Adds ds4 touchpad support (ds4vita way) to PS TV and Vita with MiniVitaTV.
Based on xerpi's ds4vita code
- If updating, and there is ds4touch.suprx under ur0:/tai/ folder or in taiHEN's config (ur0:/tai/config.txt) - remove it.
- Copy ds4touch.skprx to ur0:/tai/ folder.
- Add ds4touch.skprx to taiHEN's config (ur0:/tai/config.txt) under KERNEL section:
*KERNEL ur0:tai/ds4touch.skprx
- If connected several controllers, only the one connected first would be able to use touchpad
- On PS TV for plugin to work, you need to disable "Use Touch Pointer in Games" under quick settings.
Based on ds4vita by xerpi
All testing done by bosshunter
Special thanks to teakhanirons for pointing out some issues.