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OMMX Documentation for AI Assistants

Table of Contents



OMMX (Open Mathematical prograMming eXchange) is an open data format and SDK designed to simplify data exchange between software and people when applying mathematical optimization to real-world problems.

Data Exchange in Mathematical Optimization

When applying mathematical optimization to practical use cases, a large amount of data is often generated, requiring both effective management and sharing. Unlike the research phase of optimization, the application phase is divided into multiple stages, each necessitating specialized tools. Consequently, data must be converted to formats appropriate for each tool, making the overall process increasingly complex. By establishing one common format, it becomes easier to integrate multiple tools through a single conversion path to and from that format.

Moreover, these tasks are typically carried out by separate individuals and teams, requiring data handoffs. Metadata is critical in these handoffs to clarify the data’s meaning and intention. For example, if a solution file for an optimization problem lacks details regarding which problem was solved, which solver was used, or what settings were chosen, the file cannot be reused or validated effectively. Standardized metadata helps streamline collaboration and data handling.

Components of OMMX

To address these data exchange challenges, OMMX was developed. It consists of four main components:

  • OMMX Message
    A data format, independent of programming languages and OS, for exchanging information among software

  • OMMX Artifact
    A package format with metadata that is convenient for exchanging data among people

    A framework for efficiently creating and manipulating OMMX Messages and OMMX Artifacts

  • OMMX Adapters
    Tools for converting between solver-specific formats and OMMX

OMMX Message

OMMX Message is a data format defined with Protocol Buffers to ensure language-agnostic and OS-independent data exchange. It encapsulates schemas for optimization problems (ommx.v1.Instance) and solutions (ommx.v1.Solution). Protocol Buffers allow automatic generation of libraries in many languages, which OMMX SDK provides, especially for Python and Rust.

Data structures such as ommx.v1.Instance are called Messages, and each Message has multiple fields. For example, ommx.v1.Instance has the following fields (some are omitted for simplicity):

message Instance {
  // Decision variables
  repeated DecisionVariable decision_variables = 2;
  // Objective function
  Function objective = 3;
  // Constraints
  repeated Constraint constraints = 4;
  // Maximization or minimization
  Sense sense = 5;

Messages such as ommx.v1.DecisionVariable representing decision variables and ommx.v1.Function representing mathematical functions used as objective functions and constraints are defined under the namespace ommx.v1. A list of Messages defined in OMMX is summarized in OMMX Message Schema.

Some solvers can directly read ommx.v1.Instance. For those that cannot, OMMX Adapters can be used to convert OMMX Message data into formats the solvers can handle. This makes it simpler to integrate various tools that support OMMX.

OMMX Artifact

OMMX Artifact is a metadata-rich package format based on the OCI (Open Container Initiative) standard. An OCI Artifact manages its content as layers and a manifest, assigning a specific Media Type to each layer. OMMX defines its own Media Types (e.g., application/org.ommx.v1.instance), and when these formats are included in OCI Artifacts, they are called OMMX Artifacts.

In OCI Artifact, the contents of the package are managed in units called layers. A single container contains multiple layers and metadata called a Manifest. When reading a container, the Manifest is first checked, and the necessary data is extracted by reading the layers based on that information. Each layer is saved as binary data (BLOB) with metadata called Media Type. For example, when saving a PDF file, the Media Type application/pdf is attached, so software reading OCI Artifacts can recognize it as a PDF file by looking at the Media Type.

One major benefit of OCI Artifact compatibility is that standard container registries, such as DockerHub or GitHub Container Registry, can be used to store and distribute data. OMMX uses this mechanism to share large datasets like MIPLIB 2017, made available at GitHub Container Registry. For additional details, see Download MIPLIB Instances.


Solve With Ommx Adapter

OMMX provides OMMX Adapter software to enable interoperability with existing mathematical optimization tools. By using OMMX Adapter, you can convert optimization problems expressed in OMMX schemas into formats acceptable to other optimization tools, and convert the resulting data from those tools back into OMMX schemas.

Here, we introduce how to solve a 0-1 Knapsack Problem via OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter.

Installing the Required Libraries

First, install OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter with:

pip install ommx-pyscipopt-adapter

Two Steps for Running the Optimization

To solve the 0-1 Knapsack Problem through the OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter, follow these two steps:

  1. Prepare the 0-1 Knapsack problem instance.
  2. Run the optimization via OMMX Adapter.

In Step 1, we create an ommx.v1.Instance object defined in the OMMX Message Instance schema. There are several ways to generate this object, but in this guide, we'll illustrate how to write it directly using the OMMX Python SDK.

There are four ways to prepare an `ommx.v1.Instance`:
1. Write `ommx.v1.Instance` directly with the OMMX Python SDK.
2. Convert an MPS file to `ommx.v1.Instance` using the OMMX Python SDK.
3. Convert a problem instance from a different optimization tool into `ommx.v1.Instance` using an OMMX Adapter.
4. Export `ommx.v1.Instance` from JijModeling.

In Step 2, we convert ommx.v1.Instance into a PySCIPOpt Model object and run optimization with SCIP. The result is obtained as an ommx.v1.Solution object defined by the OMMX Message Solution schema.

Step 1: Preparing a 0-1 Knapsack Problem Instance

The 0-1 Knapsack problem is formulated as:

maximize i = 0 N 1 v i x i s . t . i = 0 n 1 w i x i W 0 , x i 0 , 1

We set the following data as parameters for this model.

# Data for 0-1 Knapsack Problem
v = [10, 13, 18, 31, 7, 15]   # Values of each item
w = [11, 25, 20, 35, 10, 33] # Weights of each item
W = 47  # Capacity of the knapsack
N = len(v)  # Total number of items

Below is an example code using the OMMX Python SDK to describe this problem instance.

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Define decision variables
x = [
    # Define binary variable x_i
        # Specify the ID of the decision variable
        # Specify the name of the decision variable
        # Specify the subscript of the decision variable
    # Prepare binary variables for the number of items
    for i in range(N)

# Define the objective function
objective = sum(v[i] * x[i] for i in range(N))

# Define the constraint
constraint = sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)) - W <= 0
# Specify the name of the constraint
constraint.add_name("Weight limit")

# Create an instance
instance = Instance.from_components(
    # Register all decision variables included in the instance
    # Register the objective function
    # Register all constraints
    # Specify that it is a maximization problem

Step 2: Running Optimization with OMMX Adapter

To optimize the instance prepared in Step 1, we convert it to a PySCIPOpt Model and run SCIP optimization via the OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter.

from ommx_pyscipopt_adapter import OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter

# Obtain an ommx.v1.Solution objection through a PySCIPOpt model.
solution = OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter.solve(instance)

The variable solution is an ommx.v1.Solution object that holds the results returned by SCIP.

Analyzing the Results

From the solution in Step 2, we can check:

  • The optimal solution (which items to pick to maximize total value)
  • The optimal value (maximum total value)
  • The status of constraints (how close we are to the knapsack weight limit)

We can do this with various properties in the ommx.v1.Solution class.

Analyzing the Optimal Solution

The decision_variables property returns a pandas.DataFrame containing information on each variable, such as ID, type, name, and value:


Using this pandas.DataFrame, for example, you can easily create a table in pandas that shows which items are included in the knapsack.

import pandas as pd

df = solution.decision_variables
        "Item number": df.index,
        "Include in knapsack?": df["value"].apply(lambda x: "Include" if x == 1.0 else "Exclude"),

From this analysis, we see that choosing items 0 and 3 maximizes the total value while satisfying the knapsack’s weight constraint.

Analyzing the Optimal Value

objective stores the best value found. In this case, it should match the sum of items 0 and 3.

import numpy as np
# The expected value is the sum of the values of items 0 and 3
expected = v[0] + v[3]
assert np.isclose(solution.objective, expected)

Analyzing Constraints

The constraints property returns a pandas.DataFrame that includes details about each constraint’s equality or inequality, its left-hand-side value ("value"), name, and more.


Specifically, The "value" is helpful for understanding how much slack remains in each constraint. Here, item 0 weighs 11 , item 3 weighs 35 , and the knapsack’s capacity is 47 . Therefore, for the weight constraint

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i x_i - W \leq 0 \end{align*} $$ the left-hand side "value" is 1 , indicating there is exactly 1 unit of slack under the capacity.

Tsp Sampling With Openjij Adapter

Here, we explain how to convert a problem to QUBO and perform sampling using the Traveling Salesman Problem as an example.

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is about finding a route for a salesman to visit multiple cities in sequence. Given the travel costs between cities, we seek to find the path that minimizes the total cost. Let's consider the following city arrangement:

# From ulysses16.tsp in TSPLIB
ulysses16_points = [
    (38.24, 20.42),
    (39.57, 26.15),
    (40.56, 25.32),
    (36.26, 23.12),
    (33.48, 10.54),
    (37.56, 12.19),
    (38.42, 13.11),
    (37.52, 20.44),
    (41.23, 9.10),
    (41.17, 13.05),
    (36.08, -5.21),
    (38.47, 15.13),
    (38.15, 15.35),
    (37.51, 15.17),
    (35.49, 14.32),
    (39.36, 19.56),

Let's plot the locations of the cities.

