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Releases: Jays2Kings/DS4Windows

Version 1.4.269

01 Aug 21:28
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Version 1.4.269
Fixed trying to edit actions with Xbox Game DVR
Fixed Hide DS4 crashing DS4Windows on 64-bit machines

Version 1.4.267

31 Jul 04:03
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Version 1.4.267
Fixes for adding programs to auto profiles

Version 1.4.266
Flash Lightbar when at high latency now has the option to choose what you decide is high latency
Show Notifications now has the option to only show warnings, such as when a controller cannot be grabbed exclusively
Speaking of bad news for Windows 10 users: Hide DS4 has now been disabled, until i can figure out why this is, it will be disabled, this means some games that rely on this may not work properly or at all, sorry about that
As for good news for Windows 10, did you know you can press Windows + G to open a game bar which can record games. For Windows 10 users, there's a new special action: Xbox Game DVR. Pick a trigger (only one button) and tapping/holding/or double tapping does various things, such as start/stop recording, save an ongoing recording, take a screenshot (via the xbox app's option or your own hotkey ie form steam), or just open the gamebar
Much of the code has been updated with c# 6.0
Added manifest so DS4Windows can notice Windows 10 and high DPIs, also reorganized files

Version 1.4.261

02 Jun 00:01
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Fixed mouse movement by touchpad not working

Version 1.4.26

01 Jun 19:08
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Updated German translation
Added Turkish translation (Thanks Lütfi)
When the battery is low and the controller is disconnected, The notification tell you to charge the controller, this notification also now shows the controller number instead of the mac address
While Double tapping to drag or left clicking the touchpad, you can use a second finger to drag the mouse cursor (ala Mac touchpads)
In Auto Profiles, you can now add a directory/folder of programs

Version 1.4.245

15 Mar 18:20
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Fix settings tab text being blank after clicking controller/driver setup
Check if .Net 4.5 or higher is installed at the start.
Fix crash with certain macro
Option to disable flashing light when controller latency is over 10ms
Special Action Program: Added Arguments/Command Line and hold trigger for x seconds to launch program
Bug fixes

Version 1.4.25

21 Apr 19:07
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Added inverted deadzones to Left and Right Sticks, set the values to negative and pushing the stick past the red in the controller readout will make sure the output doesn't pass the set limit
Fixed bug when trying to invert left and right stick with Shift modifier
Fixed "Fall back to" text in shift modifier
Added Romanian Translation (Thanks Vlad Giurgiu and Anonim)
Updated German (added thanks to Jan-Stefan Janetzky & An Op Turk[DedSec]), Russian, and French translations

Version 1.4.241

13 Feb 20:22
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Fixed being unable to switch profiles when using certain language packs
Removed not yet implemented controls in options
Updated Italian Translation

Version 1.4.24

12 Feb 19:39
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New Special Action: Check Battery life, choose to see the battery via a notification or via the lightbar with a gradient of your choice
Sixaxis tilting added to special action triggers
Added Special macros to be used by pressing the Load Presets button, selecting Cycle Programs allows you to hold the button to cycle through open programs, and edit the wait time to choose how long you hold the button down to go to the next program
Can now add additional recordings between macros, click in the list where you want to add
Can now delete actions in the macro by pressing delete
Fixed color by battery being inverted
Fixed bluetooth light being completely off when stopping/exiting DS4Windows
Updated translation sheets (new items highlighted in 3rd column in green for easier finding)

Version 1.4.23

08 Feb 21:53
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Version 1.4.23
Extended range needed for touchpad swipes actions to register
UI adjustments in profile settings, such as a color box for flashing color, alignment adjustments, and the Sixaxis reading dot staying in bounds of the box
Recording a macro for special actions now open up in a new window, allowing for ctrl+tab to be used
When controller's latency passes 10ms, the log will show and the controller will flash red until the latency is under 10ms
Hovering over the mac address shows the latency of said controller, if it's connected via bluetooth
Option to choose when at low battery for the light to flash or pulse
Much cleaner/neater hotkeys/about window
Option to download language packs if your PC is not set to an english language
Finished Italian Translations (Thanks again Giulio)
Finished German Translations (Thanks Ammonjak)
Updated Italian & Russian Translations
Reorganized the the code so all cs files are under the same project
DS4Updater 1.1.23
Support to skip downloading a language pack

Version 1.4.222

17 Jan 20:20
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Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members: KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is opened
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab crashing DS4W
DS4Updater 1.1.22
Use of .ds4w files to tell what changes need to happen in DS4Windows, when updating the updater will delete old files