3rd Javascript project: Picture in picture.
- MediaDevices: getDisplayMedia method()
- Picture-in-Picture for any Element, not just video
- Better tab sharing with Capture Handle
- Video and audio content
- Picture-in-Picture - W3C Working Draft (1)
- Picture-in-Picture - W3C Working Draft (2)
- Media Capture and Streams - W3C
- HTML5 Video API: A Guide to Video Transformation in the Browser
- Tab Capture Handle
- Screen sharing controls
- Picture-in-Picture Chrome Extension
- GoogleChrome - samples
- Picture-in-Picture Sample
- dom-examples/document-picture-in-picture
function getPIPInfo() {
if (pipWindow) {
console.log(`> Window size is ${pipWindow.width}x${pipWindow.height}`);
const [track] = video.srcObject.getVideoTracks();
var events = [];
for (var property in pipWindow) {
let match = property.match(/^on(.*)/)
if (match) {
} else {
console.log('No pip window is currently open...');
Can be added in the finally bloc of onclick.