Releases: Luligu/matterbridge
Releases · Luligu/matterbridge
Release 1.4.1
[1.4.1] - 2024-07-28
- [matterbridge]: Added logger levels: debug, info, notice, warn, error, fatal (parameter -logger with default info)
- [package]: Update dependencies.
- [logger]: Update node-ansi-logger to 2.0.6.
- [storage]: Update node-persist-manager to 1.0.8.
- [matter]: Update matter.js to 0.9.4.
Release 1.4.0
[1.4.0] - 2024-07-23
- [package]: Update dependencies.
- [matterbridge]: Added PluginsManager.ts.
- [matterbridge]: Removed timeout on cleanup.
- [matterbridge]: Removed write cache and expired interval for node storage.
- [matterbridge]: Added matterbridgeTypes.ts
- [frontend]: The frontend reconnects to WebSocket when the connection is closed.
- [frontend]: Removed QR button for plugins in error and not enabled.
- [frontend]: The Logs page and the log in the Home page persist till you close or reload the frontend (the last 1000 lines are available).
- [matterbridge]: Fixed utils export
Release 1.3.13
[1.3.13] - 2024-07-11
- [frontend]: The Logs window in the Home page has the same filter as the Logs page.
- [matterbridge]: The plugins debug is now indipendent from matterbridge debug and matter.js log level. It can be set from the plugin config.
- [frontend]: Fix Home page for mobile (the page doesn't "jump" anymore with touchscreens).
- [matterbridge]: Fixed npm ignore for exports.
- [matterbridge]: Fixed load plugin when the don't have author and description.
Release 1.3.12
Release 1.3.11
[1.3.11] - 2024-07-08
- [device]: Added addRequiredClusterServers and addOptionalClusterServers methods.
- [frontend]: Added separated settings for the two logging systems (Matterbridge and Matter.js).
- [device]: Refactor contructor and loadInstance to accept DeviceTypeDefinition | AtLeastOne.
- [frontend]: Update to 1.2.0 (initial optimization for mobile)
- [dependencies]: Update dependencies.
Release 1.3.10
[1.3.10] - 2024-07-05
- [fabrics]: Added fabricInfo to matterbridge in bridge mode and to the plugins in childbridge mode.
- [sessions]: Added sessionInfo to matterbridge in bridge mode and to the plugins in childbridge mode.
- [frontend]: Added fabricInfo in bridge mode and in childbridge mode instead of QRCode if already paired.
- [frontend]: Added sessionInfo in bridge mode and in childbridge mode instead of QRCode if already paired.
- [matterbridge]: Added parsePlugin to load the updated data from the plugin even when is disabled.
- [matterbridge]: Added an automatic plugin reinstall from npm when the plugin is not found. (e.g. when the docker image is updated and the plugin is not an official plugin)
- [dependencies]: Update dependencies.
Release 1.3.9
Release 1.3.8
Release 1.3.7
[1.3.7] - 2024-06-30
- [matter.js]: Added -mdnsinterface command line parameter to limit the MdnsBroadcaster to a single interface (e.g. matterbridge -bridge -mdnsinterface eth0). Matterbridge will validate the given interface and log a message if the interface is not available and will use all available interfaces.
- [dependencies]: Update dependencies.
- [dependencies]: Update eslint to 9.6.0.
- [dependencies]: Update matter.js to 0.9.3.
Release 1.3.6
[1.3.6] - 2024-06-28
- [matterbridge]: Unified the http server port for the frontend and the WebSockerServer.
- [matterbridge]: Unified the https server port for the frontend and the WebSockerServer.
- [certificates]: The certificates for https connections are imported from the directory ~/.matterbridge/certs with these names: cert.pem, key.pem and ca.pem (optional). Use the -ssl command line parameter to activate https for both frontend and WebSocketServer.
- [matterbridge]: Fixed exports
- [matterbridgeDevice]: Fixed ElectricalEnergyMeasurement and ElectricalPowerMeasurement