; Big screenshot tiles-a setting of 8 gives a 4k BMP screenshot screenshot.tiles = 16 ; Custom graphics settings gui.scale = 1.00 ; GUI scaling factor, for improved compatibility with 4K displays gpuskinning = true ; Experimental probably-non-working GPU skinning support; requires preferglsl; use at own risk. materialmgr.quality = 10 ; Quality level of shader effects (set to 10 to display all effects). materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max = 30 ; Maximum distance to display very high quality parallax effect. Set to 30 to enable. view.zoom.min = 40.0 ; Decreased from 50 to 40 for a closer min zoom to see the excellent artwork. view.zoom.max = 220.0 ; Increased from 200 to 220 for a farther max zoom. view.zoom.default = 120.0 ; Default camera zoom not affected. view.fov = 45.0 ; Field of view (degrees), lower is narrow, higher is wide. ; Hotkeys hotkey.session.capture = "Alt" ; Modifier to capture instead of another action (e.g. attack)