This repo holds the source code for the Kolibri Deploy Golem. It is a simple flask webapplication that listens to configurable webhooks and auto deploys repositories.
For deployement a simple gunicorn setup will suffice. Gunicorn example command:
gunicorn -b unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock app:app --workers 4
For more information consult the flask and gunicorn documentation on deployement.
The app itself needs two config files, one called
defined in it for the application to import.
The other file needed is a config.yaml
with the following structure:
<repo name>:
event: push (or another event)
key: <secret key>
cwd: <the folder in which the application/repo lives>
branch: master (or another branch if applicable)
- git pul
- action 1
- action 2
For the webhook itself, choose json encoded webhook and fill in the same secret key as in your config.yaml.
The webhook url is setup in the following way:
https://<domain>/hooks/<type>/<repo name>/
In which the type can either be github
or gitea