%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

x_coords, y_coords = zip(*ulysses16_points)
plt.scatter(x_coords, y_coords)
plt.xlabel('X Coordinate')
plt.ylabel('Y Coordinate')
plt.title('Ulysses16 Points')

Let's consider distance as the cost. We'll calculate the distance d ( i , j ) between city i and city j .

def distance(x, y):
    return ((x[0] - y[0])**2 + (x[1] - y[1])**2)**0.5

# Number of cities
N = len(ulysses16_points)
# Distance between each pair of cities
d = [[distance(ulysses16_points[i], ulysses16_points[j]) for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]

Using this, we can formulate TSP as follows. First, let's represent whether we are at city i at time t with a binary variable x t , i . Then, we seek x t , i that satisfies the following constraints. The distance traveled by the salesman is given by:

Extra open brace or missing close brace

\sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \sum_{i, j = 0}^{N-1} d(i, j) x_{t, i} x_{(t+1 % N), j}

However, x t , i cannot be chosen freely and must satisfy two constraints: at each time t , the salesman can only be in one city, and each city must be visited exactly once:

i = 0 N 1 x t , i = 1 , t = 0 N 1 x t , i = 1

Combining these, TSP can be formulated as a constrained optimization problem:

Unable to render expression.

\min \quad & \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \sum_{i, j = 0}^{N-1} d(i, j) x_{t, i} x_{(t+1 % N), j} \\
\text{s.t.} \quad & \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} x_{t, i} = 1 \quad (\forall t = 0, \ldots, N-1) \\
\quad & \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} x_{t, i} = 1 \quad (\forall i = 0, \ldots, N-1)

The corresponding ommx.v1.Instance can be created as follows:

from ommx.v1 import DecisionVariable, Instance

x = [[
            i + N * t,  # Decision variable ID
            name="x",           # Name of the decision variable, used when extracting solutions
            subscripts=[t, i])  # Subscripts of the decision variable, used when extracting solutions
        for i in range(N)
    for t in range(N)

objective = sum(
    d[i][j] * x[t][i] * x[(t+1) % N][j]
    for i in range(N)
    for j in range(N)
    for t in range(N)
place_constraint = [
    (sum(x[t][i] for i in range(N)) == 1)
        .set_id(t)  # type: ignore
    for t in range(N)
time_constraint = [
    (sum(x[t][i] for t in range(N)) == 1)
        .set_id(i + N)  # type: ignore
    for i in range(N)

instance = Instance.from_components(
    decision_variables=[x[t][i] for i in range(N) for t in range(N)],
    constraints=place_constraint + time_constraint,

The variable names and subscripts added to DecisionVariable.binary during creation will be used later when interpreting the obtained samples.

Sampling with OpenJij

To sample the QUBO described by ommx.v1.Instance using OpenJij, use the ommx-openjij-adapter.

from ommx_openjij_adapter import OMMXOpenJijSAAdapter

sample_set = OMMXOpenJijSAAdapter.sample(instance, num_reads=16, uniform_penalty_weight=20.0)

OMMXOpenJijSAAdapter.sample returns ommx.v1.SampleSet, which stores the evaluated objective function values and constraint violations in addition to the decision variable values of samples. The SampleSet.summary property is used to display summary information. feasible indicates the feasibility to the original problem before conversion to QUBO. This is calculated using the information stored in removed_constraints of the qubo instance.

To view the feasibility for each constraint, use the summary_with_constraints property.


For more detailed information, you can use the SampleSet.decision_variables and SampleSet.constraints properties.


To obtain the samples, use the SampleSet.extract_decision_variables method. This interprets the samples using the name and subscripts registered when creating ommx.v1.DecisionVariables. For example, to get the value of the decision variable named x with sample_id=1, use the following to obtain it in the form of dict[subscripts, value].

sample_id = 1
x = sample_set.extract_decision_variables("x", sample_id)
t = 2
i = 3
x[(t, i)]

Since we obtained a sample for x t , i , we convert this into a TSP path. This depends on the formulation used, so you need to write the processing yourself.

def sample_to_path(sample: dict[tuple[int, ...], float]) -> list[int]:
    path = []
    for t in range(N):
        for i in range(N):
            if sample[(t, i)] == 1:
    return path

Let's display this. First, we obtain the IDs of samples that are feasible for the original problem.

feasible_ids = sample_set.summary.query("feasible == True").index

Let's display the optimized paths for these samples.

fig, axie = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 12))

for i, ax in enumerate(axie.flatten()):
    if i >= len(feasible_ids):
    s = feasible_ids[i]
    x = sample_set.extract_decision_variables("x", s)
    path = sample_to_path(x)
    xs = [ulysses16_points[i][0] for i in path] + [ulysses16_points[path[0]][0]]
    ys = [ulysses16_points[i][1] for i in path] + [ulysses16_points[path[0]][1]]
    ax.plot(xs, ys, marker='o')
    ax.set_title(f"Sample {s}, objective={sample_set.objectives[s]:.2f}")


Switching Adapters

Solve with multiple adapters and compare the results

Since the OMMX Adapter provides a unified API, you can solve the same problem using multiple solvers and compare the results. Let's consider a simple knapsack problem as an example:

maximize i = 0 N 1 v i x i s . t . i = 0 n 1 w i x i W 0 , x i 0 , 1

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

v = [10, 13, 18, 31, 7, 15]
w = [11, 25, 20, 35, 10, 33]
W = 47
N = len(v)

x = [
    for i in range(N)
instance = Instance.from_components(
    objective=sum(v[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)),
    constraints=[sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)) - W <= 0],

Solve with multiple adapters

Here, we will use the following OSS solvers with corresponding adapters, which are developed as a part of OMMX Python SDK:

Package name PyPI Backend
ommx-python-mip-adapter CBC via Python-MIP
ommx-pyscipopt-adapter SCIP via PySCIPOpt
ommx-highs-adapter HiGHS

For non-OSS solvers, the following adapters also developed as separated repositories:

Package name PyPI Backend
ommx-gurobipy-adapter Gurobi
ommx-fixstars-amplify-adapter Fixstars Amplify

Here, let's solve the knapsack problem with OSS solvers, Highs, Python-MIP (CBC), and SCIP.

from ommx_python_mip_adapter import OMMXPythonMIPAdapter
from ommx_pyscipopt_adapter  import OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter
from ommx_highs_adapter      import OMMXHighsAdapter

# List of adapters to use
adapters = {
    "highs": OMMXHighsAdapter,
    "cbc": OMMXPythonMIPAdapter,
    "scip": OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter,

# Solve the problem using each adapter
solutions = {
    name: adapter.solve(instance) for name, adapter in adapters.items()

Compare the results

Since this knapsack problem is simple, all solvers will find the optimal solution.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

marks = {
    "highs": "o",
    "cbc": "x",
    "scip": "+",

for name, solution in solutions.items():
    x = solution.extract_decision_variables("x")
    subscripts = [key[0] for key in x.keys()]
    plt.plot(subscripts, x.values(), marks[name], label=name)


It would be convenient to concatenate the pandas.DataFrame obtained with decision_variables when analyzing the results of multiple solvers.

import pandas

decision_variables = pandas.concat([
    for solver, solution in solutions.items()

Share In Ommx Artifact

In mathematical optimization workflows, it is important to generate and manage a variety of data. Properly handling these data ensures reproducible computational results and allows teams to share information efficiently.

OMMX provides a straightforward and efficient way to manage different data types. Specifically, it defines a data format called an OMMX Artifact, which lets you store, organize, and share various optimization data through the OMMX SDK.

Preparation: Data to Share

First, let's prepare the data we want to share. We will create an ommx.v1.Instance representing the 0-1 knapsack problem and solve it using SCIP. We will also share the results of our optimization analysis. Details are omitted for brevity.

