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Burckhart edited this page Aug 15, 2012 · 12 revisions

The placement of a both default and custom biomes on the map is controlled by the upper variables in the BiomeConfigs-files in your TerrainControl-folder. This article describes in detail how these variables work. All effects of changes of these variables can be seen on the biome map created by the /tc map-command.

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Size of the biome. Similar to LandSize in the WorldConfig.ini it can be set from 0 to GenerationDepth. It is used to change the size of biomes, but does not work on Ocean and River biomes by default. To change the absolute size of all biomes with one setting, change the GenerationDepth value in your WorldConfig.

BiomeSize does not directly define how big a biome has to be but on which zoom layer it will be generated, for more background information see Khoorns explanation of the layer system.

Generally, smaller numbers will lead to bigger biomes, but note that sometimes many small biomes (with high BiomeRarity and high BiomeSize) might cover more ground, because they fit in smaller spots than big biomes do.


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Probability of the biome. Higher numbers = higher change to spawn that biome. Each biome has a change of BiomeRarity of that biome/Sum of all BiomeRarities of that biome type.

IsleBiomes and BorderBiomes are also limited by the settings IsleInBiome, BiomeIsBorder and NotBorderNear.


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This is the internal (hexadecimal) color for this biome. It doesn't appear anywhere in your world. It is used for two things:

The color in the map created by /tc map.

If you are generating the biomes by image, this color must exactly match this value. Note: most image editors display hexadecimal colors as #****** instead of 0x******.


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Set this to false to disable rivers flowing through this biome.


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If, and only if, this biome is added as an isle in the WorldConfig.ini, this setting determines in which biome this biome should spawn. If this is left empty, this biome won't spawn.


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If, and only if, this biome is added as a border biome in the WorldConfig.ini, this setting determines next to which biome this biome should spawn. If this is left empty, this biome won't spawn.


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If, and only if, this biome is added as a border biome in the WorldConfig.ini, this setting determines next to which biome this biome should not spawn. As an example you can set the Beach Biome's NotBorderNear-value to "Swampland" to prevent beaches to be generated between ocean and swampland.

Please note that this is not a way to avoid two NormalBiomes (such as desert and tundra) spawning next to each other, it is only usable on BorderBiomes.


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New in 2.2.2 Replace this biome to specified after the terrain has generated. Warning: this will cause saplings, colors, rainfall and mob spawning to work as in specified biome. For example, if you have set ReplaceToBiomeName to Jungle inside SwamplandBiomeConfig, the swamp biome will have the colors, rainfall and mobs of a jungle.

This doesn't affect the initial generation. If you set ReplaceToBiomeName to Ice Plains for a Jungle, the Jungle won't be covered with snow initially. However, during storms snow will fall in this biome, so during the first storm, snow will cover this biome.