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513 lines (358 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

513 lines (358 loc) · 15.7 KB


A script to convert data from BrAPI to Zendro-API


Finalized the project.


First version of a proper readme written.


Uploaded currenct projekt version to github


Added a usage section

23. & 24.11.2023

Started to update the github Readme


Generating the data models through Zendro and initial testing

→ Zendro sometimes stops when entering data

→ Errors already observed in previous versions

→ Testing with data sets not really possible

→ But on generally it seems to work


Mistakes in thinking about the types of association

→ Command line command removed again

→ Association types are again determined by the type of primary key of the target model.


Zendro currently doesn't work if the internalid/primary key is a different type than string.

Another problem: currently Internalid must be the automatically generated ID.

→ Internal ID changed to automatic generated ID and temporarily changed the code to the automatic generated ID.

Implementation of a command line command with which you can set the type of the association


It was pointed out by my fellow students that I should set the default type of the key to "String" to efficiently guarantee uniqueness.

→ The primary key is now a string by default, but can be changed via command line argument


Trying to implement the implementation via single-end

→ Very complicated

→ No advantage identified

→ Idea discarded


Goal: Getting descriptions to work

Updated Zendro to the newest version, which should support descriptions

While generating the datamodels in Zendro (command: zendro generate -m) I receive an error: ERROR: unallowed association implementation type foreignkey

→ Re-checking the documentation and implementation but can't find the problem that's causing this issue.

→ Solution: Documentation is wrong/faulty it should be foreignkeys instead of foreignkey

Corrected this and tried to compile my models again. Didn't receive an error only warnings: WARNING: Association program is a many_to_one associations with the foreignKey in Program. Be sure to validate uniqueness.


Try to read in the BrAPI schema

→ Error that associations do not exist

→ Solution: manual correction of the BrAPI schema and ignoring 3 associations, because they are nested and the surrounding attribute is ignored anyway.


Change in associations.

→ Misunderstanding of one-to-many data type, error has been corrected.

sourceKey should be named after the targetModel

→ Could lead to errors if different models reference the same model

→ Solution: Naming Analogous to the Zendro example


I had a misconception about arrays in Zendro, but my fellow student explained it to me.

→ Thought that arrays are not supported in Zendro, but I just misunderstood them.

→ Integrated arrays to my code for associations

→ The data type of the association is determined by the data type of the primary key of the target model


  • Started to deal with associations.
  • Integrated support for floats
    • All scalar data types are now supported
  • Added comments to the code
  • Uploaded updates to github
    • BrAPI Schema updated to the newest version
    • deleted old_results
    • renamed setup_hierarchy
    • removed create_output_hierarchy


Goal: Implementing descriptions again.

Updated Zendro and descriptions should be supported now.

→ Implemented descriptions again.

→ Care was taken to ensure that ' and ' are handled and do not result in errors.

Reworked completly


Unit tests were still in the result directory, which caused errors.

→ Moved unit tests to a different directory


Goal: Implement the manually modified models

Observation: Models are now automatically generated in the form of the pre-built models.


Due a error with Keycloak I had to set up a new Zendro project.

While testing my models, I noticed that my models were very different from the pre-built models therefore my own models didn't work.

→ Changed my models manually

→ Worked therfore changes will be implemented

Problem was the description (didn't consider that a description could contain " or ')

→ This led to errors, which is why I initially removed the description


Worked again on commando line arguments.

Started getting more familiar with Zendro.

Attended the meeting on XX-XX-XX and represented our team. I was informed that work was underway to work on associations

Start of the exam phase, therefore less time in August.


Goal: Getting Zendro to run

Observation: After correcting my typo I was able to start Zendro but I received an other error.

Solution: Problem was that I started Zendro without sudo privilege (-> Zendro couldn't start a docker container) after correcting this I was able to run Zendro.


Goal: Getting Zendro to run

Talked with a fellow student who draw my attention to the fact that teh environmental files are "hidden".

Observation: Due a typo I couldn't find the files therefore I couldn't edit them.

Side note: I forgot the . before the path (e.g. ./single-page-app/.env.development)


Goal: Understanding Zendro

Started working with Zendro and trying to setup a data warehouse with my generated models.

Observation: Couldn't open the environmental files and on starting up Zendro with zendro dockerize -u -p I received an error therefore I could'nt start Zendro.


Goal: Implementing command line arguments

The following arguments were implemented:

  • input-path
    • Path to the BrAPI-Schema
    • Argument is required
  • output-path
    • Path where the generated date models should be stored
    • Argument is required
  • storage-type
    • Type of storage (database) where model is stored (Zendro options)
    • Default: sql
  • Primary-key-name
    • Name of the primary-key
    • If not used a default primary key name will be used ([model]-ID)
    • Primary-key-type
      • Type of the primary key
      • Option between Int and String
        • Default: String


Goal: Understanding of command line arguments

Trying to understand Issue 5 (Include model name and storage type in Zendro model definitions) and implement it.

Observation: Working with command line arguments is quite easy, but still need to understand how to use e.g. "Help" or give a hint to the user.

Example of Study:

    "model": "Study",
    "storageType": "sql",
    "attributes": {
        "primary_id": "Int",
        "active": {
            "description": "Is this study currently active",
            "type": "Boolean"
        "commonCropName": {
            "description": "Common name for the crop associated with this study",
            "type": "String"
        "culturalPractices": {
            "description": "MIAPPE V1.1 (DM-28) Cultural practices - General description of the cultural practices of the study.",
            "type": "String"


Goal: Writing a Unit-Test

Created the Unit-Test Test_Food with an expected output and a generated output.

Observation: The generated output is not the same as the expected one. The property HotDog still have the item toppings even though it's empty.

