Okay, so imagine you have a friend who's really good at playing video games, and you want to play with them. However, they live in a different city, so you can't play together on the same console.
To solve this problem, you ask another friend who lives in the same city as you to be a middleman. You both connect to their console, and they connect to your other friend's console. That way, you can play together even though you're not physically in the same place.
Nginx reverse proxy works kind of like that middleman friend in the video game example. When you want to access a website, instead of connecting directly to the website, you connect to Nginx, which then connects to the website on your behalf. Nginx acts as a middleman or proxy between you and the website, handling all the traffic and requests.
This can be helpful in a lot of situations. For example, if the website you want to access is behind a firewall or only accessible from certain locations, Nginx can help you get around those restrictions. It can also help distribute traffic across multiple servers, so the website can handle more users at once without getting overwhelmed.
This project was created following this tutorial by DevGuyAnhaf on YouTube.