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57 lines (43 loc) · 1.42 KB

How to create a fork of all

File metadata and controls

57 lines (43 loc) · 1.42 KB
  1. Fork th repo
  2. Clone yours git clone
  3. make the original remote upstream git remote add upstream
  4. Fetch all branches from remote git fetch upstream
  5. List all branches locally but not remote to yours now git branch -r Assuming you have this:
    origin/HEAD -> origin/master origin/master upstream/lesson-1 upstream/lesson-2 upstream/lesson-3 upstream/lesson-4 upstream/lesson-5 upstream/lesson-6 upstream/master

then create the branches you saw locally git checkout -b lesson-1 upstream/lesson-1 git checkout -b lesson-2 upstream/lesson-2 git checkout -b lesson-3 upstream/lesson-3

do it to the numbers

  1. create a .sh script to run the new branches if you dont want to create them one by one locally e.g



# Fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository

git fetch upstream

# Array of branches to be created

branches=("lesson-1" "lesson-2" "lesson-3" "lesson-4" "lesson-5" "lesson-6")

# Loop through each branch in the array

for branch in "${branches[@]}"
    # Create a local branch tracking the upstream branch
    git checkout -b $branch upstream/$branch

# Check out the master branch at the end

git checkout master
  1. Push all to github
  2. git branch --show-current (to check current branch)