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Defining CI/CD for Building and Deploying Extension Blueprints using Github Packages:

In order to establish a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process for building and deploying extension blueprints via Github Packages, and since this project relies on the io.redlink.more:studymanager-core artifact as a necessary dependency. Thus, the initial task involves creating this dependency as a standalone artifact, in github packages.

Publishing a package

The following steps need to be undertaken within the more-studymanager-backend code-base project:

Step 1: Prepare Distribution Management

To make the studymanager-core project artifact available as a separate packages, the distribution management configuration needs to be added to the pom.xml file of the studymanager-core project. Insert the following code snippet:


Make sure to adjust the URL in the tag according to the following pattern:, where OWNER is the account name of the user or organization that owns the repository, and REPOSITORY is the name of the repository housing the project.

Step 2: Modify studymanager-core/pom.xml

The studymanager-core/pom.xml file inherits from the main pom file located in the parent folder. In this file, deployment of Maven plugins is skipped by default. To enable the necessary deployment configurations, follow these steps:

  1. Override the build element in the studymanager-core/pom.xml file.
  2. Set the skip attribute to false for the Maven Deploy Plugin.

By making these changes, you ensure that the Maven Deploy Plugin is no longer skipped, allowing for the proper deployment of the artifact.

Step 3: Configure Github Action

Edit configuration file compile-test.yml under $PROJECT_ROOT/.github/workflows/. The compile-and-Test and Build-and-Deploy jobs were edited and server-id, server-password and GITHUB_TOKEN_REF were added.

    name: Compile and Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 17
          server-id: github # value of repository/id field of the pom.xml
          server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN_REF # env variable name for GitHub Personal Access Token
      - name: Compile and test project
        run: ./mvnw -B -U
          compile test
          GITHUB_TOKEN_REF: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: Show 3rd-Party Licenses
        run: |
          cat ./studymanager/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt
      - name: Upload Test Results
        if: always()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: Test Results
          path: "**/TEST-*.xml"
      - name: Upload Licenses List
        if: always()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: Licenses List
          path: "./studymanager/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt"

    name: "Build and Push Docker Image"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: contains(fromJSON('["main", "develop", "redlink", "staging"]'), github.ref_name) || github.event.inputs.dockerTag != ''
      - Compile-and-Test
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 17
          server-id: github # value of repository/id field of the pom.xml
          server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN_REF
      - name: Generate additional Docker-Tags
        run: |
          if [ "$BRANCH" == "$MAIN_BRANCH" ]; then
          if [ -n "$EVENT_PARAM" ]; then
          echo "Generated Docker-Tags: $TAGS"
          echo "TAGS=$TAGS" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          BRANCH: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          MAIN_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}
          EVENT_PARAM: ${{ github.event.inputs.dockerTag }}
      - name: Build JIB container and publish to GitHub Packages
          ./mvnw -B -U
            clean deploy
  ${{ }}
  ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          DOCKER_NAMESPACE:${{ github.repository_owner }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN_REF: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

GitHub provides a token that you can use to authenticate on behalf of GitHub Actions: GITHUB_TOKEN. GitHub automatically creates a GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow and you can use it to authenticate in a workflow run. Now, when any change is pushed to master a new package is created and is published to GitHub Packages.

Accessing and Installing the package

Whenever the studymanager project is built, the studymanager-core artifact is automatically built as well. The artifact is available in the packages list of more-studymanager-backend: io.redlink.more.studymanager-core

By following these steps, we will use the studymanager-core artifact in more-extension-blueprint and then deploy the following artifacts to GitHub Packages:

  • more-action-extension
  • more-trigger-extension
  • more-observation-extension

Step 1: Add the project as a dependency on the pom.xml

We can include it as a dependency in more-extension-blueprint project by the following elemnt.


Step 2: Prepare Distribution Management for all artifiacts

To make all modules in more-extension-blueprint project available as a separate package, the distribution management configuration needs to be added to the pom.xml file of the more-extension-blueprint project. Insert the following code snippet:


Make sure to adjust the URL in the tag according to the following pattern:, where OWNER is the account name of the user or organization that owns the repository, and REPOSITORY is the name of the repository housing the project.

