I have been collecting many links throughout months and I wish to share some of them with you. Don't hesitate to contribute more useful resource 😉
- W3C CSS Validator
- Animate.css
- animista
- CSSeffectsSnippets
- SpinKit
- CSS Minifier
- CSS Box Shadow Generator
- Neumorphism.io
- Get waves
- MDN Web Docs
- JavaScript 30
- Codewars
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Particles.js
- ES6 Basic Features
- Javascript Info
- tsParticles
- Font Awesome
- Feather
- Fontisto
- Ionicons
- Heroicons
- Simple Icons
- Material Design Icons
- Icons8
- IconsScout
- Undraw
- manypixels
- IRA Design
- Free Illustrations by Lukasz Adam
- Blobmaker
- Get Waves
- Colors and Fonts
- BADA55
- Gradient Background Colors
- Grabient
- Black Illustration
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- Burst
- ISO Republic
- Pixabay
- StockSnap.io
- Photopea
- Online Image Compressor
- Bulk Resize Photos
- Background Remover
- Favicon Generator
- BGJar
- Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
- HackerRank 2020 Developer Skills Report
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020
- Refactoring UI
- airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
- JavaScript & jQuery
- You Don't Know JS
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1
- Advance HTML and CSS