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable, Constraint
from ommx_pyscipopt_adapter.adapter import OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter
import pandas as pd

# Prepare data for the 0-1 knapsack problem
data = {
    # Values of each item
    "v": [10, 13, 18, 31, 7, 15],
    # Weights of each item
    "w": [11, 15, 20, 35, 10, 33],
    # Knapsack capacity
    "W": 47,
    # Total number of items
    "N": 6,

# Define decision variables
x = [
    # Define binary variable x_i
        # Specify the ID of the decision variable
        # Specify the name of the decision variable
        # Specify the subscript of the decision variable
    # Prepare num_items binary variables
    for i in range(data["N"])

# Define the objective function
objective = sum(data["v"][i] * x[i] for i in range(data["N"]))

# Define constraints
constraint = Constraint(
    # Name of the constraint
    name = "Weight Limit",
    # Specify the left-hand side of the constraint
    function=sum(data["w"][i] * x[i] for i in range(data["N"])) - data["W"],
    # Specify equality constraint (==0) or inequality constraint (<=0)

# Create an instance
instance = Instance.from_components(
    # Register all decision variables included in the instance
    # Register the objective function
    # Register all constraints
    # Specify that it is a maximization problem

# Solve with SCIP
solution = OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter.solve(instance)

# Analyze the optimal solution
df_vars = solution.decision_variables
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        "Item Number": df_vars.index,
        "Put in Knapsack?": df_vars["value"].apply(lambda x: "Yes" if x == 1.0 else "No"),
from myst_nb import glue

glue("instance", instance, display=False)
glue("solution", solution, display=False)
glue("data", data, display=False)
glue("df", df, display=False)
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 5 30 10

