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hCaptcha module for OXID eShop

MIT license Maintenance

Stop more bots. Start protecting user privacy. This module adds hCaptcha to forms in OXID eShop.


  • OXID: ^6
  • PHP: ^7.0 || ^8.0


To install the module run the following command from the root directory of your OXID installation.

composer require tremendo/hcaptcha


After installing the module, you need to activate it, either via OXID eShop admin or CLI.

./bin/oe-console oe:module:activate tremendo_hcaptcha


Basic settings

Site key and secret

Visit and register for free. You will recieve a site key and a secret. Enter both in the modules's settings page.


If you want to use a specific language for the widget, you can enter a language code here. Leave this field empty to auto dectect the user's language.

Google reCaptcha compatibility

Whether or not to insert window.grecaptcha compatibility hook.



Choose the widget's theme (light or dark).

Display Mode

Choose the widget's display mode (normal, compact or invisible) here.

If you use the invisible mode hCaptcha client/server interactions occur in the background, and the user will only be presented with a hCaptcha challenge if that user meets challenge criteria.

Links to hCaptcha's privacy policy and TOS

Check this option to include links to hCaptcha's privacy policy and terms of service if the widget is in invisible mode. Recommended.


If you want to use your own event handlers for the widget, you can activate them here.

Before you do this please make a copy of the file src/js/hcaptcha_callbacks.dist.js and rename it to hcaptchta_callbacks.js so the module can find it and future updates will not override your changes.

Content-Security-Policy Settings

If you use CSP add and https://* to script-src, frame-src, style-src and connect-src.


This module is licensed under the MIT License.