# confirm if your flutter SDK is set up correctly and compatible with other platforms, devices and IDE.
`flutter doctor` or `flutter doctor -v`
# create a new flutter project from terminal
`flutter create NAME_OF_APP`
# create a new flutter project and replace the default package name flutter gives you com.example.myappname
`flutter create –org com.mywebsite NAME_OF_APP`
# set a specific language for the Android app and iOS; here we use Java for Android and objective-C for iOS
`flutter create --org=com.mywebsite --android-language=java --ios-language=objc NAME_OF_APP`
# mistakenly deleted a file, create it with its boilerplate codes. This will replace all missing files without creating everything from scratch
`flutter create --no-overwrite --org=com.mywebsite.NAME_OF_APP`
# list all devices connected and supported by the Flutter SDK
`flutter devices`
# get current device id
`flutter --device-id`
# flutter help
`flutter -h`
# run a flutter app
`flutter run`
# to see more outputs while app is trying to build in debug mode
`flutter run -v `
# after making stateless change(changing font size, color, widget size, shape, etc)
`Hot Reload (r): tap small r while app is running`
# after you make changes to class instances or things that will affect app’s current state
`Hot Restart(R): tap big R while app is running`
# take a screenshot from the terminal:
`tap small (s) when running the app in debug mode`
# lost connecting while debugging, connect your app back via
`flutter attach -d <target-platform-name` or simply `flutter attach`
# show all available options while your app is running in debug mode:
`press small (h)`
# list flutter channels.
`flutter channel`
# switch to a flutter channel
`flutter channel CHANNEL_NAME`
# upgrade your Flutter SDK with Dart
`flutter upgrade`
# get current flutter version
`flutter --version`
# list, launch or create emulators
`flutter emulators`
# generate localizations for the Flutter project
`flutter gen-l10n PATH_TO_TRANSLATION_FILE`
# format a dart file
`flutter format PATH_TO_DART_FILE`
# run your tests packages
`flutter test PATH_TO_TEST_FILE`
# add a third party package
`flutter pub add NAME_OF_PACKAGE`
# download the third party package
`flutter pub get`
# remove every temporary files & folders
`flutter clean`
# build the APK file
`flutter build apk`
#Tip: speed up Flutter Development
use the third packages to suit your needs. Google first.