Depends on OAuth2 Authenticator
The library should be available on the jug-montpellier nexus. Please contact [email protected] if there is problem with this library.
The application will be build using environments variables.
Please refer to the parent pom to see the list of available configurations.
A posgresql local database named "jug" must be accessible for user jug / jug
The database will be build by project montpellier-jug-database and will generate the structure of the tables.
## Mvn installation
You need to run this app with java 8!
Build and run the application :
> mvn install
> cd montpellier-jug-wisdom
> mvn wisdom:run
Then open http://localhost:9000/
Database is migrated on each build
To clean the database use the profile cleandb.
> mvn clean install -Pcleandb