The Diffie-hellman key exchange protocol is a symmetric-key algorithm which uses a single key for encryption and decryption of messages.
Diffie-Hellman operates in a cyclic group by definition: the elements 𝑔,𝑔^𝑎,𝑔^𝑏,𝑔^(𝑎𝑏) are in the cyclic group generated by 𝑔, where 𝑔 is the base, 𝑔^𝑎 is Alice's public key, 𝑔^𝑏 is Bob's public key and 𝑔^(𝑎𝑏) is both Alice's and Bob's mutual secret key.
I have implemented a high-level program of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol in Rust where random numbers are generated as the private keys for both bob and Alice.
The base and prime modulus are public and together with the private keys, are used to compute the public keys and finally generate the shared secret key.
I have also used Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) which along with the shared secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages shared between Alice and Bob.
Eve has got nothing on this program!😃🤓