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IvonWei edited this page May 7, 2021 · 7 revisions


      host: <qbittorrent web path>
      port: 443
      use_ssl: yes
      username: <username>
      password: <password>
      server_state: <boolean|string> # 生成带 server_state 的唯一entry
      force_update: <boolean> #强制更新 做种时间,分享率,tracker状态, 可选参数 正在上传的:'uploading'、正在上传或下载的:'active'、全部:'all', 所有参数都会强制更新限速为1 B/s的种子


生成带 server_state 的唯一entry

当 server_state 为 真 时,title 为 'qBittorrent Server State'

为 string 时,title 为 string


      #  “flexget_connected”: Ture (附加属性,用于判断 flexget 是否可连接 qBittorrent)
      #  "alltime_dl": 67529305436235,
      #  "alltime_ul": 128593516966029,
      #  "average_time_queue": 663,
      #  "connection_status": "connected",
      #  "dht_nodes": 0,
      #  "dl_info_data": 3785088790745,
      #  "dl_info_speed": 6971053,
      #  "dl_rate_limit": 8388608,
      #  "free_space_on_disk": 43182977024,
      #  "global_ratio": "1.90",
      #  "queued_io_jobs": 0,
      #  "queueing": false,
      #  "read_cache_hits": "45.29",
      #  "read_cache_overload": "0",
      #  "refresh_interval": 1500,
      #  "total_buffers_size": 367558656,
      #  "total_peer_connections": 141,
      #  "total_queued_size": 0,
      #  "total_wasted_session": 6118864719,
      #  "up_info_data": 7115470683649,
      #  "up_info_speed": 12400847,
      #  "up_rate_limit": 10485760,
      #  "use_alt_speed_limits": false,
      #  "write_cache_overload": "0"


在qbittorrent:/api/v2/torrents/info 返回的属性前加了qbittorrent前缀

其中 added_on,completion_on,last_activity,seen_complete 原本是unix时间戳,为了方便计算时间差都转换成了datetime类型

Property Type Description
title string Torrent name
torrent_info_hash string Torrent hash
qbittorrent_added_on datetime Time when the torrent was added to the client
qbittorrent_completion_on datetime Time when the torrent completed
qbittorrent_last_activity datetime Last time when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
qbittorrent_seen_complete datetime Time when this torrent was last seen complete
qbittorrent_amount_left integer Amount of data left to download (bytes)
qbittorrent_auto_tmm bool Whether this torrent is managed by Automatic Torrent Management
qbittorrent_category string Category of the torrent
qbittorrent_completed integer Amount of transfer data completed (bytes)
qbittorrent_dl_limit integer Torrent download speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if ulimited.
qbittorrent_dlspeed integer Torrent download speed (bytes/s)
qbittorrent_downloaded integer Amount of data downloaded
qbittorrent_downloaded_session integer Amount of data downloaded this session
qbittorrent_eta integer Torrent ETA (seconds)
qbittorrent_f_l_piece_prio bool True if first last piece are prioritized
qbittorrent_force_start bool True if force start is enabled for this torrent
qbittorrent_magnet_uri string Magnet URI corresponding to this torrent
qbittorrent_max_ratio float Maximum share ratio until torrent is stopped from seeding/uploading
qbittorrent_max_seeding_time integer Maximum seeding time (seconds) until torrent is stopped from seeding
qbittorrent_name string Torrent name
qbittorrent_num_complete integer Number of seeds in the swarm
qbittorrent_num_incomplete integer Number of leechers in the swarm
qbittorrent_num_leechs integer Number of leechers connected to
qbittorrent_num_seeds integer Number of seeds connected to
qbittorrent_priority integer Torrent priority. Returns -1 if queuing is disabled or torrent is in seed mode
qbittorrent_progress float Torrent progress (percentage/100)
qbittorrent_ratio float Torrent share ratio. Max ratio value: 9999.
qbittorrent_ratio_limit float TODO (what is different from max_ratio?)
qbittorrent_save_path string Path where this torrent's data is stored
qbittorrent_seeding_time_limit integer TODO (what is different from max_seeding_time?)
qbittorrent_seq_dl bool True if sequential download is enabled
qbittorrent_size integer Total size (bytes) of files selected for download
qbittorrent_state string Torrent state. See table here below for the possible values
qbittorrent_super_seeding bool True if super seeding is enabled
qbittorrent_tags string Comma-concatenated tag list of the torrent
qbittorrent_time_active integer Total active time (seconds)
qbittorrent_total_size integer Total size (bytes) of all file in this torrent (including unselected ones)
qbittorrent_tracker string The first tracker with working status. (TODO: what is returned if no tracker is working?)
qbittorrent_up_limit integer Torrent upload speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if ulimited.
qbittorrent_uploaded integer Amount of data uploaded
qbittorrent_uploaded_session integer Amount of data uploaded this session
qbittorrent_upspeed integer Torrent upload speed (bytes/s)
qbittorrent_seeding_time integer Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds)
qbittorrent_share_ratio float Torrent share ratio

qbittorrent_state 可能返回的值:

Value Description
error Some error occurred, applies to paused torrents
missingFiles Torrent data files is missing
uploading Torrent is being seeded and data is being transferred
pausedUP Torrent is paused and has finished downloading
queuedUP Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for upload
stalledUP Torrent is being seeded, but no connection were made
checkingUP Torrent has finished downloading and is being checked
forcedUP Torrent is forced to uploading and ignore queue limit
allocating Torrent is allocating disk space for download
downloading Torrent is being downloaded and data is being transferred
metaDL Torrent has just started downloading and is fetching metadata
pausedDL Torrent is paused and has NOT finished downloading
queuedDL Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for download
stalledDL Torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made
checkingDL Same as checkingUP, but torrent has NOT finished downloading
forceDL Torrent is forced to downloading to ignore queue limit
checkingResumeData Checking resume data on qBt startup
moving Torrent is moving to another location
unknown Unknown status
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