* - Variable Name
  - Description
  - Value
* - `instance`
  - `ommx.v1.Instance` object representing the 0-1 knapsack problem
  - ````{toggle}
    ```{glue:} instance
* - `solution`
  - `ommx.v1.Solution` object containing the results of solving the 0-1 knapsack problem with SCIP
  - ````{toggle}
    ```{glue:} solution
* - `data`
  - Input data for the 0-1 knapsack problem
  - ```{glue:} data
* - `df`
  - `pandas.DataFrame` object representing the optimal solution of the 0-1 knapsack problem
  - {glue:}`df`

Creating an OMMX Artifact as a File

OMMX Artifacts can be managed as files or by assigning them container-like names. Here, we'll show how to save the data as a file. Using the OMMX SDK, we'll store the data in a new file called my_instance.ommx. First, we need an ArtifactBuilder.

import os
from ommx.artifact import ArtifactBuilder

# Specify the name of the OMMX Artifact file
filename = "my_instance.ommx"

# If the file already exists, remove it
if os.path.exists(filename):

# 1. Create a builder to create the OMMX Artifact file
builder = ArtifactBuilder.new_archive_unnamed(filename)

ArtifactBuilder has several constructors, allowing you to choose whether to manage it by name like a container or as an archive file. If you use a container registry to push and pull like a container, a name is required, but if you use an archive file, a name is not necessary. Here, we use ArtifactBuilder.new_archive_unnamed to manage it as an archive file.

Constructor Description Manage by name like a container
ArtifactBuilder.new_archive Manage as both an archive file and a container
ArtifactBuilder.new_archive_unnamed Manage as an archive file
ArtifactBuilder.for_github Determine the container name according to the GitHub Container Registry

Regardless of the initialization method, you can save ommx.v1.Instance and other data in the same way. Let's add the data prepared above.

# Add ommx.v1.Instance object
desc_instance = builder.add_instance(instance)

# Add ommx.v1.Solution object
desc_solution = builder.add_solution(solution)

# Add pandas.DataFrame object
desc_df = builder.add_dataframe(df, title="Optimal Solution of Knapsack Problem")

# Add an object that can be converted to JSON
desc_json = builder.add_json(data, title="Data of Knapsack Problem")

In OMMX Artifacts, data is stored in layers, each with a dedicated media type. Functions like add_instance automatically set these media types and add layers. These functions return a Description object with information about each created layer.


The part added as title="..." in add_json is saved as an annotation of the layer. OMMX Artifact is a data format for humans, so this is basically information for humans to read. The ArtifactBuilder.add_* functions all accept optional keyword arguments and automatically convert them to the org.ommx.user. namespace.

Finally, call build to save it to a file.

# 3. Create the OMMX Artifact file
artifact =

This artifact is the same as the one that will be explained in the next section, which is the one you just saved. Let's check if the file has been created:

! ls $filename

Now you can share this my_instance.ommx with others using the usual file sharing methods.

Read OMMX Artifact file

Next, let's read the OMMX Artifact we saved. When loading an OMMX Artifact in archive format, use Artifact.load_archive.

from ommx.artifact import Artifact

# Load the OMMX Artifact file locally
artifact = Artifact.load_archive(filename)

OMMX Artifacts store data in layers, with a manifest (catalog) that details their contents. You can check the Descriptor of each layer, including its Media Type and annotations, without reading the entire archive.

import pandas as pd

# Convert to pandas.DataFrame for better readability
    "Media Type": desc.media_type,
    "Size (Bytes)": desc.size
  } | desc.annotations
  for desc in artifact.layers

For instance, to retrieve the JSON in layer 3, use Artifact.get_json. This function confirms that the Media Type is application/json and reinstates the bytes into a Python object.

# Remove the created OMMX Artifact file to clean up
! rm $filename

Download Miplib Instance

The OMMX repository provides mixed-integer programming benchmark instances from MIPLIB 2017 in OMMX Artifact format.

More details: The MIPLIB 2017 instances in OMMX Artifact format are hosted in the GitHub Container Registry for the OMMX repository ([link](

Please see [this page]( for information on GitHub Container Registry.

You can easily download these instances with the OMMX SDK, then directly use them as inputs to OMMX Adapters. For example, to solve the air05 instance from MIPLIB 2017 (reference) with PySCIPOpt, you can:

  1. Download the air05 instance with dataset.miplib2017 from the OMMX Python SDK.
  2. Solve with PySCIPOpt via the OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter.

Here is a sample Python code:

# OMMX Python SDK
from ommx import dataset
# OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter
from ommx_pyscipopt_adapter import OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter

# Step 1: Download the air05 instance from MIPLIB 2017
instance = dataset.miplib2017("air05")

# Step 2: Solve with PySCIPOpt via the OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter
solution = OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter.solve(instance)

This functionality makes it easy to run benchmark tests on multiple OMMX-compatible solvers using the same MIPLIB instances.

Note about Annotations with the Instance

The downloaded instance includes various annotations accessible via the annotations property:

import pandas as pd
# Display annotations in tabular form using pandas
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(instance.annotations, orient="index", columns=["Value"]).sort_index()

These instances have both dataset-level annotations and dataset-specific annotations.

There are seven dataset-wide annotations with dedicated properties:

Annotation Property Description
org.ommx.v1.instance.authors authors The authors of the instance
org.ommx.v1.instance.constraints num_constraints The number of constraint conditions in the instance
org.ommx.v1.instance.created created The date of the instance was saved as an OMMX Artifact
org.ommx.v1.instance.dataset dataset The name of the dataset to which this instance belongs
org.ommx.v1.instance.license license The license of this dataset
org.ommx.v1.instance.title title The name of the instance
org.ommx.v1.instance.variables num_variables The total number of decision variables in the instance

MIPLIB-specific annotations are prefixed with org.ommx.miplib.*.

For example, the optimal objective of the air05 instance is 26374, which you can check with the key org.ommx.miplib.objective:

# Note that the values of annotations are all strings (str)!
assert instance.annotations["org.ommx.miplib.objective"] == "26374"

Thus, we can verify that the optimization result from the OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter matches the expected optimal value.

import numpy as np

best = float(instance.annotations["org.ommx.miplib.objective"])
assert np.isclose(solution.objective, best)

Implement Adapter

As mentioned in Solve with multiple adapters and compare the results, OMMX Adapters have a common API. This common API is realized by inheriting the abstract base classes provided by the OMMX Python SDK. OMMX provides two abstract base classes depending on the type of adapter:

  • ommx.adapter.SolverAdapter: An abstract base class for optimization solvers that return one solution
  • ommx.adapter.SamplerAdapter: An abstract base class for sampling-based optimization solvers

Solvers that produce multiple solutions can be automatically treated as solvers returning a single solution by selecting the best sample. Therefore, SamplerAdapter inherits SolverAdapter. If you are unsure which one to implement, consider the number of solutions: if the solver returns one solution, use SolverAdapter; if it returns multiple solutions, use SamplerAdapter. For example, exact solvers like PySCIPOpt should use SolverAdapter, while samplers like OpenJij should use SamplerAdapter.

In OMMX, a class inheriting ommx.adapter.SolverAdapter is called a Solver Adapter and one inheriting ommx.adapter.SamplerAdapter is called a Sampler Adapter. For clear explaination in this chapter, the software that the adapter wraps (such as PySCIPOpt or OpenJij) is referred as "backend solver".

Adapter Workflow

The adapter process can be roughly divided into these 3 steps:

  1. Convert ommx.v1.Instance into a format the backend solver can understand
  2. Run the backend solver to obtain a solution
  3. Convert the backend solver’s output into ommx.v1.Solution or ommx.v1.SampleSet

Because the step 2 is nothing but the usage of the backend solver, we assume you to known it well. This tutorial explains steps 1 and 3.

Many backend solvers are designed to receive only the minimum necessary information to represent an optimization problem in a form suitable for their algorithms, whereas ommx.v1.Instance contains more information, assuming optimization as part of data analysis. Therefore, step 1 involves discarding much of this information. Additionally, OMMX manages decision variables and constraints with IDs that are not necessarily sequential, while some backend solvers manage them by names or sequential numbers. This correspondence is needed in step 3, so the adapter must manage it.

Conversely, in step 3, ommx.v1.Solution or ommx.v1.SampleSet, because these stores information same as ommx.v1.Instance, cannot be constructed solely from the backend solver's output. Instead, the adapter will construct ommx.v1.State or ommx.v1.Samples from the backend solver's output and the information from step 1, then convert it to ommx.v1.Solution or ommx.v1.SampleSet using ommx.v1.Instance.

Implementing a Solver Adapter

Here, we will implement a Solver Adapter using PySCIPOpt as an example. For a complete example, refer to ommx-pyscipopt-adapter.

For this tutorial, we will proceed in the following order to make it easier to execute step by step:

  • Implement functions to construct a PySCIPOpt model from ommx.v1.Instance one by one.
  • Finally, combine these functions into the OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter class.

Custom Exception

First, it is good to define custom exceptions. This makes it easier for users to understand which part is causing the problem when an exception occurs.

class OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(Exception):

OMMX can store a wide range of optimization problems, so there may be cases where the backend solver does not support the problem. In such cases, throw an error.

Setting Decision Variables

PySCIPOpt manages decision variables by name, so register the OMMX decision variable IDs as strings. This allows you to reconstruct ommx.v1.State from PySCIPOpt decision variables in the decode_to_state function mentioned later. Note that the appropriate method depends on the backend solver's implementation. The important thing is to retain the information needed to convert to ommx.v1.State after obtaining the solution.

import pyscipopt
from ommx.v1 import Instance, Solution, DecisionVariable, Constraint, State, Optimality, Function

def set_decision_variables(model: pyscipopt.Model, instance: Instance) -> dict[str, pyscipopt.Variable]:
    """Add decision variables to the model and create a mapping from variable names to variables"""
    # Create PySCIPOpt variables from OMMX decision variable information
    for var in instance.raw.decision_variables:
        if var.kind == DecisionVariable.BINARY:
            model.addVar(name=str(, vtype="B")
        elif var.kind == DecisionVariable.INTEGER:
                name=str(, vtype="I", lb=var.bound.lower, ub=var.bound.upper
        elif var.kind == DecisionVariable.CONTINUOUS:
