Release history with new or improved features and bugfixes
- 009158 Bad param for parameterized SQL crashes FSM (#315)
- implement safe subnet_filter(IPv4/6 address, subnet-length) -> mask (#309)
- Frameworks and APIs to filter cluster snapshot (#299)
- Activated auto truncate on high memory (#306)
- Float support of diff
- Return_atomic wrap on transaction calls #302
- imem_dal_skvh dirty_next api implemented
- imem_snap initial zip taken synchronously
- Cluster Query support
- On demand cluster snapshotting
- Purge History tables (older than configured days)
- Partition size metric
- Virtual memory metric for windows
- Moved lager handlers into config
- Added support of put and delete to imem_client
- Improved performance of imem_snap candidate check
- http interface in imem_client
- git diff functionality with srource code
- sql parse 4.6.1
- ddVersion: git command optimized
- ddVesrion: unnecessary folder switch removed
- ddVersion: path blacklist
- Implemented ddVersion
- ddVersion : check beam for git URL info
- Sqlparse upgraded to version 4.5.0
- Implemented text comparison and diff functionality
- Sqlparse upgraded to version 4.4.0
- process_statistics metrics added #227
- imem_compiler hot code loading issue fixed #229
- Added specs to imem_snap module
- cluster snapshot reading tables to snapshot at time of snapshotting #221
- skvh - check trigger before overwritting #223
- Windows NIFs for hi-resolution time
- Upgraded sqlparser to version 4.3.1
- DB restore from cluster snapshot on cold start (since 2.1.0)
SQL function- move windows native time API to branch
- manual 4-byte header in imem_server is replaced with
{packet, 4}
socket option - log table creation is deferred till imem start in
- Added epmd API to allow registration of node in case of node hidden from cluster
- Upgraded ranch to version 1.5.0
added to safe list of function.- Upgraded port_compiler to 1.9.1
- Upgraded erlscrypt to 1.2.2
- Upgraded sqlparse to version 4.2.0
- Upgraded sqlparse to version 4.1.0
- live debug tracing feature support
- windows native timestamp APIs as NIF
- Upgraded sqlparse to version 4.0.0
- Improved type inference in JSON projection updates
- APIs
- Fixed decimals when using datatype to convert from float to io
- Skvh delete using keys as terms
- Implemented circular reference for imem_config
- sqlparse to version 3.0.0
- sext-1.4.1
- fixes for node sharded tables #175
- OTP-20.1
- Erlscrypt to version
- Exoprted decode/2 function to imem_json to allow options.
- Migration to rebar3.
- Improved application start / stop.
- purge/proll logic re-worked
- OTP 20
- Backward compatibility added for partition name calculation based on key.
- Added list_to_binstr sql function
- Export start, suspend and restart in imem_snap
- Using new imem_meta monotinic time to check if snapshot is required and reduced the check frequency to 60 seconds.
- Added new time methods to replace deprecated erlang:now
- OTP 19 support
- lager-3.4.2
- Clustering between OTP18 and OTP19 fixed
- Added node information to the metric results
- metric modification support for noreply path
- Implemented safe callback function and suspend agent execution of metric for at least 2 seconds after a crash
- fixed return value of request_metric on behaviour as the caller expect it to be ok, and the metric result should be sent as message
- Changed request_metric from imem_sec to use imem_gen_metrics and pass the callback module as a parameter
- Required nodes reutrned with elrang and data nodes metrics
- Bug Fixes
- Added support for async request metrics from remote connection
- Implemented driven sync reply
- Ranch dependency upgraded to 1.3.2
- set as default listener address
- Implemented snapshot exclusion pattern as function inside imem_snap
- Implemented sql function round
- replaced safe sql funciton for typed version safe_ i.e.: (safe_atom, safe_binstr, ...)
- Implmeented projection update/insert for map_get
- Added maps, binary and strings modules to the list of safe sql functions.
- Improved support for escaped text in CSV files.
