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Transducer as an optimization: map, filter and flatten (#33526)
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Use map and filter transducers in foldl as an optimization
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tkf authored and KristofferC committed Apr 11, 2020
1 parent d2d0ba3 commit 905c255
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 42 deletions.
148 changes: 118 additions & 30 deletions base/reduce.jl
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Expand Up @@ -36,31 +36,116 @@ mul_prod(x::Real, y::Real)::Real = x * y

## foldl && mapfoldl

function mapfoldl_impl(f::F, op::OP, nt::NamedTuple{(:init,)}, itr, i...) where {F,OP}
init = nt.init
function mapfoldl_impl(f::F, op::OP, nt, itr) where {F,OP}
op′, itr′ = _xfadjoint(BottomRF(op), Generator(f, itr))
return foldl_impl(op′, nt, itr′)

function foldl_impl(op::OP, nt, itr) where {OP}
v = _foldl_impl(op, get(nt, :init, _InitialValue()), itr)
v isa _InitialValue && return reduce_empty_iter(op, itr)
return v

function _foldl_impl(op::OP, init, itr) where {OP}
# Unroll the while loop once; if init is known, the call to op may
# be evaluated at compile time
y = iterate(itr, i...)
y = iterate(itr)
y === nothing && return init
v = op(init, f(y[1]))
v = op(init, y[1])
while true
y = iterate(itr, y[2])
y === nothing && break
v = op(v, f(y[1]))
v = op(v, y[1])
return v

function mapfoldl_impl(f::F, op::OP, nt::NamedTuple{()}, itr) where {F,OP}
y = iterate(itr)
if y === nothing
return Base.mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, itr, IteratorEltype(itr))
x, i = y
init = mapreduce_first(f, op, x)
return mapfoldl_impl(f, op, (init=init,), itr, i)
struct _InitialValue end

BottomRF(rf) -> rf′
"Bottom" reducing function. This is a thin wrapper around the `op` argument
passed to `foldl`-like functions for handling the initial invocation to call
struct BottomRF{T}

@inline (op::BottomRF)(::_InitialValue, x) = reduce_first(op.rf, x)
@inline (op::BottomRF)(acc, x) = op.rf(acc, x)

MappingRF(f, rf) -> rf′
Create a mapping reducing function `rf′(acc, x) = rf(acc, f(x))`.
struct MappingRF{F, T}

@inline (op::MappingRF)(acc, x) = op.rf(acc, op.f(x))

FilteringRF(f, rf) -> rf′
Create a filtering reducing function `rf′(acc, x) = f(x) ? rf(acc, x) : acc`.
struct FilteringRF{F, T}

@inline (op::FilteringRF)(acc, x) = op.f(x) ? op.rf(acc, x) : acc

FlatteningRF(rf) -> rf′
Create a flattening reducing function that is roughly equivalent to
`rf′(acc, x) = foldl(rf, x; init=acc)`.
struct FlatteningRF{T}

@inline function (op::FlatteningRF)(acc, x)
op′, itr′ = _xfadjoint(BottomRF(op.rf), x)
return _foldl_impl(op′, acc, itr′)

_xfadjoint(op, itr) -> op′, itr′
Given a pair of reducing function `op` and an iterator `itr`, return a pair
`(op′, itr′)` of similar types. If the iterator `itr` is transformed by an
iterator transform `ixf` whose adjoint transducer `xf` is known, `op′ = xf(op)`
and `itr′ = ixf⁻¹(itr)` is returned. Otherwise, `op` and `itr` are returned
as-is. For example, transducer `rf -> MappingRF(f, rf)` is the adjoint of
iterator transform `itr -> Generator(f, itr)`.
Nested iterator transforms are converted recursively. That is to say,
given `op` and
itr = (ixf₁ ∘ ixf₂ ∘ ... ∘ ixfₙ)(itr′)
what is returned is `itr′` and
op′ = (xfₙ ∘ ... ∘ xf₂ ∘ xf₁)(op)
_xfadjoint(op, itr) = (op, itr)
_xfadjoint(op, itr::Generator) =
if itr.f === identity
_xfadjoint(op, itr.iter)
_xfadjoint(MappingRF(itr.f, op), itr.iter)
_xfadjoint(op, itr::Filter) =
_xfadjoint(FilteringRF(itr.flt, op), itr.itr)
_xfadjoint(op, itr::Flatten) =

mapfoldl(f, op, itr; [init])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,22 +176,17 @@ foldl(op, itr; kw...) = mapfoldl(identity, op, itr; kw...)

