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162 lines (150 loc) · 3.8 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (150 loc) · 3.8 KB

Supported Classes & Components

  • StyleSheet

    • create
  • AppRegistry

    • getAppKeys
    • registerComponent
    • registerConfig
    • registerRunnable
    • runApplication
  • AsyncStorage

    • getItem
    • setItem
    • removeItem
    • mergeItem
    • clear
    • getAllKeys
    • multiGet
    • multiSet
    • multiRemove
    • multiMerge
  • View

    • accessible not planned to support
    • accessibilityLabel not planned to support
    • accessibilityComponentType not planned to support
    • accessibilityLiveRegion not planned to support
    • accessibilityTraits not planned to support
    • onAcccessibilityTap not planned to support
    • onMagicTap not planned to support
    • testID not planned to support
    • onMoveShouldSetResponder
    • onResponderGrant
    • onResponderMove
    • onResponderReject
    • onResponderRelease
    • onResponderTerminate
    • onResponderTerminationRequest
    • onStartShouldSetResponder
    • onStartShouldSetResponderCapture
    • onLayout
    • pointerEvents
    • style
    • removeClippedSubviews not planned to support
    • renderToHardwareTextureAndroid not planned to support
    • shouldRasterizeIOS not planned to support
    • collapsable
  • Text

    • numberOfLines
    • onLayout
    • onPress
    • suppressHighlighting
    • style
    • testID
    • allowFontScaling
  • Image

    • onLayout
    • resizeMode
    • source
    • style
    • testID
    • accessibilityLabel not planned to support
    • accessible not planned to support
    • capInsets
    • defaultSource
    • onError
    • onLoad
    • onLoadEnd
    • onLoadStart
    • onProgress
  • ScrollView

    • alwaysBounceHorizontal
    • alwaysBounceVertical
    • automaticallyAdjustContentInsets
    • bounces
    • bouncesZoom
    • canCancelContentTouches
    • centerContent
    • contentContainerStyle
    • contentInset
    • contentOffset
    • decelerationRate
    • directionalLockEnabled
    • horizontal
    • keyboardDismissMode
    • keyboardShouldPersistTaps
    • maximumZoomScale
    • minimumZoomScale
    • onScroll
    • onScrollAnimationEnd
    • pagingEnabled
    • removeClippedSubviews
    • scrollEnabled
    • scrollEventThrottle
    • scrollIndicatorInsets
    • scrollsToTop
    • showsHorizontalScrollIndicator
    • showsVerticalScrollIndicator
    • stickyHeaderIndices
    • style
    • zoomScale
  • TextInput

    • autoCapitalize
    • autoCorrect
    • autoFocus
    • clearButtonMode
    • clearTextOnFocus
    • defaultValue
    • editable
    • enablesReturnKeyAutomatically
    • keyboardType
    • maxLength
    • multiline
    • onBlur
    • onChange
    • onChangeText
    • onEndEditing
    • onFocus
    • onLayout
    • onSubmitEditing
    • placeholder
    • placeholderTextColor
    • returnKeyType
    • secureTextEntry
    • selectTextOnFocus
    • selectionState
    • style
    • testID
    • textAlign
    • textAlignVertical
    • underlineColorAndroid
    • value
  • TouchableHighlight

    • activeOpacity
    • onHideUnderlay
    • onShowUnderlay
    • style
    • underlayColor
  • TouchableOpacity

    • ...TouchableWithoutFeedback properties
    • style as of 0.10.0
    • activeOpacity
  • TouchableWithoutFeedback

    • accessible not planned to support
    • delayLongPress
    • delayPressIn
    • delayPressOut
    • onLongPress
    • onPress
    • onPressIn
    • onPressOut