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Keepalive support

FastAPI connection keepalive

Nobody initializes new connection for each and every query right? :-) Here is an example how to do it right from the client side:

http_client = urllib3.PoolManager(
                status_forcelist=[429, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504],
            timeout=Timeout(connect=5.0, read=10.0),

Let's see how to support HTTP connection keep-alive from FastAPI

What is HTTP keepalive?

When your client and server frequently interacts you should always create persistent HTTP connection

HTTP Keepalive


Synchronous API endpoint with small request / response

Nginx - APP connection, but no keepalive

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average
Requests per second 900.11 844.94 846.34 863.797
Time per request [ms] 111.098 118.351 118.156 115.868

Nginx - APP connection with keepalive

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average Difference to baseline
Requests per second 948.01 955.86 941.48 948.45 9.8 %
Time per request [ms] 105.485 104.617 106.215 105.439 10.43 ms


  • 9,8% improvement only because we reuse our existing connections

Asynchronous API endpoint with small request / response

Nginx - APP connection, but no keepalive

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average
Requests per second 1495.79 1406.19 1441.5 1447.83
Time per request [ms] 66.854 71.114 69.372 69.1133

Nginx - APP connection with keepalive

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average Difference to baseline
Requests per second 1630.65 1680.86 1688.54 1666.68 15.12 %
Time per request [ms] 61.325 59.493 59.223 60.0137 9.1 ms


  • 15% improvement by this simple change for async endpoint


  • Regardless of the use case sync / async endpoint we can improve our overall performance with this tiny change.
  • If you use HTTPS connection creation has even higher overhead due the the additional SSL layer

Pro tip:

  • This is a full Nginx config for FastAPI with keepalive support:
user nobody nogroup;
pid /var/run/;
worker_processes 1;  # 1/CPU, to be configured, but Nginx is so powerful, 1 worker can easly handle 1-2k QPS 
events {
  worker_connections 4096; # increase in case of lot of clients
  accept_mutex off; # set to 'on' if nginx worker_processes > 1
  use epoll; # for Linux 2.6+

http {
  include mime.types;
  # fallback in case we can't determine a type
  default_type application/octet-stream;
  tcp_nodelay on; # avoid buffer
  access_log off;
  error_log stderr;
  upstream gunicorn {
    # fail_timeout=0 means we always retry an upstream even if it failed
    # to return a good HTTP response
    server unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
    keepalive 8;

  server {
    listen                                80;
    server_tokens                         off;
    client_max_body_size                  20M;

    gzip                                  on;
    gzip_proxied                          any;
    gzip_disable                          "msie6";
    gzip_comp_level                       6;
    gzip_min_length                       200; # check your average response size and configure accordingly

    location / {
      proxy_pass                          http://gunicorn;
      proxy_set_header Host               $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $http_x_forwarded_proto;
      proxy_pass_header                   Server;
      proxy_ignore_client_abort           on;
      proxy_connect_timeout               65s; #  65 here and 60 sec in gconf in order to time out at app side first
      proxy_read_timeout                  65s;
      proxy_send_timeout                  65s;
      proxy_redirect                      off;
      proxy_http_version                  1.1;
      proxy_set_header Connection         "";
      proxy_buffering                     off;
    keepalive_requests                    5000;  
    keepalive_timeout                     120;
    set_real_ip_from            ;
    set_real_ip_from            ;
    set_real_ip_from            ;
    real_ip_header                        X-Forwarded-For;
    real_ip_recursive                     on;