Step 3: Adjusting pom.xml for distribution management

Using the deploy command in CI/CD requires you to set up a new repository in the distributionManagement tag of the pom.xml. In my case I decided to enable the additional repository by using a Maven profile by adding <Profiles> to pom.xml parent file.


Step 4: Create a Private Access Token

You need an access token to write the package and also read other packages. You can use a personal access token (PAT) to authenticate to GitHub Packages or the GitHub API. When you create a personal access token, you can assign the token different scopes depending on your needs. You can generate a new personal access token under Profile/Settings/Developer settings/Personal access tokens. Select the write:packages scope. Because we are going to use these token to deploy artifacts.


Copy the token value as you will need it in the next step.

Step 5: Add secret key to the repository

In more-extension-blueprint project repository you need to create a secret using the token generated in the previous step. Go to Settings/Secrets and create a new repository secret.


Set a Name (E.g. GH_PAT_FOR_ACTIONS_TOKEN) and paste the token under Value. You have to add the personal access token to your Maven`s settings.xml in .m2 folder:

<settings xmlns=""


Locally, you can now publish a new Maven artifact into the GitHub Package Registry with ./mvnw -Pgithub deploy

Step 6: Configure Github Action

In more-extension-blueprint project, create a github action configuration file under $PROJECT_ROOT/.github/workflows/. Here is the compile-test.yaml file:

name: Test and Compile

    name: Compile and Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 17
          server-id: github # value of repository/id field of the pom.xml          
          server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN_REF # env variable name for GitHub Personal Access Token      
      - name: Build and Deploy
        run: ./mvnw -B -U clean deploy
          -Pgithub package --file pom.xml
    name: "Event File"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Upload
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: Event File
          path: ${{ github.event_path }}

With this GitHub Actions build, all artifacts will be published and pop up in the repository`s dashboard.

Use artifacts in MORE Study Manager Backend project

All the artifacts are now accessible on GitHub Packages, and we can include them in the pom.xml file of the studymanager project. Then, we need to update the CI/CD workflow to build based on these changes.

Step 1: Add artifacts to pom.xml file

All artifacts are added as dependency on this path: more-studymanager-backend/studymanager/pom.xml


Step 2: Adjusting pom.xml for distribution management

Using the deploy command in CI/CD requires you to set up a new repository in the distributionManagement tag of the pom.xml. In this case I decided to enable the additional repository by using a Maven profile by adding to pom.xml parent file. (more-studymanager-backend/pom.xml)


Step 3: Configure Github Action

Edit the configuration file compile-test.yml located at $PROJECT_ROOT/.github/workflows/ and add -Pgithub package --file pom.xml parameter for run command for Compile-and-Test and Build-and-Deploy jobs as follows:

    name: Compile and Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 17
          server-id: github # value of repository/id field of the pom.xml
          server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN_REF # env variable name for GitHub Personal Access Token
      - name: Compile and test project
        run: ./mvnw -B -U
          compile test
          -Pgithub package --file pom.xml
          GITHUB_TOKEN_REF: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: Show 3rd-Party Licenses
        run: |
          cat ./studymanager/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt
      - name: Upload Test Results
        if: always()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: Test Results
          path: "**/TEST-*.xml"
      - name: Upload Licenses List
        if: always()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: Licenses List
          path: "./studymanager/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt"

    name: "Build and Push Docker Image"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: contains(fromJSON('["main", "develop", "redlink", "staging"]'), github.ref_name) || github.event.inputs.dockerTag != ''
      - Compile-and-Test
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 17
          server-id: github # value of repository/id field of the pom.xml
          server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN_REF
      - name: Generate additional Docker-Tags
        run: |
          if [ "$BRANCH" == "$MAIN_BRANCH" ]; then
          if [ -n "$EVENT_PARAM" ]; then
          echo "Generated Docker-Tags: $TAGS"
          echo "TAGS=$TAGS" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          BRANCH: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          MAIN_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}
          EVENT_PARAM: ${{ github.event.inputs.dockerTag }}
      - name: Build JIB container and publish to GitHub Packages
          ./mvnw -B -U
            clean deploy
            -Pgithub package --file pom.xml
  ${{ }}
  ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          DOCKER_NAMESPACE:${{ github.repository_owner }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN_REF: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
