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ICC:February 10, 2023

Alistair edited this page Feb 10, 2023 Β· 18 revisions


  • Amy Blau, Chair
  • Drew Heles
  • Mirko Hanke
  • Sarah Goldstein
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Rosie Le Faivre
  • Alistair Morrison
  • Ian Song

Agenda & Notes

  • Interest Group and Code of Conduct Committee Updates Amy contacted Documentation Interest Group (DIG) and Metadata Interest Group (MIG) about what support they need from ICC. Once the Starter Site is more complete they may want more support. Institutional Repository group Feb 16th will be discussing working with vendors DGI and Born Digital, and coordinating with shared Islandora. Discussion of ways to keep better track of action items from all the committees and interest groups. Suggestions: Slack notifications? Wiki page list of links to initiatives, action items, and accomplishments.

  • Technical Advisory Group (TAG) update Last meeting discussed forward and backward compatibility. More planning has been done than is clear from the roadmap website. Vision definition should involve the community. Big initiatives like modularization especially need communication. Recent changes to structure: TAG is now a subset of commiters. Modules and components can now have maintainer, who must be commiters. When components or modules don't have a maintainer, the whole maintainer group manages and there is provision for dropping. Better communication and documentation would make it easier to join Islandora community, not having to attend meetings to learn about what is happening. Need examples of what Islandora is supposed to look like, but this challenging because goals/roadmap not worked out for all.

  • February 28 Open Meeting Planning.

  • Institutional Repo group update.

  • Call for topics to the community

  • Drupal Migrate as alternative to Workbench. Informal discussion about member experiences.

  • Updates on Starter Site and Modularization?

  • Documentation, Metadata Interest Groups updates?

  • Code of Conduct Committee update?

  • Site demos, e.g., Vassar?

  • Islandora Camp preview?

  • Planning for Feb 25 ICC/LG joint meeting. See Planning Document Meeting delayed to the 25th because of misunderstanding with LG. Challenges - communicating problems without being negative? It's not clear who is responsible for making big technical decisions. Is there an avenue for a constructive conversation? Could the ICC take on a role communicating to the larger community for leadership and developer community. Documenting the Roadmap. Need to communicate where the product is headed. Current roadmap does not layout strategic vision. Need a roadmap for the product not just plan for what we are going to work on next. Migration has had a big impact on community. What do we do to support institutions that are still on Islandora 7? e.g., provide a MODS transform from 7 to 8, document a basic migration path. ICC will propose areas we are ready to work on improving.

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Don)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Write up a couple pages on bullet points things ICC can work on for the Leadership Group. Amy to start it and share.

  • Notes for next meeting:

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