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This is a decentralized application (DApp) that demonstrates a simple implementation using the game of OWAAT (One Word At A Time).

Access this DApp

  • Must have a crypto wallet
  • Connect account to one of the following networks:
    • Polygon Mumbai Test Network
      • Recommend registering for a free RPC Moralis account at
      • Add OWAAT application to get a free endpoint/ID registered with the network
      • Add the test network RPC endpoint/ID to your wallet
      • Go to Polygon faucet to get MATIC
    • Molereum private network
      • Add RPC endpoint to your wallet,
      • Currently no faucet for this network, so have to contact Justin to get MOLE for your account
  • Go to

Running this DApp

  • Clone this repository to your workstation
  • Download and execute Ganache, to run a local blockchain (choose Quickstart network option in GUI)
  • Setup account information for the DApp
    • Import private key for one of the Ganache accounts into your wallet
    • Transfer funds from the imported account to the test account in your wallet
    • Copy .env.template to .env.local and add the private key for your test account
  • Install Yarn
  • Push contracts to Ganache
    • yarn install
    • truffle migrate --network develop
  • Run the DApp
    • cd client
    • yarn install
    • yarn start, this should open http://localhost:3000 in your default browser
  • enjoy!

Steps used to create this DApp

  • Install Truffle CLI with npm install -g truffle
  • Create a Truffle React application truffle unbox react
  • Change port setting to 7545 (to use Ganache) in truffle-config.js and getWeb3.js
  • Update truffle-config.js to use Molereum network
  • Add NPM dependencies to package.json to support Molereum network
  • Add Material-UI to the project:
    • cd client
    • Update dependencies for good measure: yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
    • yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material
    • Add the following elements to the <head> section of index.html:
  • Add OpenZeppelin upgradeable contracts for truffle yarn add -D @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades (note when compiling or migrating, this will add a .openzeppelin directory to the project and this will be used to link ProxyAdmin and TransparentUpgradableProxy contracts with the Truffle contracts in client/src/contracts directory)
  • Use upgradeable contracts for OpenZeppelin Ownable by installing yarn add @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable and then truffle compile --all to make sure it extracts the upgradeable contracts that are implemented in the truffle contracts
  • Use CloudFlare Pages React application configuration. A few settings to point at the client directory, run yarn build, and use the custom domain of and it is all set.
  • Use OpenZeppelin test environment instead of truffle test as it is a lot faster and easier to understand. Add the dependencies to the project yarn add -D @openzeppelin/test-environment @openzeppelin/test-helpers mocha chai and add test-environment.config.js and set the build directory to client/src/contracts. Update package.json to include:
    "scripts": {
      "test": "mocha --exit --recursive"
    and then run truffle compile and then yarn test to run the tests. Each time you modify the contracts you will need to run truffle compile and then you can run yarn test to run the tests.

Adding contracts

  • yarn install to install dependencies
  • Add solidity file to ./contracts
  • Add deployProxy to ./migrations (uses OpenZeppelin deployProxy for upgrading contracts later, has additional expense of deploying ProxyAdmin and TransparentUpgradeableProxy contracts for each contract)
  • Create tests by adding solidity file and JS file to ./test
  • Run truffle test to make sure everything is working as expected
  • Compile and Deploy contracts as using truffle migrate (use --network <network> to deploy to a specific network)
  • Import contract into ./client/src/App.js (or other JS file in client/src)

Upgrading contracts

  • yarn install to install dependencies
  • Add solidity file to ./contracts with suffix designation of next version (e.g. V2 or V3)
  • Add upgradeProxy to ./migrations (uses OpenZeppelin upgradeProxy and new contract version)
  • Update tests associated with contract JS file in ./test
  • Run truffle compile to create new contract artifacts
  • Run yarn test to make sure everything is working as expected
  • Compile and Deploy contracts as using truffle migrate (use --network <network> to deploy to a specific network)
  • Update ./client/src/App.js to import new contract version

Testing this DApp on Molereum network

  • Make sure you have a crypto wallet setup on your local machine, with an account on the Molereum network, and a MOLE balance large enough to pay for the gas cost of the migration (recommend using Brave browser Crypto Wallets or MetaMask extension)
  • Create .env file from .env.template
  • Export private key of your Molereum account from your wallet and add it into .env.local
  • Migrate contracts to the network truffle migrate --network molereum
  • Start client yarn start

Recommended reading

Development TODO

  • Set a base price for up to 13 characters and add a price per character for each additional character
  • Maybe add price paid for the word to the transaction history section of the client
  • Add more client tests


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