                name=str(, vtype="C", lb=var.bound.lower, ub=var.bound.upper
            # Throw an error if an unsupported decision variable type is encountered
            raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
                f"Unsupported decision variable kind: id: {}, kind: {var.kind}"

    # If the objective is quadratic, add an auxiliary variable for linearization
    if instance.raw.objective.HasField("quadratic"):
            name="auxiliary_for_linearized_objective", vtype="C", lb=None, ub=None

    # Create a dictionary to access the variables added to the model
    return { var for var in model.getVars()}

Converting ommx.v1.Function to pyscipopt.Expr

Implement a function to convert ommx.v1.Function to pyscipopt.Expr. Since ommx.v1.Function only has the OMMX decision variable IDs, you need to obtain the PySCIPOpt variables from the IDs using the variable name and variable mapping created in set_decision_variables.

def make_linear_expr(function: Function, varname_map: dict) -> pyscipopt.Expr:
    """Helper function to generate a linear expression"""
    linear = function.linear
    return (
            term.coefficient * varname_map[str(]
            for term in linear.terms
        + linear.constant

def make_quadratic_expr(function: Function, varname_map: dict) -> pyscipopt.Expr:
    """Helper function to generate a quadratic expression"""
    quad = function.quadratic
    quad_terms = pyscipopt.quicksum(
        varname_map[str(row)] * varname_map[str(column)] * value
        for row, column, value in zip(quad.rows, quad.columns, quad.values)

    linear_terms = pyscipopt.quicksum(
        term.coefficient * varname_map[str(]
        for term in quad.linear.terms

    constant = quad.linear.constant

    return quad_terms + linear_terms + constant

Setting Objective Function and Constraints

Add the objective function and constraints to the pyscipopt.Model. This part requires knowledge of what and how the backend solver supports. For example, in the following code, since PySCIPOpt cannot directly handle quadratic objective functions, an auxiliary variable is introduced according to the PySCIPOpt documentation.

import math

def set_objective(model: pyscipopt.Model, instance: Instance, varname_map: dict):
    """Set the objective function for the model"""
    objective = instance.raw.objective

    if instance.sense == Instance.MAXIMIZE:
        sense = "maximize"
    elif instance.sense == Instance.MINIMIZE:
        sense = "minimize"
        raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
            f"Sense not supported: {instance.sense}"

    if objective.HasField("constant"):
        model.setObjective(objective.constant, sense=sense)
    elif objective.HasField("linear"):
        expr = make_linear_expr(objective, varname_map)
        model.setObjective(expr, sense=sense)
    elif objective.HasField("quadratic"):
        # Since PySCIPOpt doesn't support quadratic objectives directly, linearize using an auxiliary variable
        auxilary_var = varname_map["auxiliary_for_linearized_objective"]

        # Set the auxiliary variable as the objective
        model.setObjective(auxilary_var, sense=sense)

        # Add a constraint for the auxiliary variable
        expr = make_quadratic_expr(objective, varname_map)
        if sense == "minimize":
            constr_expr = auxilary_var >= expr
        else:  # sense == "maximize"
            constr_expr = auxilary_var <= expr

        model.addCons(constr_expr, name="constraint_for_linearized_objective")
        raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
            "The objective function must be `constant`, `linear`, or `quadratic`."

def set_constraints(model: pyscipopt.Model, instance: Instance, varname_map: dict):
    """Set the constraints for the model"""
    # Process regular constraints
    for constraint in instance.raw.constraints:
        # Generate an expression based on the type of constraint function
        if constraint.function.HasField("linear"):
            expr = make_linear_expr(constraint.function, varname_map)
        elif constraint.function.HasField("quadratic"):
            expr = make_quadratic_expr(constraint.function, varname_map)
        elif constraint.function.HasField("constant"):
            # For constant constraints, check feasibility
            if constraint.equality == Constraint.EQUAL_TO_ZERO and math.isclose(
                constraint.function.constant, 0, abs_tol=1e-6
            elif (
                constraint.equality == Constraint.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_ZERO
                and constraint.function.constant <= 1e-6
                raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
                    f"Infeasible constant constraint found: id {}"
            raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
                f"Constraints must be either `constant`, `linear` or `quadratic`. id: {}, type: {constraint.function.WhichOneof('function')}"

        # Add constraints based on the type (equality/inequality)
        if constraint.equality == Constraint.EQUAL_TO_ZERO:
            constr_expr = expr == 0
        elif constraint.equality == Constraint.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_ZERO:
            constr_expr = expr <= 0
            raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
                f"Not supported constraint equality: id: {}, equality: {constraint.equality}"

        # Add the constraint to the model
        model.addCons(constr_expr, name=str(

Also, if the backend solver supports special constraints (e.g., SOS constraints), you need to add functions to handle them.

Now, we can construct a pycscipopt.Model from ommx.v1.Instance.

Converting Obtained Solutions to ommx.v1.State

Next, implement a function to convert the solution obtained by solving the PySCIPOpt model to ommx.v1.State. First, check if it is solved. SCIP has functions to guarantee optimality and detect unbounded solutions, so throw corresponding exceptions if detected. This also depends on the backend solver.

Note that `ommx.adapter.InfeasibleDetected` means that the optimization problem itself is infeasible, i.e., **it is guaranteed to have no solutions**. Do not use this when a heuristic solver fails to find any feasible solutions.
from ommx.adapter import InfeasibleDetected, UnboundedDetected

def decode_to_state(model: pyscipopt.Model, instance: Instance) -> State:
    """Create an ommx.v1.State from an optimized PySCIPOpt Model"""
    if model.getStatus() == "unknown":
        raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
            "The model may not be optimized. [status: unknown]"

    if model.getStatus() == "infeasible":
        raise InfeasibleDetected("Model was infeasible")

    if model.getStatus() == "unbounded":
        raise UnboundedDetected("Model was unbounded")

        # Get the best solution
        sol = model.getBestSol()
        # Create a mapping from variable names to variables
        varname_map = { var for var in model.getVars()}
        # Create a State with a mapping from variable IDs to their values
        return State(
                for var in instance.raw.decision_variables
    except Exception:
        raise OMMXPySCIPOptAdapterError(
            f"There is no feasible solution. [status: {model.getStatus()}]"

Creating a Class that Inherits ommx.adapter.SolverAdapter

Finally, create a class that inherits ommx.adapter.SolverAdapter to standardize the API for each adapter. This is an abstract base class with @abstractmethod as follows:

class SolverAdapter(ABC):
    def __init__(self, ommx_instance: Instance):

    def solve(cls, ommx_instance: Instance) -> Solution:

    def solver_input(self) -> SolverInput:

    def decode(self, data: SolverOutput) -> Solution:

This abstract base class assumes the following two use cases:

  • If you do not adjust the backend solver's parameters, use the solve class method.
  • If you adjust the backend solver's parameters, use solver_input to get the data structure for the backend solver (in this case, pyscipopt.Model), adjust it, then input it to the backend solver, and finally convert the backend solver's output using decode.

Using the functions prepared so far, you can implement it as follows:

from ommx.adapter import SolverAdapter

class OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter(SolverAdapter):
    def __init__(self, ommx_instance: Instance):
        self.instance = ommx_instance
        self.model = pyscipopt.Model()
        # Build the model with helper functions
        self.varname_map = set_decision_variables(self.model, self.instance)
        set_objective(self.model, self.instance, self.varname_map)
        set_constraints(self.model, self.instance, self.varname_map)

    def solve(cls, ommx_instance: Instance) -> Solution:
        """Solve an ommx.v1.Instance using PySCIPopt and return an ommx.v1.Solution"""
        adapter = cls(ommx_instance)
        model = adapter.solver_input
        return adapter.decode(model)

    def solver_input(self) -> pyscipopt.Model:
        """Return the generated PySCIPopt model"""
        return self.model

    def decode(self, data: pyscipopt.Model) -> Solution:
        """Generate an ommx.v1.Solution from an optimized pyscipopt.Model and the OMMX Instance"""
        if data.getStatus() == "infeasible":
            raise InfeasibleDetected("Model was infeasible")

        if data.getStatus() == "unbounded":
            raise UnboundedDetected("Model was unbounded")

        # Convert the solution to state
        state = decode_to_state(data, self.instance)
        # Evaluate the state using the instance
        solution = self.instance.evaluate(state)

        # Set the optimality status if the model is optimal
        if data.getStatus() == "optimal":
            solution.raw.optimality = Optimality.OPTIMALITY_OPTIMAL

        return solution

This completes the Solver Adapter 🎉

You can add parameter arguments in the inherited class in Python, so you can define additional parameters as follows. However, while this allows you to use various features of the backend solver, it may compromise compatibility with other adapters, so carefully consider when creating an adapter.

    def solve(
        ommx_instance: Instance,
        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Solution:

Solving a Knapsack Problem Using the Solver Adapter

For verification, let's solve a knapsack problem using this.

v = [10, 13, 18, 31, 7, 15]
w = [11, 25, 20, 35, 10, 33]
W = 47
N = len(v)

x = [
    for i in range(N)
instance = Instance.from_components(
    objective=sum(v[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)),
    constraints=[sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)) - W <= 0],

solution = OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter.solve(instance)

Implementing a Sampler Adapter

Next, let's create a Sampler Adapter using OpenJij. OpenJij includes openjij.SASampler for Simulated Annealing (SA) and openjij.SQASampler for Simulated Quantum Annealing (SQA). In this tutorial, we will use SASampler as an example.

For simplicity, this tutorial omits the parameters passed to OpenJij. For more details, refer to the implementation of ommx-openjij-adapter. For how to use the OpenJij Adapter, refer to Sampling from QUBO with OMMX Adapter.

Converting openjij.Response to ommx.v1.Samples

OpenJij manages decision variables with IDs that are not necessarily sequential, similar to OMMX, so there is no need to create an ID correspondence table as in the case of PySCIPOpt.

The sample results from OpenJij are obtained as openjij.Response, so implement a function to convert this to ommx.v1.Samples. OpenJij returns the number of occurrences of the same sample as num_occurrence. On the other hand, ommx.v1.Samples has unique sample IDs for each sample, and the same value samples are compressed as SamplesEntry. Note that a conversion is needed to bridge this difference.

