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153 lines (117 loc) · 5.25 KB

Writing the Show Function

**Thils file is optional reading!**

There are two reasons why:

  • I was not able (i.e. smart enough to initially figure this out on my own) to convert this code into a compilable example
  • I found that I was able to understand the concept that this folder teaches without ultimately figuring out the below code. For example, the paper only lists the show function as another example about how it is easy to add more functions.
  • The cost-beneifits weren't worth it. Why spend time on trying to figure out this problem when I could spend time improving some other part of this repo, especially since this detail does not contribute greatly to one's understanding of this concept.

We still have one more function to define: show2 (which is just show but which prevents the name conflict from Prelude). In our original file, show2 was defined like this:

show2 :: Expression -> String
show2 (Value i) = show i
show2 (Add x y) = "(" <> show2 x <> " + " <> show2 y <> ")"

Since we changed the function, evaluate, into a type class, we should follow suit here. Still, we should diverge from Evaluate in a one way:

  • The types for x and y in Add x y should not be an Int. Rather, it should keep the spirit of the original show2 function and be other expression types on which we can recursively call show2 to get a full expression.

Expression in our original show2 function meant both Value and Add. To do the same thing in our new code, where these types are composed via Either, we would need to change the signature to f (Expression f):

class (Functor f) <= Show2 f where                                {-
  show2 :: AllExpressionTypes -> String                                   -}
  show2 :: f (Expression f)   -> String

With that being our expression type, what would values for Value, Add, and Multiply look like that fit that signature?

-- Value
(Value 5)

-- Value does not use the `In` value here
-- so its implementation is trivial
instance vs :: Show2 Value where
  show2 (Value x) = show x

-- Add
  (In (Left (Value 5)))
  (In (Right (Right (Multiply
    (In (Left (Value 9)))
    (In (Left (Value 9)))

-- Multiply
  (In (Left (Value 5)))
  (In (Right (Left (Add
    (In (Left (Value 4)))
    (In (Left (Value 2)))

Add and Multiply both have an In value and an Either value separating the next expression. We can remove the In value using a function. However, removing the Either value would be best left to an instance of our own type class that just delegates it to the underlying expression.

removeInAndShow :: Show2 f => Expression f -> String
removeInAndShow (In t) = show2 t

instance es :: (Show2 f, Show2 g) => Show2 (Either f g) where
  show2 (Left f)  = show2 f
  show2 (Right g) = show2 g

-- Now we can define the values for Add and Multiply
instance as :: Show2 Add where
  show2 (Add x y) =
    "(" <> removeInAndShow x <> " + " <> removeInAndShow y <> ")"

instance ms :: Show2 Multiply where
  show2 (Multiply x y) =
    "(" <> removeInAndShow x <> " * " <> removeInAndShow y <> ")"

All Code So Far and Show2

Again, I have not checked whether this code works, but it will serve to give you an idea for how it works.

-- File 1
data Value e = Value Int
data Add e = Add e e

derive instance vf :: Functor Value
derive instance af :: Functor Add

data Expression f = In (f (Expression f))

-- where `f` is a composed data type via Coproduct
value :: forall f. Int -> Expression f
value i = inj (Value i)

add :: forall f. Expression f -> Expression f -> Expression f
add x y = inj (Add x y)

class (Functor f) <= Evaluate f where
  evaluate :: f Int -> Int

instance ve :: Evaluate Value where
  evaluate (Value x) = x

instance ae :: Evaluate Add where
  evaluate (Add x y) = x + y

fold :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Expression f -> a
fold f (In t) = f (map (fold f) t)

type VA e = Coproduct Value Add e
newtype VA_Expression = VA_Expression (Expression VA)

eval :: forall f. Expression f -> Int
eval expression = fold evaluate expression

class (Functor f) <= Show2 f where
  show2 :: forall a. f a -> String

instance vs :: Show2 Value where
  show2 (Value x) = show x

removeInAndShow :: Show2 f => Expression f -> String
removeInAndShow (In t) = show2 t

instance es :: (Show2 f, Show2 g) => Show2 (Either f g) where
  show2 (Left f)  = show2 f
  show2 (Right g) = show2 g

instance as :: Show2 Add where
  show2 (Add x y) =
    "(" <> removeInAndShow x <> " + " <> removeInAndShow y <> ")"

-- call `eval` and `show2` on this
file1Example :: VA_Expression
file1Example = add (value 5) (value 6)

-- File 2
data Multiply e = Multiply e e
derive instance mf :: Functor Multiply

multiply :: forall f. Expression f -> Expression f -> Expression f
multiply x y = inj $ Multiply x y

instance ae :: Evaluate Multiply where
  evaluate (Multiply x y) = x * y

instance ms :: Show2 Multiply where
  show2 (Multiply x y) =
    "(" <> removeInAndShow x <> " * " <> removeInAndShow y <> ")"

type VAM e = Coproduct3 Value Add Multiply e
newtype VAM_Expression = VAM_Expression (Expression VAM)

-- call `eval` and `show2` on this
file2Example :: VAM_Expression
file2Example = add (value 5) (multiply (add (value 2) (value 8)) (value 4))