

In case of extending the application to support a new catalogue, the settings for the new catalogue have to be added in:


SELF_EXPLANATORY_CATEGORY_ITEMS might as well be extended in order to include new response keys that don't need an explanation on the search bar. In the same way, you might need to add new items to the list ID_KEYS.

Singular/Plural rules

Edit the file utils/pluralRules.js to add new rules for singular and plural. Since the server mostly returns keys in the plural form, you should only need to add rules for singular forms.