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File metadata and controls

347 lines (277 loc) · 16.8 KB

The Julia data (*.jld) module

The JLD module reads and writes "Julia data files" (*.jld files) using HDF5. To the core HDF5 functionality, this module adds conventions for writing objects which are not directly supported by libhdf5. The key characteristic is that objects of many types can be written, and upon later reading they maintain the proper type. For example, libhdf5 does not know about complex numbers; as a consequence, JLD writes a complex number as a pair of real numbers, and then adds annotation hinting to the reader that these should be interpreted as a complex number of a particular type. The JLD read functions look for those hints and apply them automatically.

Note that *.jld files are "just" HDF5 files, and consequently can be read by any language that supports HDF5. However, to get variables read back in the appropriate type for that language, you'll want to use or write a translator. This translator should inspect the annotations of each variable. For further information, see below. If you do write a translator for another programming language, let me know and I will be happy to add a link to your package.


To get started using Julia data files, load the JLD module:

using JLD

*.jld files are created or opened in the following way:

file = jldopen("mydata.jld", "w")
@write file A

This creates a dataset named "A" containing the contents of the variable A. There are also the convenient save("mydata.jld", "A", A) or @save "mydata.jld" A syntaxes.

You may also use an array like syntax

file = jldopen("mydata.jld", "w")
file["a"] = [1:100]
b = file["a"][20:30]

You can use the keys function to get an array of the dataset or group names in you *.jld file ( useful if you forgot your dataset structure and doesn't want to load the entire dataset in memory ). It can be applied on JldFile and JldGroup types. Consider the following example :

file = jldopen("mydata.jld","w")
file["dataset"] = 1:5
file["group/dataset0"] = 1:7
file["group/dataset1"] = 1:9
julia> file = jldopen("mydata.jld","r")
julia> keys(file)
2-element Array{String,1}:
julia> keys(file["group"])
2-element Array{String,1}:
julia> read(file["group/dataset0"])
julia> keys(file["dataset"])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching keys(::JLD.JldDataset)...
julia> typeof(file["dataset"])

Use the delete! function to delete JldDatasets and their associated references. Directly deleting a JldDataset with o_delete will leave behind unwanted objects that may cause future errors, especially if you reuse the same path in the JLD file.

To specify compression, use the compress keyword argument to jldopen or save, e.g. jldopen("mydata.jld", "w", compress=true) or save("mydata.jld", "A", A, compress=true). The compress keyword need not be specified when you open a file for reading: compressed datasets are automatically decompressed when they are read.

By default, this uses Blosc compression, which imposes very little performance penalty, but leads to HDF5 files that are not readable by other applications unless a Blosc plugin is installed. If you also specify compatible=true, then a different (and often slower) compression method is used that should be readabye by any HDF5-using software.

JLD files can be opened with the mmaparrays option, which if true returns "qualified" array data sets as arrays using memory-mapping:

file = jldopen("mydata.jld", "r", mmaparrays=true)
y = read(file, "y")   # y will be a mmapped array, not read immediately in its entirety

Provided that you've said using HDF5, the features described for the HDF5 module work for *.jld files, too. For example:

julia> fidr = jldopen("/tmp/test.jld","r");

julia> dump(fidr, 20)
JldFile len 19
  A: Array{Int64,2} (3,5)
  AB: Array{Any,1} (2,)
  C: Array{Complex128,1} (4,)
  TF: Array{Bool,2} (3,5)
  c: Complex64
  d: Dict{Symbol,ASCIIString}
  ex: Expr
  ms: CompositeKind
  mygroup: HDF5Group{JldFile} len 1
    i: Int64
  str: ASCIIString
  stringsA: Array{ASCIIString,1} (7,)
  stringsU: Array{UTF8String,1} (7,)
  sym: Symbol
  syms: Array{Symbol,1} (2,)
  t: Tuple (2,)
  tf: Bool
  x: Float64

Custom serialization

There are times when you might want to store one Julia type as a different Julia type. For example, if you have an object of type Vector{Vector{Int}}, and all of the vectors are of the same length, you might consider packing it as a Matrix (with each vector a column of the matrix) for storage by HDF5. Such tricks can decrease the number of separate objects written to the disk, and perhaps improve performance.

You achieve this by extending the readas and writeas functions, defining a specific "serializer" type that only has meaning as an on-disk storage format. Here's a simple demonstration:

using JLD

type MyVectors5

type MyVectors5Serializer

JLD.readas(serdata::MyVectors5Serializer) = MyVectors5(Vector{Int}[serdata.m[:,i] for i = 1:size(serdata.m, 2)])

JLD.writeas(data::MyVectors5) = MyVectors5Serializer(hcat(data.v...))

