MovieDB is a NextJS project to share my plex movie library. It is also use as learning ground for NextJS, caching and MongoDB. MovieDB UI is build in NextUI + FramerMotion and Tailwind.
for information on supported versions.
For public use is recomended to use Vercel
for home use it is needed to fill .env
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 # change to public URL if uploaded to Vercel
# Auth settings
SECRET=change-me-please # use 128 char or longer string with upper/lower case letters and numbers -> Used for core API auth to prevent bots spamming
AUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 # change for production URL
AUTH_SECRET=change-me-please # for production use `openssl rand -base64 32`
# Providers
GITHUB_ID=gh_id # OAuth id for github
GITHUB_SECRET=gh_secret # OAuth secret for github
It is recomended to use Railway as a DB/Redis provider for easy setup and management.
- clone this repo
- navigate into root folder of the repo
- fill all required variables in
- run all commands listed below
npm install
npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate
npm build && npm start