import openjij as oj
from ommx.v1 import Instance, SampleSet, Solution, Samples, State

def decode_to_samples(response: oj.Response) -> Samples:
    # Generate sample IDs
    sample_id = 0
    entries = []

    num_reads = len(response.record.num_occurrences)
    for i in range(num_reads):
        sample = response.record.sample[i]
        state = State(entries=zip(response.variables, sample))
        # Encode `num_occurrences` into a list of sample IDs
        ids = []
        for _ in range(response.record.num_occurrences[i]):
            sample_id += 1
        entries.append(Samples.SamplesEntry(state=state, ids=ids))
    return Samples(entries=entries)

Note that at this stage, ommx.v1.Instance or its extracted correspondence table is not needed because there is no need to consider ID correspondence.

Implementing a Class that Inherits ommx.adapter.SamplerAdapter

In the case of PySCIPOpt, we inherited SolverAdapter, but this time we will inherit SamplerAdapter. This has three @abstractmethod as follows:

class SamplerAdapter(SolverAdapter):
    def sample(cls, ommx_instance: Instance) -> SampleSet:

    def sampler_input(self) -> SamplerInput:

    def decode_to_sampleset(self, data: SamplerOutput) -> SampleSet:

SamplerAdapter inherits from SolverAdapter, so you might think you need to implement solve and other @abstractmethod. However, since SamplerAdapter has a function to return the best sample using sample, it is sufficient to implement only sample. If you want to implement a more efficient implementation yourself, override solve.

from ommx.adapter import SamplerAdapter

class OMMXOpenJijSAAdapter(SamplerAdapter):
    Sampling QUBO with Simulated Annealing (SA) by `openjij.SASampler`

    # Retain the Instance because it is required to convert to SampleSet
    ommx_instance: Instance
    def __init__(self, ommx_instance: Instance):
        self.ommx_instance = ommx_instance

    # Perform sampling
    def _sample(self) -> oj.Response:
        sampler = oj.SASampler()
        # Convert to QUBO dictionary format
        # If the Instance is not in QUBO format, an error will be raised here
        qubo, _offset = self.ommx_instance.as_qubo_format()
        return sampler.sample_qubo(qubo)

    # Common method for performing sampling
    def sample(cls, ommx_instance: Instance) -> SampleSet:
        adapter = cls(ommx_instance)
        response = adapter._sample()
        return adapter.decode_to_sampleset(response)
    # In this adapter, `SamplerInput` uses a QUBO dictionary
    def sampler_input(self) -> dict[tuple[int, int], float]:
        qubo, _offset = self.ommx_instance.as_qubo_format()
        return qubo
    # Convert OpenJij Response to a SampleSet
    def decode_to_sampleset(self, data: oj.Response) -> SampleSet:
        samples = decode_to_samples(data)
        # The information stored in `ommx.v1.Instance` is required here
        return self.ommx_instance.evaluate_samples(samples)


In this tutorial, we learned how to implement an OMMX Adapter by connecting to PySCIPOpt as a Solver Adapter and OpenJij as a Sampler Adapter. Here are the key points when implementing an OMMX Adapter:

  1. Implement an OMMX Adapter by inheriting the abstract base class SolverAdapter or SamplerAdapter.
  2. The main steps of the implementation are as follows:
    • Convert ommx.v1.Instance into a format that the backend solver can understand.
    • Run the backend solver to obtain a solution.
    • Convert the backend solver's output into ommx.v1.Solution or ommx.v1.SampleSet.
  3. Understand the characteristics and limitations of each backend solver and handle them appropriately.
  4. Pay attention to managing IDs and mapping variables to bridge the backend solver and OMMX.

If you want to connect your own backend solver to OMMX, refer to this tutorial for implementation. By implementing an OMMX Adapter following this tutorial, you can use optimization with various backend solvers through a common API.

For more detailed implementation examples, refer to the repositories such as ommx-pyscipopt-adapter and ommx-openjij-adapter.

User Guide


In mathematical optimization, functions are used to express objective functions and constraints. Specifically, OMMX handles polynomials and provides the following data structures in OMMX Message to represent polynomials.

Data Structure Description
ommx.v1.Linear Linear function. Holds pairs of variable IDs and their coefficients
ommx.v1.Quadratic Quadratic function. Holds pairs of variable ID pairs and their coefficients
ommx.v1.Polynomial Polynomial. Holds pairs of variable ID combinations and their coefficients
ommx.v1.Function One of the above or a constant

Creating ommx.v1.Function

In the Python SDK, there are two main approachs to create these data structures. The first approach is to directly call the constructors of each data structure. For example, you can create ommx.v1.Linear as follows.

from ommx.v1 import Linear

linear = Linear(terms={1: 1.0, 2: 2.0}, constant=3.0)

In this way, decision variables are identified by IDs and coefficients are represented by real numbers. To access coefficients and constant values, use the terms and constant properties.

print(f"{linear.terms=}, {linear.constant=}")

Another approach is to create from ommx.v1.DecisionVariable. ommx.v1.DecisionVariable is a data structure that only holds the ID of the decision variable. When creating polynomials such as ommx.v1.Linear, you can first create decision variables using ommx.v1.DecisionVariable and then use them to create polynomials.

from ommx.v1 import DecisionVariable

x = DecisionVariable.binary(1, name="x")
y = DecisionVariable.binary(2, name="y")

linear = x + 2.0 * y + 3.0

Note that the polynomial data type retains only the ID of the decision variable and does not store additional information. In the above example, information passed to DecisionVariable.binary such as x and y is not carried over to Linear. This second method can create polynomials of any degree.

q = x * x + x * y + y * y
p = x * x * x + y * y

Linear, Quadratic, and Polynomial each have their own unique data storage methods, so they are separate Messages. However, since any of them can be used as objective functions or constraints, a Message called Function is provided, which can be any of the above or a constant.

from ommx.v1 import Function

# Constant
# Linear
# Quadratic
# Polynomial

Substitution and Partial Evaluation of Decision Variables

Function and other polynomials have an evaluate method that substitutes values for decision variables. For example, substituting x 1 = 1 and x 2 = 0 into the linear function x 1 + 2 x 2 + 3 created above results in 1 + 2 × 0 + 3 = 4 .

value, used_id = linear.evaluate({1: 1, 2: 0})
print(f"{value=}, {used_id=}")

The argument supports the format dict[int, float] and ommx.v1.State. evaluate returns the evaluated value and the IDs of the decision variables used. This is useful when you want to know which parts were used when evaluating against ommx.v1.State, which is the solution obtained by solving the optimization problem. evaluate returns an error if the necessary decision variable IDs are missing.

    linear.evaluate({1: 1})
except RuntimeError as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")

If you want to substitute values for only some of the decision variables, use the partial_evaluate method. This takes the same arguments as evaluate but returns the decision variables without assigned values unevaluated.

linear2, used_id = linear.partial_evaluate({1: 1})
print(f"{linear2=}, {used_id=}")

The result of partial evaluation is a polynomial, so it is returned in the same type as the original polynomial.

Comparison of Coefficients

Function and other polynomial types have an almost_equal function. This function determines whether the coefficients of the polynomial match within a specified error. For example, to confirm that $ (x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1 $, write as follows

xx = (x + 1) * (x + 1)
xx.almost_equal(x * x + 2 * x + 1)


ommx.v1.Instance is a data structure for describing the optimization problem itself (mathematical model). It consists of the following components:

For example, let's consider a simple optimization problem:

max x + y subject to x y = 0 x , y 0 , 1

The corresponding ommx.v1.Instance is as follows.

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

x = DecisionVariable.binary(1, name='x')
y = DecisionVariable.binary(2, name='y')

instance = Instance.from_components(
    decision_variables=[x, y],
    objective=x + y,
    constraints=[x * y == 0],

Each of these components has a corresponding property. The objective function is converted into the form of ommx.v1.Function, as explained in the previous section.


sense is set to Instance.MAXIMIZE for maximization problems or Instance.MINIMIZE for minimization problems.

instance.sense == Instance.MAXIMIZE

Decision Variables

Decision variables and constraints can be obtained in the form of pandas.DataFrame.


First, kind, lower, and upper are essential information for the mathematical model.

  • kind specifies the type of decision variable, which can be Binary, Integer, Continuous, SemiInteger, or SemiContinuous.
  • lower and upper are the lower and upper bounds of the decision variable. For Binary variables, this range is [ 0 , 1 ] .

Additionally, OMMX is designed to handle metadata that may be needed when integrating mathematical optimization into practical data analysis. While this metadata does not affect the mathematical model itself, it is useful for data analysis and visualization.

  • name is a human-readable name for the decision variable. In OMMX, decision variables are always identified by ID, so this name may be duplicated. It is intended to be used in combination with subscripts, which is described later.
  • description is a more detailed explanation of the decision variable.
  • When dealing with many mathematical optimization problems, decision variables are often handled as multidimensional arrays. For example, it is common to consider constraints with subscripts like x i + y i 1 , i [ 1 , N ] . In this case, x and y are the names of the decision variables, so they are stored in name, and the part corresponding to i is stored in subscripts. subscripts is a list of integers, but if the subscript cannot be represented as an integer, there is a parameters property that allows storage in the form of dict[str, str].

If you need a list of ommx.v1.DecisionVariable directly, you can use the get_decision_variables method.

for v in instance.get_decision_variables():
    print(f"{}, {}")

To obtain ommx.v1.DecisionVariable from the ID of the decision variable, you can use the get_decision_variable method.

x1 = instance.get_decision_variable(1)
print(f"{}, {}")


Next, let's look at the constraints.


In OMMX, constraints are also managed by ID. This ID is independent of the decision variable ID. When you create a constraint like x * y == 0, a sequential number is automatically assigned. To manually set the ID, you can use the set_id method.

c = (x * y == 0).set_id(100)

The essential information for constraints is id and equality. equality indicates whether the constraint is an equality constraint (Constraint.EQUAL_TO_ZERO) or an inequality constraint (Constraint.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_ZERO). Note that constraints of the type f ( x ) 0 are treated as f ( x ) 0 .

Constraints can also store metadata similar to decision variables. You can use name, description, subscripts, and parameters. These can be set using the add_name, add_description, add_subscripts, and add_parameters methods.

c = (x * y == 0).set_id(100).add_name("prod-zero")
print(f"{}, {}")

You can also use the get_constraints method to directly obtain a list of ommx.v1.Constraint. To obtain ommx.v1.Constraint by its the constraint ID, use the get_constraint method.

