DocTestSetup = quote
using EffectiveWaves
Here we demonstrate how varying the volume fraction of two different species of particles changes the effective wave speed and attenuation.
using EffectiveWaves
# for fixed total volume fraction
background = Acoustic(3; ρ = 1.0, c = 1.0) # 3 for a 3D material.
gas_particle = Particle(Acoustic(3; ρ = 0.3, c = 0.3), 0.5) # 0.5 is the radius
solid_particle = Particle(Acoustic(3; ρ = 1000.0, c = 1000.0), 1.5)
# output
ωs = LinRange(0.01,0.5,200)
volumefraction = 0.1
vols = LinRange(0.0,volumefraction,N)
ks_arr = map(1:N) do i
sp1 = Specie(gas_particle; volume_fraction = vols[i])
sp2 = Specie(solid_particle; volume_fraction = volumefraction-vols[i])
[ wavenumber_low_volumefraction(ω, background, [sp1,sp2]) for ω in ωs]
speeds = [ ωs ./ real(ks) for ks in ks_arr]
attenuations = imag.(ks_arr)
labs = reshape( map(v -> "void vol = $(Int(round(100*v)))%",vols),1, length(vols));
p1 = plot(ωs, speeds,
ylabel="wave speed (m/s)" ,xlabel="frequency"
p2 = plot(ωs, attenuations,
labels=labs, xlabel="frequency", ylabel="attenuation (1/m)");