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Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator

A Kubernetes operator for Apache Flink, implemented in Java. See FLIP-212.


The operator is managed helm chart. To install run:

 cd helm/flink-operator
 helm install flink-operator .

Validating webhook

In order to use the webhook for FlinkDeployment validation, you must install the cert-manager on the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f

The webhook can be disabled during helm install by passing the --set webhook.create=false parameter or editing the values.yaml directly.

Watching only specific namespaces

The operator supports watching a specific list of namespaces for FlinkDeployment resources. You can enable it by setting the --set watchNamespaces={flink-test} parameter.

User Guide

Create a new Flink deployment

The flink-operator will watch the CRD resources and submit a new Flink deployment once the CR is applied.

kubectl create -f examples/basic.yaml

Delete a Flink deployment

kubectl delete -f examples/basic.yaml


kubectl delete flinkdep {dep_name}

Get/List Flink deployments

Get all the Flink deployments running in the K8s cluster

kubectl get flinkdep

Describe a specific Flink deployment to show the status(including job status, savepoint, etc.)

kubectl describe flinkdep {dep_name}

Developer Guide

Building docker images

docker build . -t <repo>/flink-java-operator:latest
docker push <repo>flink-java-operator:latest
helm install flink-operator . --set image.repository=<repo> --set image.tag=latest

Running the operator locally

You can run or debug the FlinkOperator from your preferred IDE. The operator itself is accessing the deployed Flink clusters through the REST interface. When running locally the rest.port and rest.address Flink configuration parameters must be modified to a locally accessible value.

When using minikube tunnel the rest service is exposed on localhost:8081

> minikube tunnel

> kubectl get services
NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
basic-session-example        ClusterIP      None           <none>        6123/TCP,6124/TCP   14h
basic-session-example-rest   LoadBalancer     8081:30572/TCP      14h

The operator picks up the default log and flink configurations from /opt/flink/conf. You can put the rest configuration parameters here:

cat /opt/flink/conf/flink-conf.yaml
rest.port: 8081
rest.address: localhost


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Considering the cost of running the builds, the stability, and the maintainability, flink-kubernetes-operator chose GitHub Actions and build the whole CI/CD solution on it. All the unit tests, integration tests, and the end-to-end tests will be triggered for each PR.

Note: Please make sure the CI passed before merging.