This project uses various git submodules. You have to pull all for the code to work.
See this tutorial on git submodules used with Python modules in dev mode:
Further useful git submodules commands:
Clone a repository including its submodules:
git clone --recursive --jobs 8 <URL to Git repo>
If you already have cloned a repository and now want to load it’s submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive --jobs 8
git submodule update --recursive
Pull everything, including submodules:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Add a sudmodule:
git submodule add -b <branch_name> <URL to Git repo>
git submodule init
Update your submodule --remote fetches new commits in the submodules and updates the working tree to the commit described by the branch:
git submodule update --remote
The following example shows how to update a submodule to its latest commit in its master branch:
# update submodule in the master branch
# skip this if you use --recurse-submodules
# and have the master branch checked out
cd [submodule directory]
git checkout master
git pull
# commit the change in main repo
# to use the latest commit in master of the submodule
cd ..
git add [submodule directory]
git commit -m "move submodule to latest commit in master"
# share your changes
git push
Get the update by pulling in the changes and running the submodules update command:
# another developer wants to get the changes
git pull
# this updates the submodule to the latest
# commit in master as set in the last example
git submodule update
Remove submodule:
git rm the_submodule
rm -rf .git/modules/the_submodule