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Recast Mascot


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Microservice that remaps Drupal URIs to add Fedora to Fedora links based on associated Drupal URIs in RDF.


Recast requires a functioning LDP server to provide RDF (like a Fedora repository).

  • Clone this repository.
  • Install composer. Install instructions here.
  • $ cd /path/to/Recast and run $ composer install
  • For production, configure your web server appropriately (e.g. add a VirtualHost for Recast in Apache)


Steps for upgrading Recast can be found in


Symfony uses .dotenv to set environment variables. You can check the .env in the root of the Recast directory. To alter any settings, create a file called .env.local to store your specific changes. You can also set an actual environment variable.

For production use make sure to set the add APP_ENV=prod environment variable.

There are various configurable parameters located in the /path/to/Recast/config/services.yaml.

    app.drupal_base_url: "http://localhost:8000"
    app.fedora_base_url: "http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest"
        acl: ""
        fedora: ""

app.fedora_base_url defines the base URL of your Fedora repository.

app.drupal_base_url define the base URL of your Drupal 8/9 instance.

app.namespaces is an array of prefix to URIs that can be used when rewriting the RDF.

You do NOT need to edit the fedora_base_url inside /path/to/Recast/config/packages/crayfish_commons.yaml as this re-uses the above setting. However in the same file you can point to the location of your syn-settings.xml. If you don't have a syn-settings.xml look at the Syn documentation.


To change your log settings, edit the /path/to/Recast/config/packages/monolog.yaml file.

You can also copy the file into one of the /path/to/Recast/config/packages/<environment> directories. Where <environment> is dev, test, or prod based on the APP_ENV variable (see above). The files in the specific environment directory will take precedence over those in the /path/to/Recast/config/packages directory.

The location specified in the configuration file for the log must be writable by the web server.

Enabling JWT authentication

There are instructions in the /path/to/Recast/config/packages/security.yaml file describing what to change and what lines to comment out to enable authentication.

We use the Lexik JWT Authentication Bundle for Symfony, more information here


Recast sets up a single endpoint, /recast/{action}, which accepts GET requests. The action can be one of:

  • add - add Fedora URIs along with the provided Drupal URIs
  • replace - replace Drupal URIs with the mapped Fedora URIs

By default the add action is assumed if no action is provided.

The Recast service looks to the Apix-Ldp-Resource header for the resource to map.

The Recast service will provide RDF in the format directed by the Accept header sent, or text/turtle if the Accept header is not provided or the system is unable to provide the requested format.

If requests are successful, they return the response from the Fedora server. If the Drupal entity cannot be requested, the error response from Drupal is returned. If there is an exception thrown during execution, a 500 response is returned with the exception's message.


This retrieves a representation of the specified Fedora entity with Drupal URIs remapped.

For example, a Drupal node that is a member of a collection would have a properties like:

<> <> <some Drupal node>

Here is the RDF returned from the Fedora repository

> curl -H"Authorization: Bearer islandora" -H"Accept: text/turtle" http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b

@prefix rdf:  <> .
@prefix fedora:  <> .
@prefix ldp:  <> .
@prefix dcterms:  <> .

        rdf:type                    fedora:Container ;
        rdf:type                    fedora:Resource ;
        rdf:type                    <> ;
        fedora:lastModifiedBy       "bypassAdmin" ;
        <>  "2019-03-22T19:23:29+00:00"^^<> ;
        <>  <http://localhost:8000/user/1?_format=jsonld> ;
        <>  "http://localhost:8000/node/2?_format=jsonld" ;
        <>  "2019-03-22T19:23:11+00:00"^^<> ;
        dcterms:extent              "1 item" ;
        fedora:createdBy            "bypassAdmin" ;
        fedora:lastModified         "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^<> ;
        fedora:created              "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^<> ;
        <>  <http://localhost:8000/node/1?_format=jsonld> ;
        dcterms:title               "A basic image"@en ;
        rdf:type                    ldp:RDFSource ;
        rdf:type                    ldp:Container .

In this case the memberOf triple is

<http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b> <>  <http://localhost:8000/node/1?_format=jsonld> ;

Add (default behaviour)

Passed through the Recast service (http://localhost:8000/recast in our example) we get:

> curl -H"Authorization: Bearer islandora" -H"Accept: text/turtle" -H"Apix-Ldp-Resource: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b" http://localhost:8000/recast/

@prefix fedora: <> .
@prefix pcdm: <> .
@prefix ldp: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .

  a fedora:Container, fedora:Resource, pcdm:Object, ldp:RDFSource, ldp:Container ;
  fedora:lastModifiedBy "bypassAdmin" ;
  schema:dateModified "2019-03-22T19:23:29+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  schema:author <http://localhost:8000/user/1?_format=jsonld> ;
  schema:sameAs "http://localhost:8000/node/2?_format=jsonld" ;
  schema:dateCreated "2019-03-22T19:23:11+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  dc:extent "1 item" ;
  fedora:createdBy "bypassAdmin" ;
  fedora:lastModified "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  fedora:created "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  pcdm:memberOf <http://localhost:8000/node/1?_format=jsonld>, <http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/c5/57/56/e8/c55756e8-8aac-4460-9699-e7c6efe0a89a> ;
  dc:title "A basic image"@en .

You'll notice that in this case the pcdm:memberOf has two objects. The original Drupal URI and the Fedora URI that maps to it.

<http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b> pcdm:memberOf <http://localhost:8000/node/1?_format=jsonld>, <http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/c5/57/56/e8/c55756e8-8aac-4460-9699-e7c6efe0a89a> ;

You can also explicitly specify the add action by using the Recast URI http://localhost:8000/recast/add


If you provide the replace action, the original Drupal URI will be removed for any URI that can be mapped.

> curl -H"Authorization: Bearer islandora" -H"Accept: text/turtle" -H"Apix-Ldp-Resource: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b" http://localhost:8000/recast/replace

@prefix fedora: <> .
@prefix pcdm: <> .
@prefix ldp: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .

  a fedora:Container, fedora:Resource, pcdm:Object, ldp:RDFSource, ldp:Container ;
  fedora:lastModifiedBy "bypassAdmin" ;
  schema:dateModified "2019-03-22T19:23:29+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  schema:author <http://localhost:8000/user/1?_format=jsonld> ;
  schema:sameAs "http://localhost:8000/node/2?_format=jsonld" ;
  schema:dateCreated "2019-03-22T19:23:11+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  dc:extent "1 item" ;
  fedora:createdBy "bypassAdmin" ;
  fedora:lastModified "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  fedora:created "2019-03-22T19:23:30.273Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  pcdm:memberOf <http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/c5/57/56/e8/c55756e8-8aac-4460-9699-e7c6efe0a89a> ;
  dc:title "A basic image"@en .

In this example the pcdm:memberOf triple only contains the Fedora URI

<http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/82/67/81/b2/826781b2-327d-47b2-9de0-18f85ccfa29b> pcdm:memberOf <http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/c5/57/56/e8/c55756e8-8aac-4460-9699-e7c6efe0a89a>


  1. schema:author <http://localhost:8000/user/1?_format=jsonld> ; is not changed because we have no mapping for this URI.
  2. schema:sameAs "http://localhost:8000/node/2?_format=jsonld" ; is not changed because it is a string and not a URI.


Current maintainers:


If you would like to contribute, please get involved by attending our weekly Tech Call. We love to hear from you!

If you would like to contribute code to the project, you need to be covered by an Islandora Foundation Contributor License Agreement or Corporate Contributor License Agreement. Please see the Contributors pages on for more information.