- Improved speed of
- Add sql preview function (index scan)
- Bind table names from parameters in sql_select
- Enum metadata property support
- imem_gen_metrics behaviour support asynchronous requests
- get_config_hlk support for configuration without comment removed
- Double sms issue fixed with smsott authentication after saml
- Fixed code inject vulnerabilities by only allowing safe functions
- Pretty print records using parse transform
- Using
instead ofos:timestamp()
in datatype - Implemented imem_metrics system information
- Binding Strategy for from_binterm
- Auto purge only local shards on low memory
- Fixed like operation not working on strings containing ~n
- Cluster snapshot fixes #101 and #102
- Added behaviour imem_gen_metrics defining the api for metrics
- Support for json path edits, empty binary instead of '$not_a_value'
- Updated sqlparse to version 1.5.4
- Added complexity check to change password
- Tail mode propagate deleted rows using detailed MNESIA events
- Suspend snapshot during
- Added saml auth support
- imem_server (TCP/SSL) restart APIs
- dirty_select support
- ddConfig dirty access
- tial bug fix
- Added map functions
- Implement slice sql function
- Set sext dependency to a particular commit (map support)
- Improve generation for binstr and binary
- Fixed sql generation issues for filter
- Added support for drop imem_dal_skvh tables
- Added edit on simple json path expression projections
- Allow update and insert for vector query
- Enabled generators for in()
- Support arity 2 vnf(Key, Value)
- Updated sqlparse to version 1.5.3
- Fixed preview not returning the complete list of results
- Fixed data dictionary trigger
- Added imem config documentation
- drop with table opts support and ignore
- Fixed sql generation from filters for json
- Prune history implemented
- Audit write no op implemented
- Fixed cluster snapshots
- Improve speed of skvh read shallow and deep.
- Fixed some security vulnerabilities
- Moved JSON Path documentation to Wiki
- Added map interface to skvh
- json_diff bug fixes
- Added json_diff to the sql layer
- Removed search deleted from imem_dal_skvh
- Fixed bug in imem_snap
- Added imem_domain gen_server for translation functions
- Fix imem_if_csv for large lines
- Fixed bug in authentication failure handling
- Improved snapshot restore efficiency
- Added to_json as sql function
- Fixed bug in imem_doc_config
- Fixed bug searching delete objects
- Added is_val support for sql
- Corrected to_map function
- Added support for functions (mfa) using sql
- Improved generators for primitive data types
- Added complexity check for "alter user password" sql
- adding temporary lock to authentication
- fix modulo calculation in failure tuple
- Added support for continuation to imem_index preview
- CSV file read
- Major backward incompatible DB schema changes
- Lot of bug fixes
spawn zipping of files on startup into separate process, avoid zip startup delays
unzip goes into default snapshot directory, avoiding problems with temp directory
delete orphan ddTable entry for drop table when table is dropped on MNESIA level
remove logging of drop / truncate in imem_meta, reduce risk of call recursion
use separate processes for purge and monitor, will allow logging in these functions
improve variable binding in joins and support tuple values better
fix permission problem for drop_table / truncate_table, used in dderl
added virtual table ddSchema
add ddTable record to user_properties (included in shnapshot)
extend timeout for snapshots
create table in restore using user_propertties if it does not exist
implement nodef() formatter function for suppressing default values in SQL select columns
add pseudocolumn expiry = time_of_partition_expiry() to ddSize virtual table
add pseudocolumn tte = time_to_partition_expiry() to ddSize virtual table
add value owner to config entries and prevent different key owner from overwriting
bad_rpc issue fixed in ddNodes evaluation
ddSize typo fixed
use os_mon / lager for system monitoring
change logging from info to debug for drop_table, subscribem unsubscribe
snapshot issues fixed
snap for only local readable tables
snap restore and backup one file at a time
- change dependencies to forked own versions (for reproducability)
- no functional changes
configurable snapshot fun
chunked streaming format for snapshot and restore
configurable purge fun which can act based on available os memory limits
memory usage column added to virtual table ddSize
fixes for binary table names in security layer imem_sec
clean and central parsing for time partitioned tables
teardown of imem_if in case of MNESIA down signal
improved zip-file handling for snapshots
fix connection probe issue with accept_once
using lager logging for low level imem functions
configurable monitor extensions
configurable monitor dump to file system
fix lock situation in log partition rollover
extended snapshotting functions and escript access
ddSize virtual table with row count column for joins with table names
fix for sorting issue