Compiler II Class - Project at Unitec San Pedro Sula, Honduras
tinyC accept a reduced part of c programming language which is described right here, and compile it to Assembly MIPS32
$ git clone
$ cd tinyC
$ make
$ ./tinyC <source-file-path>
$ make
$ make clean
- int
- char
- pointer - one level
- arrays - unidimensional
- '+' = Sum
- '++' = Increment INC_OP
- '-' = Sub
- '--' = Decrement DEC_OP
- '*' = Mult
- '/' = Div
- '%' = Mod
- '&&' = And AND_OP
- '||' = Or OR_OP
- '!' = Not
- '? :' = Ternary
- '&' = And
- '|' = Or
- '^' = Xor
- '~' = Not
- '>>' = Shift Right Logical RIGHT_OP
- '<<' = Shift Left Logical LEFT_OP
- '>' = Greater than
- '<' = Less than
- '>=' = Greater or Equal than GE_OP
- '<=' = Less or Equal than LE_OP
- '==' = Equal than EQ_OP
- '!=' = Not Equal than NE_OP
- '='
- '>>=' = Shift Right Logical Assign RIGHT_ASSIGN
- '<<=' = Shift Left Logical Assign LEFT_ASSING
- '+=' = Add Assign ADD_ASSIGN
- '-=' = Sub Assign SUB_ASSIGN
- '*=' = Mult Assign MULT_ASSIGN
- '/=' = Div Assign DIV_ASSIGN
- '%=' = Mod Assign MOD_ASSIGN
- '&=' = And Assign AND_ASSIGN
- '^=' = Xor Assign XOR_ASSIGN
- '|=' = Or Assign OR_ASSIGN
- '&' = Get Memory Address
- '*' = Disreference Pointer
if (expression) '{'? Statements '}'? {else Statements}?
for (expression; expression; expression) '{'? Statements '}'?
while (expression) '{'? Statements '}'?
- functions declaration and call functions
Keyword | Token |
break | BREAK_KW |
char | CHAR_KW |
continue | CONTINUE_KW |
else | ELSE_KW |
for | FOR_KW |
if | IF_KW |
int | INT_KW |
return | RETURN_KW |
sizeof | SIZEOF_KW |
void | VOID_KW |
while | WHILE_KW |
tinyC is mainly developed by Kevin Javier Estevez (kjestevez dot 0795 at gmail dot com)
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3 - see the LICENSE file for details.