These readas and writeas definitions just convert one form to the other. To test it,

v1 = rand(1:10, 5)
v2 = rand(1:10, 5)
obj = MyVectors5(Vector{Int}[v1,v2])

filename = joinpath(tempdir(), "custom.jld")
jldopen(filename, "w") do file
    write(file, "somedata", obj)

obj2 = jldopen(filename) do file
    read(file, "somedata")

You should see that obj2 has the same contents as obj, but that h5dump shows the data are being stored as a matrix.

Rescuing old types

Suppose you define some types and save a few of these objects to a *.jld file. Some time later, you change your code, and these changes include modifications to the original type. How can you load those old *.jld files?

The key function here is translate, in conjunction with readas as described above. For example, let's say you define

type MyType

and then save such objects to disk. Later, you re-define it as

type MyType

To read the original variables, a good approach is to define to define

type MyOldType

JLD.readas(x::MyOldType) = MyType(x.a, 0f0)

translate("MyType", "MyOldType")

before reading the variables. These definitions will cause old objects to be returned as a (new) MyType with b == 0.0f0.

Note that in the call to translate:

  1. You must specify the full module path for each type, including for built-in Julia types like Core.Int64.
  2. Type parameters must be declared explicitly. If you wish to call translate on multiple instances of a parameterized type, you should make separate calls for each one.

For example, the definition for the built-in Nullable type changed between Julia v0.5 and v0.6. To read in Nullable{Int64}s and Nullable{Float64}s saved in Julia 0.5:

type OldNullable{T}

JLD.readas(x::OldNullable) = Nullable(x.value, !x.isnull)

translate("Base.Nullable{Core.Int64}",  "OldNullable{Core.Int64}")
translate("Base.Nullable{Core.Float64}, "OldNullable{Core.Float64}")

Unusual module paths

Types are saved with their full module path, e.g., MyTypes.MyType. In general, most types should naturally be in modules that have a consistent module path each time you use them. However, in rare cases you may want to save types from a different module path than you expect to use them. You can use the rootmodule option to truncate the module path. For example, if you save your file this way:

module A
    module B
        using HDF5, JLD
        x = MyTypes.MyType(7)      # Full module path is A.B.MyTypes.MyType
        jldopen("test.jld", "w") do file
            addrequire(file, :MyTypes)
            write(file, "x", x, rootmodule="B")  # truncate up to and including B, so path is MyTypes.MyType

Then you can read this file from the REPL prompt simply with @load "test.jld". The MyTypes module will be defined inside Main, with no reference to A.B.

An alternative to rootmodule is to use

truncate_module_path(file, MyTypes)

and then use write without keyword arguments. This will cause all future writes of objects defined in MyTypes to be stripped of their module path.

Reference: the *.jld HDF5 format

This is intended as a brief "reference standard" describing the structure of the HDF5 files created by JLD. This may be of value to others trying to read such files from other languages. If you're interested in understanding the format, it is highly recommended to run the script test/jld.jl, which generates a sample file called test.jld in your temporary directory (e.g., /tmp). This file can then be inspected with h5dump.

Major structural elements

  • Files created using jldopen have a 512-byte header, which begins with a sequence of characters similar to "Julia data file (HDF5), version 0.0.0". However, note that we also support opening a pre-existing "plain" HDF5 file with jldopen(filename, "r+"); new items will be written using *.jld formatting conventions. Such files will lack the 512-byte header.
  • Each Julia object is stored as a dataset; groups are intentionally saved for "user structure." Complex objects are therefore stored by making use of HDF5's reference features. To support referencing, there are two reserved group names, /_refs and /_types (see below).
  • Each dataset has at least a julia_type attribute, consisting of a string used to encode its type. Other reserved attribute names: julia_format, CompositeKind, Module, TypeParameters. (The last three are specific to writing CompositeKinds.)

Storage format for specific types

Let's begin with a couple of examples. For a Float64 with value 3.7, stored with name "x", h5dump would show the following:

   DATASET "x" {
      DATA {
      (0): 3.7
      ATTRIBUTE "julia type" {
               STRSIZE 7;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
         DATA {
         (0): "Float64"

HDF5 provides sufficient metadata to encode the type directly (note the DATATYPE field representing the encoding type, and the DATASPACE SCALAR which indicates this is a single value). So here, the julia_type attribute could be viewed as redundant (and is not needed for "plain" HDF5 files). For consistency, it is always provided.

