- It's making things go fast
- It's specialization
- Benchmarks are lies
- Any benchmark that doesn't look exactly like the application we're trying to mimic will be wrong
Python vs CPython
Python is an abstract language for which we've built implementation
CPython is an implentation of Python
Python is NOT:
- Cython
- RPython
- Dynamic languages do not have to be slow
- Monkey patching - how can we optimise?
- Make assumptions
- Do cheap checks on this assumption
- Slow != Hard to Optimise
- Pypy is another implementation of Python
- Uses Just-In-Time compiling(?)
- How can we be as fast as C without static typing and immutability?
- Objects have a fixed set of values
- Dicts have an arbitrary set of values
- Don't represent objects as dictionaries
- Classes are specialiseed, dictionaries aren't
- For the past 20 years, objects were seen as the same speed as dicts
- However dicts are much slower in modern Python, e.g Pypy, Python 3.2
- N.B. NamedTuples are fast
- Zero-buffer