Solution: If returned dictionary is empty, than don't include it. Therefore modified get_data:


elif type(value) is dict:
	data[key] = get_data(value)


elif type(value) is dict:
	returned_data = get_data(value)
	if returned_data:
		data[key] = returned_data

Observation: Generated output is now identicall to the expected output.

Therefor the problem is solved.


Goal: Reworking get_data(file_data) to solve the no description problem

get_data now walks recursive through a dictionary and returns the compatible properties.

def get_data(file_data):
    From the passed data the properties are extracted.
    :param file_data: Data from a json file (a dictionary)
    :return: Properties with a compatible type to Zendro

    data = {}
    # walk through the items of the dictionary
    for key, value in file_data.items():
        if key.lower() == 'description':
            data[key] = value
        elif key.lower() == 'type':
            zendro_type = get_type(value)
            # if the properties has no compatible type it is not needed therefore None is returned
            # otherwise the zendro type is assigned
            if zendro_type is None:
                return None
            data[key] = zendro_type
        # if the current item is itself a dictionary than call itself with the dictionary
        elif type(value) is dict:
            data[key] = get_data(value)
    return data

Observation: Even properties that has no description are returned. Newe problem: If it is a nested propertie and the outer part has no compatible type, the whole propertie is skipped. Example:

"additionalInfo": {
            "additionalProperties": {
                "type": "string"
            "description": "Additional arbitrary info",
            "type": [

additionalInfo is currently skipped because itself has no compatible type, but the nested propertie additionalProperties has a compatible type.

Solution: Only skip the outer type and still use the inner type or use as type none if no compatible type is found.

I have to talk with my superior about this problem and the desired solution.


Goal: Working on a workaround for get_data to consider properties, that have no description

Reality: Reworked the for a better readability

  • Splitted the into different sections
  • Reworked the ToDo-List


1. Goal: Automatic walkign through an input path and generating a corresponding hierarchy in the output path

Call: python "..\BrAPI_JSON_Schema_2-1\schemas" "..\results"

  • Implemented setup_hierarchy(input_path, output_path) into convertAPI
    • input_path
      Path to the input hierarchy, that sould be walked through
    • output_path
      Path to the output hierarchy, where the input hiearchy should be created and where the files should be stored
    • Walks through the input path and saves all found json file toe analyse them, also saved the hierarchy to create a corresponding in the output path.
    • Calls create_output_hierarchy to create the corresponding hierarchy in the output path
    • Returns a list of the found files
  • Implemented create_output_hierarchy(output_path, hierarchy)
    • output_path
      Path where the hierarchy should be created
    • hierarchy
      List of relativ paths to create the output hierarchy
    • Logs an error, if hierarchy in the folder already exists
  • Reworked write_json
    • write_json(path, filename, properties)write_json(path, properties)
    • By searching the input directory for JSON files, the files now contain the absolute path, so a separate file name is no longer needed

Observation: Receiving an error 'description': properties[current_property]['description']KeyError: 'description'

Solution: Noticed that some json files have a different structur.

documentationURL from List.json

"documentationURL": {
	"description": "A URL to the human readable documentation of this object",
        "format": "uri",
        "type": [

externalReferences from List.json

"externalReferences": {
	"description": "An array of external reference ids. These are references to this piece of data in an external system. Could be a simple string or a URI.",
        "items": {
        	"properties": {
                	"referenceId": {
                        	"description": "The external reference ID. Could be a simple string or a URI.",
                        	"type": [
                    	"referenceSource": {
                        	"description": "An identifier for the source system or database of this reference",
                        	"type": [
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
        "title": "ExternalReferences",
        "type": [

Implemented, that get_data skip a properties if it has no description.

Goal for the future: Also consider these properties and implement a functional workaround.

2. Goal: Cleaning up the code

  • Reworked the comments on each function
  • Restructured the convertAPI code → Alter the position of the functions in the code for a better overview


1. Goal: Cleaning up the file

  • Commented every function
  • Changed names of functions and variables to a more readable and suitable name
  • Changed Exception handling (when opening a file excepts specifically OSError logs the occured error)
  • Merged getPropType and getZendroType to get_type for a better overview

2. Goal: Get input from startup arguments

Example: python "..\BrAPI_JSON_Schema_2-1\schemas\BrAPI-Core\Study.json" "..\results"

  • First argument:
  • Second argument: Path to input file
  • Third argument: Path to output folder (outputfile is named after input file)\n

Observation: Currently only one file at a time, planing to give just the path and automatically searches and opens json files



  • Creating a git-repository
  • Better version control, traceability and accessibility
  • Uploaded every version until now (current version: v0.0.5)


Goal: Writing a class just fot the functions (modularization)

  • logMSG(msg)
    Write a msg with date and time to a log
  • readJSON(path, fname)
    Read in a JSON-file
  • writeJSON(path, fname, propData)
    Write data from properties to a JSON-file
  • getPropType(types)
    Return compatible/allowed types
  • getZendroType(types)
    Convert and return the Zendro types
  • getPropData(data)
    Return a dictionary with only properties, that have a Zendro compatible type

Observation: Only properties with compatible types are exported to the JSON-file


1. Goal: Understanding the json module and how it's reading files

  • Creating a test-file to write the input

Observation: json module is usefule and will be used for this project

2. Goal: Extracting only the necessary informations (in this case the properties)

  • Creating a test-file to test if extraction is working

Observation: Extraction is working, input is stored as dictionary

3. Goal: Extract only properties with data types that are compatible with Zendro

  • Using numpy to check if data types are compatible

Observation: Some properties are extracted without their data type

4. Goal: Extract and write a file with the description and types of every property

Observation: types are saved as array, further extraction needed