4 Items intended for PvP (fragging servers) but can definitely be brought into RP.
- Adrenaline: Gives you 100% health.
- Meldonin: Gives you unlimited stamina and super sprint speed.
- Anesthetic: Gives you 100% armour.
- Ketamine: Gives you wobbly legs 🐴
I have not applied visual effects to the first three stims due to visual effects being quite annoying when you're trying to have a gunfight. They each have a subtle screenshake instead.
All stim shot effects last 25 seconds (changeable) and have the following:
- Injection animation
- Injection sound effect
- Heartbeat sound effect
Installation guide:
- Import SQL file into your databse.
- Drag and Drop "D2D-Stims" into your resource directory.
- Add "D2D-Stims" into your "Server.CFG"
- Add item PNG's into your inventory system (if you wish)
- Restart server & Enjoy!