## foldr & mapfoldr

mapfoldr_impl(f, op, nt::NamedTuple{(:init,)}, itr) =
mapfoldl_impl(f, (x,y) -> op(y,x), nt, Iterators.reverse(itr))
function mapfoldr_impl(f, op, nt, itr)
op′, itr′ = _xfadjoint(BottomRF(FlipArgs(op)), Generator(f, itr))
return foldl_impl(op′, nt, Iterators.reverse(itr′))

# we can't just call mapfoldl_impl with (x,y) -> op(y,x), because
# we need to use the type of op for mapreduce_empty_iter and mapreduce_first.
function mapfoldr_impl(f, op, nt::NamedTuple{()}, itr)
ritr = Iterators.reverse(itr)
y = iterate(ritr)
if y === nothing
return Base.mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, itr, IteratorEltype(itr))
x, i = y
init = mapreduce_first(f, op, x)
return mapfoldl_impl(f, (x,y) -> op(y,x), (init=init,), ritr, i)
struct FlipArgs{F}

@inline (f::FlipArgs)(x, y) = f.f(y, x)

mapfoldr(f, op, itr; [init])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +314,11 @@ reduce_empty(::typeof(mul_prod), T) = reduce_empty(*, T)
reduce_empty(::typeof(mul_prod), ::Type{T}) where {T<:SmallSigned} = one(Int)
reduce_empty(::typeof(mul_prod), ::Type{T}) where {T<:SmallUnsigned} = one(UInt)

reduce_empty(op::BottomRF, T) = reduce_empty(op.rf, T)
reduce_empty(op::MappingRF, T) = mapreduce_empty(op.f, op.rf, T)
reduce_empty(op::FilteringRF, T) = reduce_empty(op.rf, T)
reduce_empty(op::FlipArgs, T) = reduce_empty(op.f, T)

Base.mapreduce_empty(f, op, T)
Expand All @@ -251,10 +336,13 @@ mapreduce_empty(::typeof(abs2), op, T) = abs2(reduce_empty(op, T))
mapreduce_empty(f::typeof(abs), ::typeof(max), T) = abs(zero(T))
mapreduce_empty(f::typeof(abs2), ::typeof(max), T) = abs2(zero(T))

mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, itr, ::HasEltype) = mapreduce_empty(f, op, eltype(itr))
mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op::typeof(&), itr, ::EltypeUnknown) = true
mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op::typeof(|), itr, ::EltypeUnknown) = false
mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, itr, ::EltypeUnknown) = _empty_reduce_error()
# For backward compatibility:
mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, itr, ItrEltype) =
reduce_empty_iter(MappingRF(f, op), itr, ItrEltype)

@inline reduce_empty_iter(op, itr) = reduce_empty_iter(op, itr, IteratorEltype(itr))
@inline reduce_empty_iter(op, itr, ::HasEltype) = reduce_empty(op, eltype(itr))
reduce_empty_iter(op, itr, ::EltypeUnknown) = _empty_reduce_error()

# handling of single-element iterators
Expand Down
13 changes: 1 addition & 12 deletions base/tuple.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,18 +204,7 @@ function map(f, t1::Any16, t2::Any16, ts::Any16...)

# mapafoldl, based on afold in operators.jl
mapafoldl(F,op,a) = a
mapafoldl(F,op,a,b) = op(a,F(b))
mapafoldl(F,op,a,b,c...) = mapafoldl(F, op, op(a,F(b)), c...)
function mapafoldl(F,op,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,qs...)
y = op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(a,F(b)),F(c)),F(d)),F(e)),F(f)),F(g)),F(h)),F(i)),F(j)),F(k)),F(l)),F(m)),F(n)),F(o)),F(p))
for x in qs; y = op(y,F(x)); end
mapfoldl_impl(f, op, nt::NamedTuple{(:init,)}, t::Tuple) = mapafoldl(f, op, nt.init, t...)
mapfoldl_impl(f, op, nt::NamedTuple{()}, t::Tuple) = mapafoldl(f, op, f(t[1]), tail(t)...)
mapfoldl_impl(f, op, nt::NamedTuple{()}, t::Tuple{}) = mapreduce_empty_iter(f, op, t, IteratorEltype(t))
_foldl_impl(op, init, itr::Tuple) = afoldl(op, init, itr...)

# type-stable padding
fill_to_length(t::NTuple{N,Any}, val, ::Val{N}) where {N} = t
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