for c in instance.get_constraints():

Parametric Instance

ommx.v1.ParametricInstance is a class that represents mathematical models similar to ommx.v1.Instance. It also supports parameters (via ommx.v1.Parameter) in addition to decision variables. By assigning values to these parameters, you can create an ommx.v1.Instance. Because the resulting ommx.v1.Instance keeps the IDs of decision variables and constraints from ommx.v1.ParametricInstance, it is helpful when you need to handle a series of models where only some coefficients of the objective function or constraints change.

Consider the following knapsack problem.

maximize i = 1 N p i x i subject to i = 1 N w i x i W x i 0 , 1 ( i = 1 , 2 , , N )

Here, N is the number of items, p i is the value of item i, w i is the weight of item i, and W is the knapsack's capacity. The variable x i is binary and indicates whether item i is included in the knapsack. In ommx.v1.Instance, fixed values were used for p i and w i , but here they are treated as parameters.

from ommx.v1 import ParametricInstance, DecisionVariable, Parameter, Instance

N = 6
x = [DecisionVariable.binary(id=i, name="x", subscripts=[i]) for i in range(N)]

p = [  N, name="Profit", subscripts=[i]) for i in range(N)]
w = [*N, name="Weight", subscripts=[i]) for i in range(N)]
W =  3*N, name="Capacity")

ommx.v1.Parameter also has an ID and uses the same numbering as ommx.v1.DecisionVariable, so please ensure there are no duplicates. Like decision variables, parameters can have names and subscripts. They can also be used with operators such as + and <= to create ommx.v1.Function or ommx.v1.Constraint objects.

objective = sum(p[i] * x[i] for i in range(N))
constraint = sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(N)) <= W

Now let’s combine these elements into an ommx.v1.ParametricInstance that represents the knapsack problem.

parametric_instance = ParametricInstance.from_components(
    parameters=p + w + [W],

Like ommx.v1.Instance, you can view the decision variables and constraints as DataFrames through the decision_variables and constraints properties. In addition, ommx.v1.ParametricInstance has a parameters property for viewing parameter information in a DataFrame.


Next, let’s assign specific values to the parameters. Use ParametricInstance.with_parameters, which takes a dictionary mapping each ommx.v1.Parameter ID to its corresponding value.

p_values = { value for x, value in zip(p, [10, 13, 18, 31, 7, 15]) }
w_values = { value for x, value in zip(w, [11, 15, 20, 35, 10, 33]) }
W_value = { 47 }

instance = parametric_instance.with_parameters({**p_values, **w_values, **W_value})
`ommx.v1.ParametricInstance` cannot handle parameters that change the number of decision variables or parameters (for example, a variable $N$). If you need this functionality, please use a more advanced modeler such as [JijModeling](


OMMX has several structures that represent the solution of mathematical models.

Data Structure Description
ommx.v1.State Holds the solution value for the decision variable ID. The simplest representation of a solution.
ommx.v1.Solution A representation of the solution intended to be human-readable. In addition to the values of the decision variables and the evaluation values of the constraints, it also holds metadata for the decision variables and constraints added to the ommx.v1.Instance.

Most solvers are software designed to solve mathematical models, so they return minimal information equivalent to ommx.v1.State, but OMMX mainly handles ommx.v1.Solution, which allows users to easily check the optimization results.

ommx.v1.Solution is generated by passing ommx.v1.State or equivalent dict[int, float] to the ommx.v1.Instance.evaluate method. Let's consider the simple optimization problem we saw in the previous section again:

max x + y subject to x y = 0 x , y 0 , 1

It is clear that this has a feasible solution x = 1 , y = 0 .

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Create a simple instance
x = DecisionVariable.binary(1, name='x')
y = DecisionVariable.binary(2, name='y')

instance = Instance.from_components(
    decision_variables=[x, y],
    objective=x + y,
    constraints=[x * y == 0],

# Create a solution
solution = instance.evaluate({1: 1, 2: 0})  # x=1, y=0

The generated ommx.v1.Solution inherits most of the information from the ommx.v1.Instance. Let's first look at the decision variables.


In addition to the required attributes—ID, kind, lower, and upper-it also inherits metadata such as name. Additionally, the value stores which was assigned in evaluate. Similarly, the evaluation value is added to the constraints as value.


The objective property contains the value of the objective function, and the feasible property contains whether the constraints are satisfied.

print(f"{solution.objective=}, {solution.feasible=}")

Since x y = 0 when x = 1 , y = 0 , all constraints are satisfied, so feasible is True. The value of the objective function is x + y = 1 .

What happens in the case of an infeasible solution, x = 1 , y = 1 ?

solution11 = instance.evaluate({1: 1, 2: 1})  # x=1, y=1
print(f"{solution11.objective=}, {solution11.feasible=}")

feasible = False indicates that it is an infeasible solution.

Sample Set


ommx.v1.Solution represents a single solution returned by a solver. However, some solvers, often called samplers, can return multiple solutions. To accommodate this, OMMX provides two data structures for representing multiple solutions:

Data Structure Description
ommx.v1.Samples A list of multiple solutions for decision variable IDs
ommx.v1.SampleSet Evaluations of objective and constraints with decision variables

Samples corresponds to State and SampleSet corresponds to Solution. This notebook explains how to use SampleSet.

Creating a SampleSet

Let's consider a simple optimization problem:

max x 1 + 2 x 2 + 3 x 3 s.t. x 1 + x 2 + x 3 = 1 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 0 , 1

from ommx.v1 import DecisionVariable, Instance

x = [DecisionVariable.binary(i) for i in range(3)]

instance = Instance.from_components(
    objective=x[0] + 2*x[1] + 3*x[2],
    constraints=[sum(x) == 1],

Normally, solutions are provided by a solver, commonly referred to as a sampler, but for simplicity, we prepare them manually here. ommx.v1.Samples can hold multiple samples, each expressed as a set of values associated with decision variable IDs, similar to ommx.v1.State.

Each sample is assigned an ID. Some samplers issue their own IDs for logging, so OMMX allows specifying sample IDs. If omitted, IDs are assigned sequentially starting from 0.

A helper function ommx.v1.to_samples can convert to ommx.v1.Samples.

from ommx.v1 import to_samples
from ommx.v1.sample_set_pb2 import Samples

# When specifying Sample ID
samples = to_samples({
    0: {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0},  # x1 = 1, x2 = x3 = 0
    1: {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1},  # x3 = 1, x1 = x2 = 0
    2: {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0},  # x1 = x2 = 1, x3 = 0 (infeasible)
})# ^ sample ID
assert isinstance(samples, Samples)

# When automatically assigning Sample ID
samples = to_samples([
    {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0},  # x1 = 1, x2 = x3 = 0
    {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1},  # x3 = 1, x1 = x2 = 0
    {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0},  # x1 = x2 = 1, x3 = 0 (infeasible)
assert isinstance(samples, Samples)

While ommx.v1.Solution is obtained via Instance.evaluate, ommx.v1.SampleSet can be obtained via Instance.evaluate_samples.

sample_set = instance.evaluate_samples(samples)

The summary attribute displays each sample's objective value and feasibility in a DataFrame format. For example, the sample with sample_id=2 is infeasible and shows feasible=False. The table is sorted with feasible samples appearing first, and within them, those with better bjective values (depending on whether Instance.sense is maximization or minimization) appear at the top.

For clarity, we explicitly pass `ommx.v1.Samples` created by `to_samples` to `evaluate_samples`, but you can omit it because `to_samples` would be called automatically.

Extracting individual samples

You can use SampleSet.get to retrieve each sample as an ommx.v1.Solution by specifying the sample ID:

from ommx.v1 import Solution

solution = sample_set.get(sample_id=0)
assert isinstance(solution, Solution)


Retrieving the best solution

SampleSet.best_feasible returns the best feasible sample, meaning the one with the highest objective value among all feasible samples:

solution = sample_set.best_feasible()


Of course, if the problem is a minimization, the sample with the smallest objective value will be returned. If no feasible samples exist, an error will be raised.

sample_set_infeasible = instance.evaluate_samples([
    {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0},  # Infeasible since x0 + x1 + x2 = 2
    {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 1},  # Infeasible since x0 + x1 + x2 = 2

# Every samples are infeasible

    assert False # best_feasible() should raise RuntimeError
except RuntimeError as e:
OMMX does not provide a method to determine which infeasible solution is the best, as many different criteria can be considered. Implement it yourself if needed.

Release Note


This release significantly enhances the conversion functionality from ommx.v1.Instance to QUBO, with added support for inequality constraints and integer variables. Additionally, a new Driver API to_qubo has been introduced to simplify the QUBO conversion process.

✨ New Features

Integer variable log-encoding (#363, #260)

Integer variables x are encoded using binary variables b i as follows:

x = i = 0 m 2 2 l b i + ( u l 2 m 1 + 1 ) b m 1 + l

This allows optimization problems with integer variables to be handled by QUBO solvers that can only deal with binary variables.

While QUBO solvers return only binary variables, Instance.evaluate or evaluate_samples automatically restore these integer variables and return them as ommx.v1.Solution or ommx.v1.SampleSet.

# Example of integer variable log encoding
from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Define a problem with three integer variables
x = [
    DecisionVariable.integer(i, lower=0, upper=3, name="x", subscripts=[i])
    for i in range(3)
instance = Instance.from_components(
print("Objective function before conversion:", instance.objective)

# Log encode only x0 and x2
instance.log_encode({0, 2})
print("\nObjective function after conversion:", instance.objective)

# Check the generated binary variables
print("\nDecision variable list:")
print(instance.decision_variables[["kind", "lower", "upper", "name", "subscripts"]])

# Restore integer variables from binary variables
print("\nInteger variable restoration:")
solution = instance.evaluate({
    1: 2,          # x1 = 2
    3: 0, 4: 1,    # x0 = x3 + 2*x4 = 0 + 2*1 = 2
    5: 0, 6: 0     # x2 = x5 + 2*x6 = 0 + 2*0 = 0

Support for inequality constraints

Two methods have been implemented to convert problems with inequality constraints $ f(x) \leq 0 $ to QUBO:

Conversion to equality constraints using integer slack variables (#366)

In this method, the coefficients of the inequality constraint are first represented as rational numbers, and then multiplied by an appropriate rational number a > 0 to convert all coefficients of a f ( x ) to integers. Next, an integer slack variable s is introduced to transform the inequality constraint into an equality constraint $ f(x) + s/a = 0$. The converted equality constraint is then added to the QUBO objective function as a penalty term using existing techniques.

