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September 28, 2016
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:
- Time: 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
- Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3570
- Participant Code: 304589#
- International numbers: Conference Call Information
- Web Access: https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wp-content/themes/responsive/flashphone/flash-phone.php
- IRC:
- Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
- Or point your IRC client to #islandora on irc.freenode.net
- Nick Ruest
- Melissa Anez
- Jared Whiklo 🚬
- Danny Lamb
- Ed Fugikawa
- Mark Cooper
- Marcus Barnes
- Kim Pham
- Natkeeran Ledchumykanthan
- Audrey Templeton
- Bryan Brown
- Fedora Import/Export
- Determine where json-ld repository should go?
- Move to Islandora-CLAW as a stand alone repo?
- Move to Islandora-CLAW/islandora as a sub-module?
- Something else?
- Documentation
- Does CLAW documentation need to be tied to a version number?
- Should we remove any 7.x-2.x documentation?
- Depending on the above, should we pull down future.islandora.ca?
- PCDM Community Call; October 6th
- ... (feel free to add agenda items)
Fedora Import/Export
Nick: Penn State Concentrate report that went out.
Phase 1 is complete, import and export is working... except a small bug with importing pair-tree nodes. Esme Cowles will be working on that soon.
Phase 2 planning started at Penn State. Sketched what the BagIt bags would look like for Meta-archive and AP Trust.
Adam Wead wrote a background job to start an export job from inside Creation Concerns (Hydra). This is something we could do later in Drupal, calling an asynchronous service (ie. Camel) and call the Export job.
Sprint for Phase 2 (December 5 - 16th)
Had a previous discussion (Sept. 7, 2016) but no decision. Talk it out, because Diego is away
Diego has created a standalone JSON-LD module and an Islandora module.
One thing Nick would like is to not have a tonne of separate modules in Drupal.org.
So should we make the JSON-LD a sub-module of the Islandora module or should it be a stand alone module?
Nick thinks it should be a sub-module for now. Bryan agrees.
Nat thinks json-ld is generic and useful to other projects. Jared agrees.
Actionable things are...it is not fully Islandora specific but also not fully generic.
Jared: If it starts out as a sub-module then it will more than likely stay as a sub-module. Perhaps we could have someone go through the module and look for better ways to generalize its use.
Nick: Project Director tuque applied, move it over. Fearful that someone looking at this module is a waste of time.
Danny: Tech lead hat, we have better uses of what very limited resources we have. If I need someone to do a little, then I need to do a lot beforehand. I would bring it over on its own, as its own module which forces us to think about it correctly as a separate module.
Drupal.org Sandbox : https://www.drupal.org/sandbox/islandora/1791628
Consensus to move the JSON-LD module to the Islandora-CLAW repo as a separate module and cross the Drupal.org bridge when we get there.
Nick has some thoughts about this and Robin Dean chimed in on the ticket. Kim has done a lot of work.
Do we need to have a full set of documentation for each release?
Danny: We need one for each release, if it is every 6 months or so. If its many small releases, then no. IMHO, it seems wasteful at a certain point to keep replicating the documentation.
Nick: If we're doing developer docs, those are released for each version. But user documentation, could be a single copy.
The reason it is in the repositories now is to force us to keep it up-to date.
Melissa: The 1.x documentation gets used by release version. So we might get some push-back from the community.
Danny: It seems easier for us and easier for users to cut a full version.
Readthedocs.org seems good, but might be a hosted service and we might need a separate repo. Need a Readthedocs account and it builds a site from there, and it is hosted on Readthedocs. It is free. You can tag different versions of your documentation.
Nick: "Read the Docs is funded by readers like you. Help keep the site alive and well by supporting us with a Gold Subscription. You can also make one-time donations on our sustainability page."
Melissa: if we end up using it, we could probably arrange a one-time donation as a show of thanks
Set-up a new repo to reduce the number of existing versions having documentation created.
Should we go through the documentation and remove all the 7.x-2.x references? Consensus: yes.
Should we keep up future.islandora.ca?
Danny/Nick: Ideally we should bring it down, but optically how are we looking?
Melissa: We haven't really promoted it, so it shouldn't be to big of a loss.
Any objections? Consensus: burn it with fire
Nick to create a ticket for somebody to go through the current CLAW documentation and remove anything 7.x-2.x related.
Danny: Pretty soon, once we have a versioned documentation process decided on. We should go through the release process and sort out the documentation process ahead of a full release.
Nick: We have very early (0.0.x) versions of some of the microservices and Alpaca is in Maven Central.
Second PCDM call will be happening on October 6
Anything else
Danny: I've add some things to the MVP document recently, I'm having some second thoughts about some parts of the document. Would be good to get some review on it. Then he will get it ready for the general public.
Use this as a jump off point toward much more focused sprints.
Appreciate all the review and comments.
Come along way but still a ways to go with Drupal 8, but there are still gaps in the workflow that need to be filled.
Doodle poll for sprint debrief call. http://doodle.com/poll/pdxskugrevz8x8qn
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