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Nick Ruest edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 13 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Nick Ruest
  • Amanda Lehman
  • John Yobb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Ed Fugikawa
  • Natkeeran Ledchumykanthan
  • Diego Pino
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Bryan Brown ⭐
  • Favenzio Calvo
  • Jennifer Eustis
  • Martin Dow
  • Danny Lamb
  • Jonathan Green
  • Kim Pham


  1. bryjbrown & Natkeeran: CLAW documentation
  1. ... (feel free to add agenda items)
  2. ajs6f: What's the grand scheme for the relationship between JSON-LD contexts (and framing), RDF vocabularies, Drupal bundles, and anything else I am forgetting? [KEEP THIS ITEM LAST]


  1. CLAW documentation
  • Bryan: CLAW for 1.x Users seems like exactly what I wanted, it just needs a bit more fleshing out. Fleshing out depends on other documentation being correct, how much of the documentation is still pre-pivot-to-Drupal-8?
  • Nick: Lots, probably. Let's review all the docs in the CLAW repo The MVP doc is the most accurate, all other docs should flow from this.
  • We should all try to do our part to modernize any out-of-date documentation, which is what CLAW issue 516 is calling for. Documentation updates should be submitted as PRs against the CLAW repo.
  1. While we wait for ajs6f to show up, does whikloj want to discuss issues he's had in the same vein?
  • Jared: I'm having difficulty understanding D8 entities, doesn't understand the entity model (entities that are attached to other entities?) and the relationship between the entities and their RDF.
  • Danny: Our immediate need to is to be able to get the D8 bundle from a JSON-LD context that gets passed in (and vice versa)
  • Jared: So there's one URL per context, you go to the URL and receive the context? RDF mapping seems tightly bound to the bundle, but very loosely bound elsewhere. What makes a match?
  • Danny: We're not trying to match necessarily, the bundle resolver should have a way of knowing the what bundle to use.
  • Jared: So the bundle resolver gets a bundle ID and maps it how?
  • Diego: You could get the same context with different bundles, you can't force a match.
  • Danny: The content of the context is irrelevant, 2 bundles could have the exact same fields, and they would create the same context. We still need arbitrary differentiation for it.
  • Diego: How will CLAW be able to tell what bundle a context should go with?
  • Jared: So the bundle resolver only resolves for contexts that already live in Drupal? Its not matching so much as telling you what a thing already is? Its just a lookup? This service should be within the same class as JSON-LD context generator (flip side of the same coin: generator <-> resolver)
  • Diego: The code is already pretty complex in trying to make everything as atomic as possible, it might be TOO complex to have them both in the same place?
  • Danny: It should be isomorphic
  • Diego: Adam should continue to explore framing in the future, frames could fill the gaps in contexts
  • Jared: Good to know that the info flowing around in Drupal is more concrete than I thought. Drupal 8 is still confusing re: how things fit together. So many services that are part of Drupal now. Everything extends everything else, so theres no canonical way to find out why things are the way they are.
  • Diego: I use PHPStorm to make sense of it all.
  • Danny: This. PHPStorm is helpful for figuring out what's going on in Drupal under the hood.
  • Jared: Nat, if you want to explore the stack you should get a good IDE for discovering all the stuff in Drupal.
  • Danny: Theres always going to be a learning curve. Time + patience + a good IDE is needed to get a handle on things.
  • Nick: Adam still not here, any other things to discuss? Meeting adjourned. [PCDM call tomorrow] (,-2017), but Nick and Danny won't be there.

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