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Technical Advisory Group Terms of Reference

Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 8 revisions

See also:

The following are two TAG Terms of Reference documents from the archived wiki, indicated by their last edit date - we are not sure which one is most current.

Last Updated Jan 2020

The Technical Advisory Group reports to the Board of Directors and provides recommendations regarding the architecture and evolution of Islandora (technical roadmap) to the Technical Lead, ensuring that the priorities of the Board of Directors and members are met. Recommendations by this committee are non-binding but should represent the will of key project stakeholders.

Activities include:

  • Remaining abreast of trends in community development and their implications for the larger code base.
  • Researching and advising on architectural decisions.
  • Advising on development and deprecation timelines for major versions.
  • Recommending priorities for community sprints.
  • At the request of the Committers, providing guidance about specific development issues.
  • Liaising with the Islandora community to clarify optimal development goals and general needs.
  • Providing guidance and support to the Technical Lead for making decisions and setting priorities.
  • Presenting recommendations to the Board of Directors and/or Coordinating Committee regarding things such as:
  • Licensing issues
  • Spending of money (such as to hire contractors or pay for development tools)
  • Suggesting new nominees at lower levels of membership for the TAG
  • Acceptance of new modules into the code base
  • Organizing meetings and communicating regularly with stakeholders.

Meetings of the TAG will be limited to members, but agendas will be published ahead of time with a request for suggested items from the community, and notes will be published after each meeting.


The Technical Advisory Group is nominated and elected by the Board of Directors from eligible member institutions (Partners, Collaborators, and Members) to terms of up to two years. If a member’s institution becomes ineligible (terminates membership) or a member of the TAG leaves their institution, the member will leave the TAG at the end of the month in which the member becomes ineligible.

The TAG will not exceed eight members. Representatives on the TAG should at least include, if possible:

  • An Islandora 7.x Committer
  • An Islandora 8 Committer
  • Representatives from two different service providers
  • Representatives from two different university libraries

Relationship to Board of Directors, Islandora Coordinating Committee, and Islandora Committers

Board of Directors

The TAG reports to the Islandora Foundation Board of Directors.

Islandora Coordinating Committee (Formerly Roadmap Committee)

Where its recommendations may impact on matters of policy or community operations, the TAG may consult with the Islandora Coordinating Committee to make joint recommendations to the Board of Directors. The TAG may also make recommendations about modules being accepted under the Islandora Licensed Software Acceptance Procedure.

Islandora Committers

The TAG may consult with Islandora Committers about development goals and other technical requirements. Islandora Committers can also refer issues to the TAG as appropriate.

Last Updated Aug 2020

The Technical Advisory Group reports to the Board of Directors and provides recommendations regarding the architecture and evolution of Islandora (technical roadmap) to the Technical Lead, ensuring that the priorities of the Board of Directors and members are met. Recommendations by this committee are non-binding but should represent the will of key project stakeholders.

Activities include:

  • Remaining abreast of trends in community development and their implications for the larger code base.
  • Researching and advising on architectural decisions.
  • Advising on development and deprecation timelines for major versions.
  • Recommending priorities for community sprints.
  • At the request of the Committers, providing guidance about specific development issues.
  • Liaising with the Islandora community to clarify optimal development goals and general needs.
  • Providing guidance and support to the Technical Lead for making decisions and setting priorities.
  • Presenting recommendations to the Board of Directors and/or Coordinating Committee regarding things such as:
    • Licensing issues
    • Spending of money (such as to hire contractors or pay for development tools)
    • Suggesting new nominees at lower levels of membership for the TAG
    • Acceptance of new modules into the code base
    • Communicating and meeting with the Board of Directors as necessary

Meetings of the TAG will be limited to members, but agendas will be published ahead of time with a request for suggested items from the community, and notes will be published after each meeting.


The Technical Advisory Group is nominated and elected by the Board of Directors from eligible member institutions (Partners, Collaborators, and Members) to terms of up to two years. If a member’s institution becomes ineligible (terminates membership) or a member of the TAG leaves their institution, the member will leave the TAG at the end of the month in which the member becomes ineligible.

The TAG will not exceed eight members. Representatives on the TAG should at least include, if possible:

  • An Islandora 7.x Committer
  • An Islandora 8 Committer
  • Representatives from two different service providers
  • Representatives from two different university libraries

Relationship to Board of Directors, Islandora Coordinating Committee, and Islandora Committers

Board of Directors

The TAG reports to the Islandora Foundation Board of Directors.

Islandora Coordinating Committee (Formerly Roadmap Committee)

Where its recommendations may impact on matters of policy or community operations, the TAG may consult with the Islandora Coordinating Committee to make joint recommendations to the Board of Directors. The TAG may also make recommendations about modules being accepted under the Islandora Licensed Software Acceptance Procedure.

Islandora Committers

The TAG may consult with Islandora Committers about development goals and other technical requirements. Islandora Committers can also refer issues to the TAG as appropriate.

Current Members

  • Bryan Brown (Florida State University)
  • Joanna DiPasquale (Union College, ICG)
  • Jonathan Green (LYRASIS)
  • Rosie Le Faive (University of Prince Edward Island)
  • Derek Merleaux (Born-Digital)
  • Bethany Seeger (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Seth Shaw (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
  • Jared Whiklo (University of Manitoba)

which one of these is your current terms of reference? This one? or this one

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