For an Array{Any, 1} stored with name "AB", you might see the following:

      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 2 ) / ( 2 ) }
      DATA {
      (0): DATASET 14512 /_refs/AB/1 , DATASET 15112 /_refs/AB/2
      ATTRIBUTE "julia type" {
               STRSIZE 12;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
         DATA {
         (0): "Array{Any,1}"

Here you can see that the DATATYPE is H5T_REFERENCE, which means that the objects inside this dataset are references to other objects. This object is an array of two elements, as indicated by DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 2 ) / ( 2 ) }. The DATA line explains where these references point, here to some datasets inside /_refs. The julia_type attribute assures that upon loading from the file, this dataset will be represented as an Array{Any, 1} rather than, say, an Array{Array{Int32, 2}, 1}. The key point is that whatever type it had when saved, that type will be used when it is reloaded.

This format illustrates the storage for general arrays (anything but arrays of Integers, FloatingPoints, or ASCII/UTF8 strings). This basic format is used as an ingredient for storage of most other Julia types. For example, a tuple differs from this simply in that the julia_type attribute is "Tuple"; the data are otherwise identical to this format.

Here is a brief description of the current formatting conventions:

  • Scalars and arrays of HDF5-supported BitsKinds: represented directly. For such objects, julia_type would be "Float64" (for a scalar double), "Array{Int8, 2}" (for a two-dimensional array of 8-bit integers).
  • ASCII/UTF8 strings and arrays of such strings: represented directly (using variable-length strings). julia_type might be "ASCIIString" or "Array{UTF8String, 1}".
  • Types: stored as a H5S_NULL, with the type encoded directly by the julia_type attribute. Examples include Nothing, Any, and Int32 (as a type, not a value), and the julia_type attribute is, e.g., "Type{Nothing}".
  • Bools: scalars are written as a single Uint8. Arrays of Bools are written with an additional attribute "julia_format", containing a string which describes the encoding strategy. Currently "EachUint8" is the only supported format (which writes Array{Bool} as an Array{Uint8}), but in the future it's anticipated that BitArrays will be the default. TODO: consider letting g[name, "julia_format", "EachUint8"] = B, where B is a boolean array, specify the format explicitly.
  • BitArrays: stored using the generic CompositeKind format, see below.
  • Complex64/Complex128: written as pairs of Float32/Float64s. An array of complex numbers with dimensionality (s1, s2, ...) is written as an array of FloatingPoints with dimensionality (2, s1, s2, ...).
  • Symbol: the symbol's name is represented as a string. An array of symbols is represented as array of strings.
  • General arrays: written as an array of references (see detailed example above). A group of the same pathname, but rooted at /_refs rather than /, is created to store the referenced data. See more detail about /_refs below.
  • Tuple: stored in the same way as a "general array", but with julia_type "Tuple"
  • Associative (Dict): written as Any[keys, vals], where keys and vals are arrays, using the "general array" format.
  • CompositeKind: written as an Array{Any, 1} (using the format of "general array"), where each item corresponds to the value of a field. The julia_type attribute is "CompositeKind", and then the actual type is stored in two additional attributes, called "CompositeKind" and "TypeParameters" (e.g., BitArray{2} would be stored with "CompositeKind" = "BitArray" and "TypeParameters" = ASCIIString["2"]). The CompositeKind itself is documented in the group /_types.
  • Expressions: stored as Any[ex.head, ex.args] using the "general array" syntax. Note that expressions quickly lead to deep nesting in /_refs.

Missing, but will be supported

  • Int128/Uint128: presumably similar to Complex128 (encode as pair of Uint64). The holdup: is the sign bit portable?

Not currently supported, and may never be

  • Functions (closures)
  • Generic BitsKinds

The latter are not supported due to concerns about portability (Julia's serializer, largely used for inter-process communication, doesn't seem to worry about this, but perhaps that's because it's safe to assume that all machines in a cluster have the same endian architecture).

Also, when writing arrays, undefined elements will cause an error.


For any "container" object in / that needs to reference sub-objects, there's a group of the same pathname under /_refs containing the references. Within /_refs, datasets may themselves need additional references. These are stored in a sub-group; the letter "g" is appended to prevent name conflicts with the dataset of references.


Each new type (CompositeKind) gets described by a dataset in /_types, containing a 2-by-n array of strings. Row 1 contains the field names, row 2 the corresponding Julia type declaration. (When viewed in h5dump, these look like pairs.) It also has a "Module" attribute, consisting of an array of strings that encodes the module hierarchy. The Module attribute is necessary for Julia to reconstruct the object in the case where the given type is not exported to Main. The array of name/type pairs is there (1) to help readsafely, and (2) to assist other languages in interpreting *.jld files.

Data types and code evolution

readsafely loads generic datasets, but loads CompositeKinds as a Dict. This provides a fallback if the type definition changes in the code after a *.jld file is written, or if the correct type definition simply doesn't exist (e.g., if it was defined in a package that hasn't been loaded into this Julia session).