As of Intellij IDEA 2021.2, the Kotlin plugin sources have been merged into Intellij repository. This repository is now archived, see the repository from Intellij Community for the up-to-date version.
Kotlin plugin is an IntelliJ IDEA plugin for the Kotlin programming language.
- IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate, 2020.3 or later
- Kotlin Plugin, 1.4.21 or later
Clone the Kotlin IDE plugin repository:
git clone
Clone the IDEA Community repository to the intellij/
cd intellij-kotlin
git clone intellij
NOTE. You should not try symlinks unless IDEA-255777 is fixed.
Follow the set up instructions in IntelliJ Community.
from the JDK distribution to some of them.
or 4000
megabytes should work well.
Now you should be able to open and build the project.
Use the provided "IDEA" build configuration to run an IntelliJ IDEA instance with your modifications to the Kotlin plugin.
Q. How can I contribute to the Kotlin IDEA plugin? A. We accept Pull Requests. Please read our contribution guide for more information.
Q. Kotlin IDEA plugin sources are used to be inside the JetBrains/kotlin repository. What happened?
A. We decided to split release cycles for the Kotlin compiler and the IDEA plugin. Now, the majority of new features will arrive together
with updates of IntelliJ IDEA.
Q. But the plugin sources are still in JetBrains/kotlin.
A. Code transition is in progress. We will delete the IDE plugin sources from the old repository when we decide it is a good time to do so.
Q. What will happen with Pull Requests submitted to the JetBrains/kotlin repository?
A. We will process all existing PRs and replicate commits in the new repository. However, all new PRs to the Kotlin IDEA plugin code
should be done only in this repository.
Kotlin is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See license folder for details.