This method can always be applied, but if there are non-divisible coefficients in the polynomial, a may become very large, and consequently, the range of s may also expand, potentially making it impractical. Therefore, the API allows users to input the upper limit for the range of s. The to_qubo function described later uses this method by default.

# Example of converting inequality constraints to equality constraints
from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Problem with inequality constraint x0 + 2*x1 <= 5
x = [
    DecisionVariable.integer(i, lower=0, upper=3, name="x", subscripts=[i])
    for i in range(3)
instance = Instance.from_components(
        (x[0] + 2*x[1] <= 5).set_id(0)   # Set constraint ID
print("Constraint before conversion:", instance.get_constraints()[0])

# Convert inequality constraint to equality constraint
print("\nConstraint after conversion:", instance.get_constraints()[0])

# Check the added slack variable
print("\nDecision variable list:")
print(instance.decision_variables[["kind", "lower", "upper", "name", "subscripts"]])

Adding integer slack variables to inequality constraints (#369, #368)

When the above method cannot be applied, an alternative approach is used where integer slack variables s are added to inequality constraints in the form f ( x ) + b s 0 . When converting to QUBO, these are added as penalty terms in the form | f ( x ) + b s | 2 . Compared to simply adding | f ( x ) | 2 , this approach prevents unfairly favoring f ( x ) = 0 .

Additionally, Instance.penalty_method and uniform_penalty_method now accept inequality constraints, handling them in the same way as equality constraints by simply adding them as | f ( x ) | 2 .

# Example of adding slack variables to inequality constraints
from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Problem with inequality constraint x0 + 2*x1 <= 4
x = [
    DecisionVariable.integer(i, lower=0, upper=3, name="x", subscripts=[i])
    for i in range(3)
instance = Instance.from_components(
        (x[0] + 2*x[1] <= 4).set_id(0)   # Set constraint ID
print("Constraint before conversion:", instance.get_constraints()[0])

# Add slack variable to inequality constraint
b = instance.add_integer_slack_to_inequality(
print(f"\nSlack variable coefficient: {b}")
print("Constraint after conversion:", instance.get_constraints()[0])

# Check the added slack variable
print("\nDecision variable list:")
print(instance.decision_variables[["kind", "lower", "upper", "name", "subscripts"]])

Addition of QUBO conversion Driver API to_qubo (#370)

A Driver API to_qubo has been added that performs a series of operations required for converting from ommx.v1.Instance to QUBO (integer variable conversion, inequality constraint conversion, penalty term addition, etc.) in one go. This allows users to obtain QUBO easily without having to be aware of complex conversion steps.

The to_qubo function internally executes the following steps in the appropriate order:

  1. Convert constraints and objective functions containing integer variables to binary variable representations (e.g., Log Encoding)
  2. Convert inequality constraints to equality constraints (default) or to a form suitable for the Penalty Method
  3. Convert equality constraints and objective functions to QUBO format
  4. Generate an interpret function to map QUBO solutions back to the original problem variables

Note that when calling instance.to_qubo, the instance will be modified.

# Example of using the to_qubo Driver API
from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Problem with integer variables and inequality constraint
x = [DecisionVariable.integer(i, lower=0, upper=2, name="x", subscripts=[i]) for i in range(2)]
instance = Instance.from_components(
    constraints=[(x[0] + 2*x[1] <= 3).set_id(0)],

print("Original problem:")
print(f"Objective function: {instance.objective}")
print(f"Constraint: {instance.get_constraints()[0]}")
print(f"Variables: {[f'{}{v.subscripts}' for v in instance.get_decision_variables()]}")

# Convert to QUBO
qubo, offset = instance.to_qubo()

print("\nAfter QUBO conversion:")
print(f"Offset: {offset}")
print(f"Number of QUBO terms: {len(qubo)}")

# Show only a few terms due to the large number
print("\nSome QUBO terms:")
items = list(qubo.items())[:5]
for (i, j), coeff in items:
    print(f"Q[{i},{j}] = {coeff}")

# Check the converted variables
print("\nVariables after conversion:")
print(instance.decision_variables[["kind", "name", "subscripts"]])

# Confirm that constraints have been removed
print("\nConstraints after conversion:")
print(f"Remaining constraints: {instance.get_constraints()}")
print(f"Removed constraints: {instance.get_removed_constraints()}")

🐛 Bug Fixes

🛠️ Other Changes and Improvements

💬 Feedback

With these new features, ommx becomes a powerful tool for converting a wider range of optimization problems to QUBO format and solving them with various QUBO solvers. Try out ommx 1.9.0!

Please submit any feedback or bug reports to GitHub Issues.


Please refer to the GitHub Release for individual changes.

⚠️ Includes breaking changes due to the addition of SolverAdapter.


  • Added a new SolverAdapter abstract base class to serve as a common interface for adapters to different solvers.
  • ommx-python-mip-adapter and ommx-pyscipopt-adapter have been changed to use SolverAdapter according to the adapter implementation guide
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change. Code using these adapters will need to be updated.
    • Other adapters will be updated in future versions.

Solver Adapter

The introduction of the SolverAdapter base class aims to make the API for different adapters more consistent. ommx-python-mip-adapter and ommx-pyscipopt-adapter now use the SolverAdapter base class.

Here is an example of the new Adapter interface to simply solve an OMMX instance.

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable
from ommx_python_mip_adapter import OMMXPythonMIPAdapter

p = [10, 13, 18, 32, 7, 15]
w = [11, 15, 20, 35, 10, 33]
x = [DecisionVariable.binary(i) for i in range(6)]
instance = Instance.from_components(
    objective=sum(p[i] * x[i] for i in range(6)),
    constraints=[sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(6)) <= 47],

solution = OMMXPythonMIPAdapter.solve(instance)

With the new update, the process looks the same as the above when using the OMMXPySCIPOptAdapter class instead.

To replace the usage of instance_to_model() functions, you can instantiating an adapter and using solver_input. You can then apply any solver-specific parameters before optimizing manually, then calling decode() to obtain the OMMX solution.

adapter = OMMXPythonMIPAdapter(instance)
model = adapter.solver_input # in OMMXPythonMIPAdapter's case, this is a `mip.Model` object
# modify model parameters here
solution = adapter.decode(model)


Please refer to the GitHub Release for individual changes.


QPLIB format parser

Following the MPS format, support for the QPLIB format parser has been added.

import tempfile

# Example problem from QPLIB
# Furini, Fabio, et al. "QPLIB: a library of quadratic programming instances." Mathematical Programming Computation 11 (2019): 237-265 pages 42 & 43
contents = """
! ---------------
! example problem
! ---------------
MIPBAND # problem name
QML # problem is a mixed-integer quadratic program
Minimize # minimize the objective function
3 # variables
2 # general linear constraints
5 # nonzeros in lower triangle of Q^0
1 1 2.0 5 lines row & column index & value of nonzero in lower triangle Q^0
2 1 -1.0 |
2 2 2.0 |
3 2 -1.0 |
3 3 2.0 |
-0.2 default value for entries in b_0
1 # non default entries in b_0
2 -0.4 1 line of index & value of non-default values in b_0
0.0 value of q^0
4 # nonzeros in vectors b^i (i=1,...,m)
1 1 1.0 4 lines constraint, index & value of nonzero in b^i (i=1,...,m)
1 2 1.0 |
2 1 1.0 |
2 3 1.0 |
1.0E+20 infinity
1.0 default value for entries in c_l
0 # non default entries in c_l
1.0E+20 default value for entries in c_u
0 # non default entries in c_u
0.0 default value for entries in l
0 # non default entries in l
1.0 default value for entries in u
1 # non default entries in u
2 2.0 1 line of non-default indices and values in u
0 default variable type is continuous
1 # non default variable types
3 2 variable 3 is binary
1.0 default value for initial values for x
0 # non default entries in x
0.0 default value for initial values for y
0 # non default entries in y
0.0 default value for initial values for z
0 # non default entries in z
0 # non default names for variables
0 # non default names for constraints"#;

# Create a named temporary file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.qplib') as temp_file:
    qplib_sample_path =

print(f"QPLIB sample file created at: {qplib_sample_path}")
from ommx import qplib

# Load a QPLIB file
instance = qplib.load_file(qplib_sample_path)

# Display decision variables and constraints

Change in behavior of {Solution, SampleSet}.feasible

  • The behavior of feasible in ommx.v1.Solution and ommx.v1.SampleSet has been changed.
    • The handling of removed_constraints introduced in Python SDK 1.6.0 has been changed. In 1.6.0, feasible ignored removed_constraints, but in 1.7.0, feasible now considers removed_constraints.
    • Additionally, feasible_relaxed which explicitly ignores removed_constraints and feasible_unrelaxed which considers removed_constraints have been introduced. feasible is an alias for feasible_unrelaxed.

To understand the behavior, let's consider the following simple optimization problem:

max x 0 + x 1 + x 2 s.t. x 0 + x 1 1 x 1 + x 2 1 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 0 , 1

from ommx.v1 import DecisionVariable, Instance

x = [DecisionVariable.binary(i) for i in range(3)]

instance = Instance.from_components(
        (x[0] + x[1] <= 1).set_id(0),
        (x[1] + x[2] <= 1).set_id(1),

Next, we relax one of the constraints x 0 + x 1 1 .

instance.relax_constraint(constraint_id=0, reason="Manual relaxation")

Now, x 0 = 1 , x 1 = 1 , x 2 = 0 is not a solution to the original problem, but it is a solution to the relaxed problem. Therefore, feasible_relaxed will be True, but feasible_unrelaxed will be False. Since feasible is an alias for feasible_unrelaxed, it will be False.

solution = instance.evaluate({0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0})



  • OMMX starts to support QUBO.
    • New adapter package ommx-openjij-adapter has been added.
    • Please see new tutorial page
    • Several APIs are added for converting ommx.v1.Instance into QUBO format. Please see the above tutorial.
  • Python 3.8 support has been dropped due to its EOL


This notebook describes the new features. Please refer the GitHub release note for the detailed information.

Evaluation and Partial Evaluation

From the first release of OMMX, ommx.v1.Instance supports evaluate method to produce Solution message

from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable

# Create an instance of the OMMX API
x = DecisionVariable.binary(1)
y = DecisionVariable.binary(2)

instance = Instance.from_components(
    decision_variables=[x, y],
    objective=x + y,
    constraints=[x + y <= 1],
solution = instance.evaluate({1: 1, 2: 0})

From Python SDK 1.5.0, Function and its base classes, Linear, Quadratic, and Polynomial also support evaluate method:

f = 2*x + 3*y
value, used_ids = f.evaluate({1: 1, 2: 0})
print(f"{value=}, {used_ids=}")

This returns evaluated value of the function and used decision variable IDs. If some decision variables are lacking, the evaluate method raises an exception:

    f.evaluate({3: 1})
except RuntimeError as e:

In addition, there is partial_evaluate method

f2, used_ids = f.partial_evaluate({1: 1})
print(f"{f2=}, {used_ids=}")

This creates a new function by substituting x = 1. partial_evaluate is also added to ommx.v1.Instance class:

new_instance = instance.partial_evaluate({1: 1})

This method will be useful for creating a problem with fixing specific decision variables.