is equal to 4085802 ("Referred by nurse")visit_detail_id
is assigned
is equal to 4052017 ("Religious affiliation")observation_concept_id
is equal to 40758030 ("Language.preferred")observation_concept_id
is equal to 40766231 ("Marital status")observation_concept_id
is equal to 44803968 ("Ethnicity - National Public Health Classification")observation_concept_id
is equal to 46235654 ("Primary insurance")
- Textual data from chartevents are stored here
- Categorical variables are note considered as free text and are then stored in the measurement table
- it maps insurance in standard concept
- it maps ethnicity in standard concept
- it maps religion in standard concept
- it maps marital_status in standard concept
SELECT observation_type_concept_id, concept_name, count(1)
FROM observation
JOIN concept on observation_type_concept_id = concept_id
GROUP BY observation_type_concept_id, concept_name ORDER BY count(1) desc;
observation_type_concept_id | concept_name | count -----------------------------+-------------------------------+---------- 581413 | Observation from Measurement | 69367755 38000280 | Observation recorded from EHR | 4847060
SELECT observation_concept_id, concept_name, count(1)
FROM observation
JOIN concept on observation_concept_id = concept_id
GROUP BY observation_concept_id, concept_name ORDER BY count(1) desc;
observation_concept_id | concept_name | count |
0 | No matching concept | 160011 |
4085802 | Referred by nurse | 10342 |
4296248 | Cost containment | 278 |
44803968 | Ethnicity - National Public Health Classification | 127 |
46235654 | Primary insurance | 127 |
40766231 | Marital status | 101 |
40758030 | Language.preferred | 73 |
4052017 | Religious affiliation | 67 |